Diet and Nutrition

Economy Puts Pinch on Healthy Eating

There are many extravagances that are shoved aside during economic downturns. But one essential is being ignored as well – good nutrition. A new report by a consumer watchdog found that 24 percent of adults in the UK say that eating healthy is less of a priority in the current economic crisis. Oddly, 76 percent of the people polled think that the government needs to take action to make healthier choices easier.economy

The group called Which? also found one positive side effect of the forced penny pinching: people are planning to quit smoking.

But when it comes to food choices, why do they have to be unhealthy? Granted, when people have less money, cheaper processed foods are probably going to make their way into the grocery cart. But aren’t there other things that can be taken out of the budget for the difference between packaged foods and fresh fruits and veggies? Apparently not, since nearly three in five said they would buy more fruit and vegetables if they were cheaper. (more…)

Study Suggests Most Dietitians Stereotype The Obese

dietitian with patientYou would like to think that when people sign up to be a dietitian, they not only have their future clients’ best interests in mind, but that they have a positive outlook. But according to a new study, only two percent of people training to be dietitians have positive – or even neutral – attitudes toward people who are obese.

Um, two percent?

Most of the nearly 200 dietetic students from the study had a negative view about the attractiveness, self-control, overeating, insecurity, and self-esteem of obese people. They also rated obese patients as less likely than non-obese patients to comply with treatment recommendations. (more…)

Woman Loses Half Her Body Weight: A Real Weight Loss Success Story

angela pattonNeed some inspiration to drop some weight? Look no further than Angela Patton, a 35-year-old woman from Indianapolis who lost 156 pounds through the traditional and trusted way of diet and exercise. Celebrated by registered dietitian Joy Bauer, her Joy Fit Club and Self magazine’s weight loss challenge, Angela once topped the scales at more than 300 pounds; but after being diagnosed with being pre-diabetic, she went straight to a nutritionist who helped her carve out a healthy eating plan. (more…)

Valuing Your Past, Present, and Future

woman covering faceReading health blogs can be an excellent source of information and encouragement; however common titles like 5 Things to Cut Out of Your Diet Now, 4 Exercises You Should Do Every Day, 6 Ways to Get a Flat Belly, or 7 Changes That Can Help You Sleep can start to give you the idea you need to be fixed. With all the information available, I have a hard time imagining everyone is doing it all. (If you follow every suggestion posted at DietsInReview, I want to hear from you!) I often write about change and meeting goals, but what I want you to know is that who you are right now, today, is not only OK, it is who life has made you to be to this point.

The people in our lives, the experiences we have had, and the lessons we have learned have shaped all the details of our lives, including our daily habits. It is not always easy to live a life without regrets, but you must forgive yourself for your past choices. Remind yourself that you made the best choice that you could at that moment based on the information that you had. (more…)

Interview with Mandi Kramer, Eliminated Biggest Loser Week 10

Before the Biggest Loser, Mandi Kramer said she was shy and not entirely happy with her body. Having grown up in a house with a bodybuilding mother, she said her rebellion was leaving the pressures of a perfectly heatlhy family and eating whatever she wanted and dismissing exercise. All of this took its toll, and although Mandi was 263 pounds when she started at the ranch, it still took convincing for her husband to understand why she had to go. Today, she says she’s a stronger, more independent person than she ever was. The new Mandi has a better relationship with her husband, her two young sons, her teammate and sister Aubrey, but most importantly herself.

Hear the interview with Mandi now:


The Truth About Protein Bars

In a hurry and need something quick, why not grab a protein bar? Honestly, I am totally against protein bars due to the fact that they are processed and loaded with sugar and fat. They are candy bars in disguise!! Grab one and check the nutrition label. For example, a chocolate MET-Rx bar consists of 320 calories, 8 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 11 grams of sugar, 34 grams of protein, and 29 grams of carbs. A chocolate PowerBar contains 360 calories, 11 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, 30 grams of sugar, 30 grams of protein, and 33 grams of carbs. If you ask me, I’ll just settle for a grilled chicken breast or two.

Tips For A Quick And Healthy Post-Workout Snack:

  1. Grill several chicken breasts at one time and refrigerate them until needed.
  2. Grab a can or package of tuna; high in protein and easy to consume.
  3. Boil eggs and refrigerate the egg whites. Save time and cook along with the chicken breasts.

Physical Fitness Makes for Better Students

According to a study released by the Texas Education Agency, students who are physically fit are less likely to have disciplinary problems and more likely to do well in their academics.

The study was based on the annual physical fitness assessments of more than 2.4 million students in the Texas public school system. It found that an increase in exercise enhanced the students’ ability to learn. The evidence came in the form of higher scores by physically fit children on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

As might be expected, attendance rates were higher for students who were physically fit. Also, the study found that fitness levels dropped with each passing grade level. Elementary-age children performed the best while high school had the lowest percentage of physically fit students. (more…)

The Secret to Healthy Aging

agingAll the baby boomers are getting older and becoming the face of our population. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2030, the proportion of the U.S. population aged 65 and older will double to about 71 million adults (1 in every 5 Americans!). With this population getting older, there are will be much more diversity than we have ever seen before. This diversity will greatly affect our economy, including unprecedented demands on public health, aging services, and the nation’s health care system.

Therefore, chronic disease prevention should be on the forefront of yours and health professionals’ minds alike. Chronic diseases, sadly characterized with a heavy economic burden due to associated long-term illness and diminished quality of life, all of which add up to an increase in health care costs. Although the risk of disease and disability increases with advancing age, there are ways to help yourself now. (more…)

Biggest Loser’s Ali Vincent on the Today Show

If you missed the Today show this morning, you missed seeing Biggest Loser’s chipper Ali Vincent. She says these days she’s always got a smile on her face. She’s kept off her 112 pound weight loss since she won season five in 2025, becoming the first female Biggest Loser. Ali was on the show to introduce the new 30-Day Jump Start by Biggest Loser. She said she enjoyed the book because it reminded her of some things she’d forgotten. Even for her, Ali said it’s easy to get complacent, and whether you’re just starting or need a reminder, this new 30-Day Jump Start is a great resource. (more…)

Strained Marriages Have Worse Effect on Women’s Health

An article written on U.S. News & World Report online discussed a very interesting study that found an unhappy marriage had worse effects on women’s health than their male counterparts. angry couple

It’s well documented in research that men and women in “strained” marriages (characterized by chronic arguing and anger) are more likely to be depressed than happier partners/couples. Also, research indicates that women in these argumentative and anger-filled relationships are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar (also known as indicators of Metabolic Syndrome, which is a big leader of various chronic diseases), which increases their likelihood of heart disease. (more…)

Decoding Trans Fat Product Claims by Smart Balance

Smart Balance is using a very good marketing tool to grab shoppers’ attention by discussing trans fat.

smart balance

One Tbsp. of Smart Balance Buttery Spread has 80 calories, 9g fat, and 90mg sodium.

Before we dive into their claim, let’s do a quick trans fat 101.

  • Trans fat (aka trans fatty acids, partially hydrogenated oils) are created in an industrial process, by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils, making them more solid.
  • Trans fat is used because it’s easy and inexpensive to produce. These products have a longer shelf life and it gives desirable taste and texture.
  • However, trans fat is terrible for your health! They raise LDL (bad) cholesterol & lower HDL (good) cholesterol; therefore increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke! (more…)