Diet and Nutrition

Reduce Stress to Recover Clear Thoughts

As I ventured out on my long run today, I tuned my iPod to the world music genre with the intention of finding the next song I would choreograph for my dance classes. Although I was not very inspired by the task at hand, I did seem to be solving other problems without conscious attention to them. female runner

This weekend, I was helping a friend brainstorm a new business venture, including concept details, logistics, name, and branding. Although we tossed around a lot of ideas and developed a pretty solid plan of what he wants to achieve, we were never quite satisfied with the naming/branding aspect. When I got back from my run, I was able to email him three new name ideas and a picture on which he could base a logo. He may reject them entirely, but I think it is a great illustration of how our brains work. (more…)

We Love Healthy Cookbooks

healthy cookbooksThis week, we here at DietsInReview LOVE Healthy Cookbooks. New to is a feature called “Healthy Cookbooks” under our Popular Topics tab. While healthy cookbooks are all over bookstores these days, we’ve skimmed the bookshelves and online retailers to bring you what we feel are the yummiest, most creative and of course, healthiest cookbooks ever.

A few that have made our list include the Hungry Girl cookbook and Eat, Shrink and Be Merry. We also love the 1,500 Calorie per Day cookbook, and the newly released Gordon Ramsay’s Health Appetite. Continue to check out this section as we add more healthy guides to keeping your stomach satisfied and trim. (more…)

Dr. Oz Suggests Calorie Restriction Prolongs Life

dr. oz and oprah

Dr. Oz explains to Oprah how a calorie-restricted diet could be key to anti-aging. (via

Recently on Oprah, medical guru Dr. Oz discussed the benefits of purposefully restricting your daily caloric intake in order to add more years to your life. A calorie-restricted diet also lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and body fat, all of which, when they are high, are linked to a host of diseases. In fact, Dr. Oz says calorie restriction is the number one way doctors say we can extend longevity.

“The data that we have in rodents and some larger animals now indicate you can probably extend your life expectancy by up to 50 percent potentially from doing this,” says Dr. Oz.

So exactly what is calorie restriction? On a calorically-restricted diet you are reducing the amount of your daily calories by 20 to 25 percent, by consuming foods that are nutritious, low in calories and unprocessed. Tons of fruit, vegetables and moderate amounts of protein with small amounts of fat comprise the basic features of the calorie restriction way of eating; while sugar, processed foods, most saturated fats, flours and some grains are avoided. (more…)

Understanding the Food Exchange List

Following the Food Exchange guidelines can help a diabetic manage a healthy diet.

The food exchange lists were developed in the 1950s by the American Dietetic Association, American Diabetes Association, and the U.S. Public Health Service in attempt to simplify the strict and complicated diabetic diet. The idea behind the exchange lists was to provide an educational tool to diabetics and to help provide structure in meal planning. The key to controlling diabetes is to control your blood sugar/blood glucose level. This system does a great job of outlining what you can do to help yourself to control your blood sugar.

A major downfall to this system is cracking down the complexity in order to implement it into your daily life. Therefore, it’s recommended for individuals to meet with a Registered Dietitian (a certified diabetes educator is ideal) in order to fully grasp this diet and help individualize it to your life and needs. The dietitian will recommend a certain number of daily exchanges from each food group based on your individual needs. You and the dietitian will work together to decide the best way to utilize the exchanges in order to control your blood sugar within your target range. (more…)

Vegetarian for a Week Recipe Challenge

My husband recently challenged me to go vegetarian for a week. I laughed when he suggested our breakfasts, lunches and dinners be sans meat for seven days. Then I thought about it, and decided it could be a fun way to sort of “cleanse” for Spring, and create an interesting dietary and culinary challenge for myself. (more…)

Soup: The Perfect Food for a Recession

With the economic downturn weighing down upon our collective consciousness, many of us are tightening our budgets at least until the storm blows over. Believe it or not, there is a silver lining. That is, you can find new and cheaper ways to prepare meals, and still do it on a tighter budget.

There are many ways you can stay frugal and healthy at the same time. One effective way is to make soups. I think soups (homemade, anyway) are the forgotten weight management tool. There’s a reason soup kitchens are used to feed the poor, and just generally associated with rough times – soups are economical to make, and in large quantities! (more…)

Health Benefits of Chewing Gum

man chewing gumAccording to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), chewing sugar-free gum can help not only prevent tooth decay and freshen breath, but research is showing that it may be used as a tool to help manage weight, increase focus, alertness and concentration, and help relieve life’s everyday stresses.

Help Manage Your Weight

  • At only 5-10 calories per serving, chewing gum can be a great alternative to avoid unnecessary snacking and to help reduce calorie intake.
  • Chewing gum can serve as a great alternative to a high calorie snack. Chewing two sticks of gum gives you 20 calories versus munching on two chocolate chip cookies that total 140 calories. Meaning you save yourself 120 calories!
  • Using the food exchange list, chewing gum counts as a free food (meaning you can eat as much that you want of it). (more…)

The Biggest Loser Complete Calorie Counter

Keeping track of the calories you consume is a major part of losing weight and staying fit. The Biggest Loser: Complete Calorie Counter offers information on thousands of foods found in your kitchen, favorite restaurants and grocery stores. In addition to counting calories, based off serving size this book offers information such as sodium, fat, fiber, carbohydrate, protein and saturated fat content.


Sweet Benefits of Healthy Snacking

Joining us in March as the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month is California Raisins. They’ve got a team of nutrition professionals who want to ensure all of us are living as healthy as possible, providing information about healthy, natural snacks.

Eating right is important not only during meals, but at snack time, too. Wise snacking delivers important nutrients throughout the day to maintain energy and help prevent overeating during mealtime.

But, when hunger hits, you don’t want to wind up empty-handed — planning is key. Keep snack-sized portions of healthy foods on hand at all times. Goodies such as low-fat, whole-grain crackers, nuts and dried fruits, such as California Raisins, are ideal. Put them in your lunch box or keep them in your desk drawer, gym bag or briefcase so you always have a healthy snack at the ready. California Raisins are an ideal source of all-natural energy and perfect for on-the-go snacking. Also, just one-quarter cup of raisins provides one fruit serving. (more…)

7 Mental Health Reasons to Run

Mini participants running through downtown Indianapolis

Mini-marathon participants running through downtown Indianapolis.

In just under seven weeks, I will be running the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon for the second time. Part of the events leading up to the Indianapolis 500 each year, the Mini-Marathon is the largest half-marathon and the fifth largest running event in the United States. It is a major event for Indianapolis, including participants from all over the world, across age brackets, and of all speeds. I have fast new shoes and I am running more days than I’m not. I obviously have running on the brain. We write about the health benefits of running frequently, but there are several mental health benefits also.

1. Run when you are feeling angry or frustrated to burn off the extra energy. Research has shown that nothing relieves stress more than physical exercise.

2. Running increases endorphins which contributes to a general sense of well-being and mood elevation, so running can make you feel better when you are sad. (more…)

A Do-It-Yourself Detox for Spring

With spring knocking ever so gently on our weather-proofed windows, it is that time to get ready for longer days, sunnier skies and more time spent outdoors. According to older systems of holistic healing like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, spring is a call to do a clean sweep of our bodies and diets. The stagnant air of winter in combination with the lack of sunshine, exercise and too much time spent on the couch hibernating indoors has made us feel a little sluggish and perhaps even weightier, if you are one of the millions of Americans who puts on a minimum of one pound during November to March.

woman in bath

While detox products and cleansing programs line supplement shelves, you can do your own detox program at home without investing in fancy or expensive products or tonics. Yahoo Health recently posted a 5-step DIY detox regimen that includes a diet and herbal supplement regimen. The routine, which was created by Dr. Mao from the Tao of Wellness, is meant to spring clean your body and get it ready for the bright days of this celebrated season. (more…)