Diet and Nutrition

TV Has Lasting Repercussions on Kids’ Weight

Kill your TV! So the saying goes of anti-boob tube activists. They may have a point, at least when comes to a child’s future weight.

A new study suggests that teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet when they become young adults. The study included nearly 1,400 high school students, and found that those who watched TV for five hours or more per day had a less-healthy diet than their peers five years later. (more…)

Fluent in the Language of Love

Imagine falling in love with someone who speaks a language in which you are not fluent or do not understand. How would you share and communicate about important subjects? How would you communicate your love? Consider the stereotype of the person that speaks more loudly when trying to communicate to someone who does not share a common language. It does not matter how loudly you speak Tagalog, I will not understand what you are trying to say with only your words. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages,” has written a very popular series of books based on the idea of five basic ways that we communicate love with others. We use these languages to communicate caring and affection for everyone in our lives, partners, family, and friends. (more…)

13 Food Superstitions

friday 13thIf superstition has its way to day, it will be a bad one for us all. The number 13 and Friday are both considered “bad luck,” and when they come together to create Friday the 13th, trouble is bound to find us. So we all know to avoid black cats, broken mirrors and walking under ladders, and to keep an eye out for horseshoes, four-leaf clovers and to make wishes on stars, but did you know that there are some food superstitions that have kept many of the world’s cultures in and out of luck for centuries?

Here are 13 food superstitions… if you’re into that sort of thing.

  • The Chinese believe a single set of chopsticks lying across an empty rice bowl is a symbol of death.
  • Americans believe snagging the long-end of a wishbone brings good luck.
  • Greeks believe bread is a gift from God, and always mark a fresh loaf with a cross. They do not let bread go to waste, as it’s considered a sin. (more…)

The Skinny on Dunkin’ Donuts DDSmart Menu

It’s time to stop making the donuts. Instead, how about it’s time to make the 300 calorie or less egg white flatbread sandwiches? Dunkin’ Donuts recently unveiled its new DDSmart menu, full of low-fat and low-calorie options like breakfast sandwiches, coffee Coolatas with skim milk and reduced-fat blueberry muffins.

Dunkin Donuts Smart Menu

The DDSmart menu from Dunkin' Donuts offers egg white flatbread sandwiches and fruit smoothies.

Similar to Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts is doing their best to appeal to those of us who love donuts and coffee, but can’t eat them everyday. So to keep up with America’s effort to trim our waistlines, Dunkin’ Donuts has baked up some healthier breakfast and coffee options that won’t sabotage our daily calorie quota. But don’t worry, your favorite Bavarian Kreme donut isn’t going anywhere.

Here’s the new DDSmart menu: (more…)

Overcome Working Out Without Losing Weight

Are you constantly exercising and not seeing any weight loss? This happens more often than not. The bottom line is that you need to burn more calories than you eat. This is called a negative caloric intake. This is the only way to lose weight. Diet is the most important aspect of losing weight. Cardiovascular training is a close second and then weight training.

Cardiovascular training increases your heart rate and metabolism, which allows the body to burn more calories for an extended amount of time. Weight training will increase your muscle strength and endurance, but will not enhance the weight loss process all that much. In order to lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 3500 calories. So, if you eat 1500 calories a day, which totals 10,500 calories a week, you need to burn 14,000 calories to lose a pound. (more…)

Obesity and Back Pain

Obesity is a pain in the neck… and the back. It’s not just a concern for long-term life or death health issues, but it also affects your day-to-day functions. Among the many side effects of being heavy, one of the more pressing issues is low back pain.woman with back pain

According to researchers, the percentage of people in North Carolina suffering from chronic low back pain has more than doubled since the early ’90s (from 3.9% in 1992 to 10.2% in 2006). They see the state as a mirror image of the nation as a whole.

The pain is not only agonizing to deal with each day, but the problems resonate even further. That is, you’re less productive. (more…)

4 Things to Remember When Packing a Lunch

sack lunchWhether its for you, your significant other, or your child/children it is important to pack a healthy lunch. Buying groceries and packing your lunch is a great way to cut down on additional food cost and help you control exactly what you are putting into your body (calorie, fat, sodium, etc.). Below are some key points to remember when packing your lunch.

  1. Remember your fruits and veggies! It’s recommended to consume 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day. So take advantage of your lunch to really rack in some servings.
  2. – A salad is an easy way to score big on veggies, with fresh greens, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, or any vegetable you want. You can also add some dried or fresh fruit and you will be feeling good. You’ll be scoring big for your health without having consumed a lot of calories (remember veggies and fruit are very nutrient dense, meaning you get a lot of nutrients and small amount of calories and fat). However, keep in mind to pick an oil-based salad dressing and to remember to lightly pour it on… you don’t want to drown your salad in dressing. (more…)

Valentine’s Parties Mean Calorie Crush for Kids

kid with valentine's candy

A box of chocolates is a sugar crash waiting to happen!

The Valentine’s Day party at school is one event that kids look forward to during the school year. They exchange cute cards with friends and get to take the afternoon off to binge on sugar. There’s nothing wrong with the cute cards, in fact, they usually present a great opportunity for an at-home craft project. It’s the candy and sweets that are shared along with the cards that create the calorie and sugar bombs that cupid blasts open with his little arrow. Here are the calories and sugar found in common Valentine’s Day party fare, and some lovely alternatives.

  • Necco Conversation Hearts, 1 serving = 40 pieces
    160 Calories, 38 grams Sugar
  • Hershey’s Kisses, 1 serving = 9 pieces
    230 Calories, 21 grams Sugar (more…)

Is Resistant Starch Nature’s Weight Loss Cure?

Legumes and lentils are good sources of resistant starch.

Legumes and lentils are good sources of resistant starch.

You’ve heard it before: Not all carbs are created equal. And never has this been more true than in the new findings surrounding resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that has produced promising results in helping to promote weight loss, improve digestion and keep insulin levels balanced.

We predict that headlines will soon be abuzz with the benefits of resistant starch, so to keep you a few bites ahead of the weight loss game, here is the skinny on this healthy nutrient. (more…)

Don’t Let Self-Image Interfere with Healthy Habits

When I was contemplating surgery on my hip, the thought of taking three (or more!) months to recover had to be balanced with the hope of being able to run, dance, and even sleep without pain. I had learned to live with, and to some degree tune out, the nagging ache, but I was not sure how I could handle limiting myself and my activities for so long.woman on crutches My image of my self includes physical activity and fitness, as well as knowledge and skills that allow me to teach dance. All of those things would have to be put on hold. I am also highly independent, and surgery required me to stay with my parents for a week and continue to be dependent on friends for rides and assistance for several weeks.

Your self-image can play a major role in your decision making, particularly when it comes to the habits that define your life. Even if it was only going to be a few months, I had to see myself and my life without the usual activity and independence. (more…)

The 10 Healthiest Grocery Store Food Choices

The March issue of Prevention Magazine had a great article that will serve as a smart guide the next time you’re at the grocery store. All the marketing-speak and hundreds of choices can make choosing one food over another a difficult choice, especially when your goal is to be as healthy as possible. Here we share the good, better and best choice of 10 common grocery aisles.

Meat Counter

Egg Section

  • Good – Packaged egg whites
  • Better – Whole eggs
  • Best – Omega-3-fortified eggs (more…)