Diet and Nutrition

The Most Important Step to Successful Weight Loss

food journalMore important than picking the diet plan you ultimately decide to follow, more important than adding exercise, more important than knowing your real weight – as opposed to the number you optimistically assign to your driver’s license – there is one step that you need to take before you can ever succeed at true and lasting weight loss. You have to realistically know how much you are eating.  Not the guesstimate, not the fantasy in your mind, but the actual cold, hard truth. (more…)

Cheerios Makes Faulty Health Claims

Packaged foods can present misleading health claims, cleverly tip-toeing around the laws that govern them. But sometimes, the FDA will say enough is enough.cheerios

Cheerios, the long-time favorite breakfast cereal, is making a claim that the FDA just can’t let fall through the cracks. The agency sent a warning letter to General Mills, telling them that they can’t label Cheerios as a treatment for high cholesterol and heart disease.

The FDA points to language on the Cheerios label: (more…)

10 Tips for Being Heart Healthy

heart-healthy-foods1. Lose that extra weight. Lightening up and shedding a few pounds will make it easier for your heart and on you!

2. Watch out for fat.  Learn to be “fat-savvy.”  You want to eat little to no cholesterol, saturated, and trans fat.  Choose lean meats and low-fat or non-fat dairy to help cut these numbers down.

3. Watch out for salt. Look for reduced-salt and no-salt added products and try your food before you add extra salt.


Chew Food More, Lose Weight

Here’s some interesting news to chew on…almonds

A recent study examined how the number of times you chew your food relates to satisfying your hunger. What they found was intriguing. Forty chews was the magic number.

When people in the study ate a small serving of almonds, 40 chews satisfied hunger better than 10. And even when they looked at people taking 25 chews with almonds, it wasn’t as effective. On top of the benefit of feeling full, the magic number of 40 chews also made the subjects feel full longer than the lower counts. (more…)

The Pros and Cons of Going Organic

One of the hottest buzz words in food right now is “organic.” I want to help you better understand what these foods are, what you stand to gain from them and a few of the negatives.usda organic

What is organic?
In order for a food to be labeled organic it needs to be grown and processed without using any genetic engineering procedures, or without any synthetic/artificial fertilizers (must use real fertilizers).  Organic foods are grown without the use of all “-cides”, meaning no pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides.  Also, the food must be grown or processed without antibiotics, preservatives, chemicals, or use of radiation.  In short, the food was produced and processed in the most natural way and delivered to consumers in the purest form without any chemical tainting. To be certified organic a product must bare the USDA certification of 100% organic.  This seal means the farm has been evaluated and tested by a set standard of practice and is certified after passing. (more…)

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for an on-the-go Lifestyle

breakfast cerealAnd, if so, how in the world can you fit it into your incredibly hectic schedule?

Studies have proven that those who eat breakfast routinely are less likely to be overweight, less likely to binge during the remainder of the day, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. (I’m kidding – I made that last part up. It’d be great if it was true, though – just think of how quickly you could make it to work every day!) You know that you SHOULD eat breakfast – you’ve read the reports, seen the information, and believe in it. But what can you eat in the two minutes you have between carpools and kids, briefcases and hair brushing? Try one of these ideas the next time you have to choose between breakfast and tardiness. (more…)

Time Spent Eating Helps Determine Weight

I’m not very good with charts. It’s one of the reasons that, when I got to calculus in college, I changed my coursework from Architecture to English. But even I can understand what this chart amounts to:

obesitychart (more…)

When Eating Limitations Affect the Whole Family

DietsInReview Guest Blogger Jean is a work-at-home mom to three boys, ages 3, 5, and 7. She spends a lot of her time finding creative ways to parent and teach them, especially her 5-year-old, who has autism. Jean writes as Stimey on her personal blog, Stimeyland. There she writes about her kids, her work, autism, and her own struggle to find a healthy way of being.

Guest Blogger: Jean Stimey

Moms are always talking about how hard it is to lose weight when they have kids. And I agree. I find it incredibly difficult to cook a healthy dinner that my whole family will eat. Two of my kids are decent eaters, but Jack, my autistic son, is not.

I can count on one hand the number of times he’s eaten vegetables in the past four years and still have enough fingers left over to count the number of times he’s eaten fruit. He won’t eat meat unless it is in lunch meat or chicken nugget form, and strongly prefers only cheese, bread, and french fries. Those foods, last I checked, do not pave the way to weight loss. (more…)

Is Pepsi Throwback Healthier?

throwback-pepsiWhat is Throwback Natural Pepsi?
This product was first launched in the UK in which Pepsi marketed and introduced “Pepsi Raw.”  This Pepsi Raw is a “corn syrup free, all natural soda.”  Pepsi Raw has been transformed in the U.S. as the new throwback natural sugar Pepsi.

Throwback Natural Pepsi is marketed as a premium soda made with sugar, natural caramel and kola nut extract in place of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) compared to the traditional Pepsi, which contains HFCS, artificial coloring, phosphoric acid, caffeine citric acid and natural flavors.  Pepsi is calling it natural due to it being made with sugar rather than the controversial HFCS that’s seen in so many products these days.  This new Pepsi is supposedly paler in color and less fizzy than other cola products. (more…)

Beat High Blood Pressure with Beets

beetsThere’s a running joke in my family about my distaste for beets. It all started when, as a kid, my grandmother would whip out her canned beets, and I would turn up my nose. Granted, the source of the joke was from my adolescent years, and I’ve lightened up a little on the gag reflex (I don’t mind shredded beets on a salad), but that doesn’t stop the ribbing from my family members.

Even though beets don’t repulse me like they did as a child, I don’t think the following new research on its health benefits will change me that much, even if it’s good for me:

A new study has found that a serving of beet juice helps lower blood pressure in healthy people. While further confirmation is needed and the study was small, the initial results are promising. (more…)

Top 10 Ways to Make Mom Healthy and Happy on Mother’s Day

mother-and-daughterAnd, really, every day, because who doesn’t want a healthy, happy mom?

  1. New fitness shoes. Whether she’s a walker, runner, or cross trainer, Mom could probably use a fresh new set of shoes. Don’t forget to add in a pair of socks!
  2. A pedometer. A basic “count the steps” model or a no holds barred GPS tracker, help mom keep her fitness moving in the right direction.
  3. A new exercise DVD. Help her get her groove on with some fresh new moves. (more…)