Diet and Nutrition

Is Resveratrol Really Reversing the Aging Process?

What is Resveratrol?
red grapesResveratrol is a natural compound found in the skin of grapes (therefore, also in red wine) that is claimed to drastically reduce aging related illnesses, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. The claim behind this is that you will live longer and live a healthier life.  Dr. Oz discussed taking resveratrol in supplement form on Oprah raving about how he takes it and how pleased he is with it. This supplement is supposed to make you healthier while helping you lose weight and prolong your life. This supplement is supposedly able to counter the multiple negative effects of a high fat diet.

There are now many resveratrol supplements on the market that contain a very high concentration of resveratrol.  In fact, to receive the amount of resveratrol in these supplements you would have to drink 1,000 bottles of wine a day, which obviously would not be recommended. (more…)

We Love Luna Cookies

This week, we love LUNA Cookies. What is not to love about a moist, chewy, whole-grain snack that packs all of the yumminess of a soft-baked cookie with nutritious ingredients like flax seeds, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, folic acid and Vitamin B12 in each sweet bite?

Photo courtesy of LUNA Bar

LUNA Cookies come in three flavors. (via LUNA Bar)

The makers of LUNA Bar have created this new line of cookies and good-for-you treats in addition to their 14 flavors of LUNA Bars (Caramel Nut Brownie is a favorite flavor of ours). The cookies currently come in three flavors: Chocolate Mint, Berry Pomegranate and Peanut Butter Chocolate. Each dense and generously-sized cookie contains 130-150 calories, 2.5-6 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein. Pour a small glass of cold skim or soy milk and savor a bit of cookie heaven. (more…)

Are You Already Closer to Your Goal Than You Think?

weight-loss-goalsSolution-focused therapy encourages forward progression in several ways, one of which is to look for past successes (and exceptions to the problem) and build off of those. In goal setting and achievement I encourage my clients to consider the smallest change they can make immediately, as well as the very first, smallest sign of progress they will notice. We are most likely to achieve and maintain large goals in small steps, undertaking one at a time, rather than trying to create an entirely new life or way of being over night.

In general people do not pay enough attention to how successful and powerful they actually are already. Preparing a healthy lunch rather than stopping at Taco Bell just one day is a major change for that day. A smaller change would be to go to the same eating establishment, but order lighter fare instead of the usual. (more…)

Soda May Cause Muscle Paralysis

sodaPopeye had spinach to make his muscles pop. Inversely, pop (soda) may actually make our muscles weaker.

Doctors are warning that cola drinks, when consumed in excess, deplete the body of potassium, which can lead to weakness, and much worse – muscle paralysis.

Dr. Moses Elisaf of the University of Ioannina in Greece authored the research paper that’s come to these conclusions. He says that the hypokalaemia (potassium deficiency) can be caused by excessive consumption of glucose, fructose and caffeine, common ingredients in cola drinks. (more…)

Five Reasons to Consider a Low-Carb Diet

Guest Blogger Jamie VanEaton is a freelance writer making lunch–not war– when she’s not herding children, corralling pets or raising dust bunnies. You can also read her blog, The Lighter Side of Low-Carb.


You may have thought it was all about meat. And bacon. And butter.
Fear not. Low-carb (and lower-carb) lifestyles are as healthy as the attitudes of those following them, and for many results in weight loss and feelings of better health, lack of brain fog and other nagging symptoms.

Here are five reasons to consider checking out a low-carb diet plan: (more…)

Omega-3 May Keep You From Going Blind

There’s further reason to avoid trans fats, and get an ample amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Your eyesight.eye exam chart

New research from two teams in Australia shows that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of developing a retina-destroying condition known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). On the flip side, researchers found that those who ate the most trans fats were almost twice as likely to develop AMD.

The findings aren’t new. In fact, experts have known about the eyesight/omega-3 connection for about a decade. But the latest study helps reaffirm earlier evidence. (more…)

5 Ways to Recover Your Diet after a Holiday

So you promised yourself that you would limit yourself to just one hot dog, two bites of potato salad and one small slice of cherry pie during a Memorial Day barbeque. Or maybe you made a pact with yourself to focus on the turkey and vegetables, but spent more time hovering over grandma’s pies. Now you’re wondering how will you ever undue some of the damage you just devoured. memorial day picnic

Not to worry! Even though you’ve been hard at work preparing for bikini season or to reach a year-end weight loss goal, we have five surefire ways to get you right back on track with your healthy living plans.

1) Don’t Starve: Resist the temptation to fast the day following your holiday binge. You run the risk of sending your metabolism on a roller coaster ride and you also set yourself up for another gorge fest. Instead, opt for reducing the amount of calories and portions of food while increasing the frequency of when you eat. Aim for five small meals a day at about 200 – 300 calories each. (more…)

Your Diet Can Cause Cancer

Martin Wiseman, an English health expert and adviser for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), says that there are a significant amount of cancer incidents that could be preventable if people watch their weight.obesity

Wiseman claims that if everyone had a BMI (Body Mass Index) under 25, it would make a significant difference in the cases of new cancer. Those cancers linked to obesity include breast, bowel, kidney, pancreas, esophagus, and womb lining.

Scientists estimate that someone at the top of the healthy weight range, which is between 18.5 and 25, is 15 percent more likely to develop bowel cancer than someone at the bottom. (more…)

6 Tips to Get Realistic with Your Weight Loss Goal

woman-on-scaleIt’s not the occasional dessert or extra helpings that cause you to fail at your weight loss goal, it’s the unrealistic expectations that you put on yourself that make you fail.  Too often, people try the latest and not so greatest diet in efforts to drop weight fast.  Think about it this way, if all these diets work then why are there so many of them around and why are the new ones evolving on a weekly basis?  Our society is obsessed with having a quick fix.  We all want something that will make the pounds drop in a few weeks, which is super unhealthy, so whatever diet is being publicized then that’s what we try.  (more…)

The Power of Sweet and Sour Thoughts

lemonsImagine that you are in the produce department of your local grocery store. In the citrus section, I want you to pick up and examine several lemons until you find the freshest, juiciest one to take home with you. At home, find a clean knife and cutting board and cut a large wedge into your lemon, while the juice runs down your fingers. Now imagine yourself biting into the juicy flesh of your lemon, catching the juice in your mouth and tasting its citric sourness. I can nearly guarantee that you are salivating more now then before you started reading this blog. (more…)

Interview with Dr. Nancy Snyderman, author of Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat

Dr. Nancy Snyderman is the NBC News chief medical editor as well as the author of the recently released “Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat: And the 101 Truths That Will Save Your Waistline and Maybe Even Your Life.” This comprehensive and incredibly formative read provides clear, scientifically-proven, and practical advice that can lead you to a healthier and happier life.


We had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Snyderman about her book as well as her own diet and weight struggles. Here is what this medical expert, mother, journalist, and author had to say about what it takes for us to be truly  healthy.

In your book, you coined yourself a professional dieter, in addition to all of the professional and personal roles that you undertake. What inspired you to write, Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat?

First off, I am every woman. I am every female who has ever struggled with her weight and who probably still has those extra few pounds to lose. (more…)