Diet and Nutrition

Protein-Rich Meat Alternatives

soy milkThey are plenty of ways to meet your protein needs, without having to eat meat. The food industry has made leaps and bounds in terms of offering nutritious and delicious vegetarian options for helping you get the protein you need. However, these products are not just for the vegetarian, even you meat lovers can sample these foods and incorporate them into your diet to switch it up and add some spice to your meals!

Soy (soy nuts, edamame, tofu)

  • May help reduce calories, saturated fat and cholesterol when substituted for meat.
  • Provides your body with isoflavones that have been proven to work wonders on your body and health

Try these:

  • Soy milk, but check that it’s fortified with calcium and B vitamins (more…)

New Coffee Perk: It May Prevent Mental Disease

coffeeMaybe it’s sad to say, but I have to have my coffee in the morning. Every morning. But, I think when it’s all said and done, I only average two cups a day (three on a “good day”). So, I’m not a raging caffeinated lunatic.

In fact, my habit may be a good thing… since there are actually purported health benefits to my morning joe.

A new study even suggests that coffee may keep your mental health sharp when you get to your golden years. This was a study long in the making. Swedish and Danish researchers tracked coffee consumption in a group of about 1,400 middle-aged men and women for an average of 21 years. (more…)

Please, Don’t Stop the Music

sacculusJason, Matt, and I have all blogged about the importance of music to our workouts. There has been a lot of research about the effect of music on mood and even matching tempo to heart rate. There also appears to be a magic number for volume; Spinal Tap had it right all along.

Dr. Neil Todd and his team has been cited extensively on their research regarding the sacculus, an organ in the inner ear that helps regulate balance. The sacculus is attached to the hypothalamus by the vestibular nerve. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that helps regulate appetite, libido, temperature, anger, and fatigue. They report that this connection could explain the rush that many feel when their balance is effected through carnival rides, bungee jumping, or even swinging as a child. (more…)

Food Choices to Fight PMS

menstrual cycle calendarWhen watching diet and weight, changes in mood, water retention, and cravings can be distressing. Unfortunately, many women deal with these things on a monthly basis. Women experience the 150 possible symptoms of PMS to varying degrees and in different combinations. These symptoms are physical (bloating, fatigue, cramps), emotional (sadness, irritability, anxiety), and mental (distraction, forgetfulness, confusion).

Common knowledge sometimes tells us that our bodies crave things they need and we should follow our cravings. Cravings for candy bars, fried foods, potato chips, and soda really are not helpful long-term or short-term. The following items are healthy ways to combat PMS symptoms: (more…)

Super Bowl Sunday Survival Tips

Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is known as the second biggest single day of food consumption (right behind Thanksgiving Day)? Football, friends, and food are some of the main descriptors of Super Bowl; and food on this day plays a prominent role. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep two things in mind: 1) food safety and 2) nutrition.

Food Safety

  • Because Super Bowl parties can last for several hours, it’s imperative to keep track of the food you have out for your guests.
  • Certain foods (containing mayo, sour cream, meats, etc.) should not be out at room temperature for longer than two hours because you don’t want to enter the “Danger Zone.” (more…)

50 Cent With A Diet Pill?

50 Cent wants to launch a diet supplement. The rapper – real name Curtis Jackson – is considering creating his own range of vitamin-enriched pills but refused to be drawn on the details.

50 Cent / Curtis Jackson

50 Cent / Curtis Jackson

He is quoted by the New York Daily News newspaper as saying: “Right now, I’m interested in dietary supplements. I’ll be coming up with something very soon.”

“I can’t tell you what it would be called. I’d be blowing the big launch party!”

The “Candyshop” hitmaker also claimed he is drawing inspiration from music mogul Diddy when it comes to fashion.

Read the rest at exposay

Pregnancy Healthy Eating and Weight Gain Guide

Basics of a healthy pregnancy diet:

  • Try to eat a variety of foods (especially if you’re having morning sickness, intense cravings, or not feeling hungry). This will help ensure you’re getting the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need.
  • You’ll need to increase calorie consumption during pregnancy (more detail below). These calories are to help with the growth and development of your baby and for the numerous changes in your own body needed to promote a healthy pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, expecting mothers having higher RDAs for most nutrients. Food labels show the Recommended Daily Allowance of nutrients you need every day. (more…)

The Price of Losing 30 Pounds

diet budgetJust because you want to lose weight, doesn’t mean your budget has to go along for the ride. More and more studies suggest Americans are continuing to get heavier, while our obsession with losing weight continues to feed a $30 billion industry. The tried-and-true diet and exercise approach proves to continually be the most effective for weight loss, but millions still seek the support and expertise that comes with a paid diet program. MSN took a look at Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig and Zone Delivery and broke out the price you’ll pay to lose 30 pounds on each.

Weight Watchers

  • Registration $15-$20; Weekly Meetings $10-$15; Online $46.90 first month and $16.95 thereafter
  • Average loss of 1-2 pounds/week
  • 20 weeks to lose 30 pounds
  • Investment: Meetings $214.80 to $299.80; Online $97.75 (more…)

Get Caught With Your Hand in the Cookie Jar

cookie jarYou might not be stuffing your cookie jar with sugary, calorie-filled cookies these days, but that doesn’t mean the jar needs to gather dust, or be sent to a farm to play with other cookie jars! Instead, fill your cookie jar with healthy snacks and treats you want to keep readily available.

Those cookie jars are the perfect home for:

The next time you catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar, no one will get in trouble!

Biggest Loser Q&A with Coleen Skeabeck

Hey guys! I’m taking your questions about Biggest Loser, losing weight, staying fit, finding motivation and any other burning healthy living questions you might have. Leave a comment below in this blog post, and look for a follow-up video soon.

Comments Are Closed – Check back soon for Coleens video feedback.

If you watch the Biggest Loser on NBC, then you’ve likely seen the commercials for In previous seasons, NBC has partnered with iVillage to give fans a resource for healthy living information, and create a place for the eliminated contestants to give an exit interview. They’ve now shifted that and some other health-related information to their new address at

Some of the articles and and tools require members to log-in to to view, but other features like fitness videos and nutrition calculators are open. You can play games and take quizzes at and hear the before and after stories of men and women who’ve reached their weight loss goals.