Diet and Nutrition

Dashing Through the Snow

This month, we’re pleased to have Molly Wangsgaard join us in the Diet Blog as our Featured Guest Blogger. Molly is a Corporate Dietitian and Program Development Manager for Jenny Craig, Inc., and will be sharing some helpful strategies on how to maintain your healthy eating and exercise behaviors during this tempting time of year.

And through the grocery store, and around the mall, and across the kitchen!

When your holiday to-do list seems particularly insurmountable, it’s easy to let your physical activity plans fall by the wayside.  During these busy days, when you don’t think you have time to exercise, is when you need it the most.  Regular physical activity helps alleviate stress, prevent weight gain and nurture your spirit.  And when your days are filled with doing, doing, doing for others, it gives you that warm feeling of accomplishment that you’ve done something positive for yourself.  The bottom line is that it’s important to keep moving during this hectic time of year.

Make it fun. Jenny Craig spokesperson Valerie Bertinelli loves to get outside, whether it’s walking her dogs, hiking with her boyfriend Tom or horsing around with the kids. In addition to these fun activities consider playing a game of tag with your children or sledding with your family.  Enjoy special time together as you model positive activity behaviors. (more…)

Healthy Holiday Cooking Guide

With the holidays here I thought it would be helpful to share some healthy cooking, baking, and recipes for you and your family to try and enjoy.

Healthy (or healthier) holiday cooking is possible, try some of these substitutions to cut down on calories or fat:

  • Use whole wheat flour.
  • Try fruit juice as the base for salad dressings or marinades.
  • Instead of using cream, try evaporated skim milk. You will be able to whip it, use it in sauces, casseroles, and even pies.
  • Cocoa powder is a healthy chocolate alternative; it works in brownies, cakes and fudge (use three tablespoons for every ounce of unsweetened chocolate).
  • Applesauce can substitute for oils in your baked goods (use equal amounts of it in muffins, breads, cakes, cookies, etc.).
  • Instead of butter, use canola oil, olive oil, prune puree or applesauce. (more…)

Stress: The Bad

Each of us has a specific capacity for managing stress; some people are naturally able to or have learned to handle much more than others. I find it helpful to envision each of us as a cup or beaker of different shapes and sizes. Stress is like liquid poured into our beakers. Major events can fill us up very quickly. If we never deal with our stressors then our glasses remain nearly full, decreasing our capacity to deal with more. Traumatic events often leave residue in our cups even when these events have been processed and healed. Even smaller events or situations can fill us to the brim when several are piled on top of each other. When our stress levels overflow, we can suffer the negative effects of stress. The specific symptoms from which you suffer is determined by your individual vulnerability. Some will suffer more from physical complaints, while others suffer more from psychological concerns. Your specific vulnerability is likely determined genetically. This is called the Diathesis Stress Model. (more…)

Stress: The Good

Stress is what gets you out of bed in the morning, reading this blog, and Christmas morning. Stress is an often misunderstood term. Stress is any stimulus or change in your life that creates or requires a change or reaction. According to the classic stress inventory, marriage is more stressful than being fired, the death of a close friend, or foreclosure. Even positive events create Eustress, a feeling of fulfillment, while less desirable events can create Distress.

The stoic philosopher Epictetus reminded us that “what upsets people is not things themselves but their judgments about the things.” Every person has a somewhat different reaction to the same event. Some will find family gatherings to cause distress, while others will find that the effort required to prepare and travel for such events are well worth the renewal received. I have a very dear friend who in one week experienced her husband leaving her, being fired from her job, and being diagnosed with breast cancer; she considered it an opportunity for a new start and to refocus on herself. (more…)

Dr. Huizenga Interview at Biggest Loser 6 Finale

Dr. Huizenga is one of the first people the Biggest Loser contestants meet. He gives them a thorough physical to assess how healthy, or in most cases unhealthy, they are. He makes the determination whether or not they can compete on the show. In cases like Biggest Loser 6’s Jerry, there are strict limitations on what they can and can’t do on the ranch. Many contestants, like season 5’s Bernie Salazar, credit Dr. Huizenga with helping them regain their health and lives. Here Bernie and Dr. Huizenga visit immediately following the Biggest Loser: Families finale.

Red Lentil Soup; A Vegetarian Super Food

Monica Shaw is a freelance writer who specializes in science, health, fitness and food. She is the primary author of the website and blog,

Looking to weather the financial storm without sacrificing flavor or nutrition?  Then look no further than lentils, a vegetarian Super Food that will nourish you and your family without breaking the bank.  Economic crisis or not, there are plenty of reasons to love lentils:

• Lentils are high in protein, including the essential amino acids isoleucine and lysine.  And when combined with whole grains, lentils give your body all of the amino acids it needs to form a complete protein.

• Lentils are rich in complex carbohydrates and high in fiber, helping your body balance its blood sugar levels while providing steady, slow-burning energy to keep you fuller for longer.

• Lentils are high in iron.  This is especially good for vegetarians, growing children, and pregnant women, all of whom have greater needs for iron in their diet. (more…)

Ruby Turns to Faith to Support Weight Loss Struggles

I have mentioned the Ruby show several times in my blogs, and how important social support is in aiding healthy weight loss and maintaining the pounds dropped. How many of you considered spirituality/religion to be a component to social support? In Ruby’s case, she turns to her church family and God to pray for her and help keep her strong and motivated to meet her weight loss goals.

Spirituality can be and is different for everyone. Whomever or whatever you believe in tends to give people a strong sense of being and helps with having a healthy lifestyle. When enduring a diet and focusing on having a healthy lifestyle, you can think if this as a time of self-reinvention. A few ideas behind spirituality/religion and weight loss/being healthy are: (more…)

Super Bowl Champ Romanowski’s Nutrition 53

Bill Romanowski is a 4-time Super Bowl champion who spent years on the field and in the training rooms working out and eating right so that he could compete against and triumph over some of football’s most elite and strong athletes. As a linebacker who played an unprecedented 243 consecutive games, he knows a thing or two about nutrition. So he teamed up with a few of his favorite scientists, researchers and nutritionists and developed his own company and line of dietary supplements called Nutrition 53.

Nutrition 53 contains a small, but quality, line of three different health products. There is the Lean1, which is designed to help you create lean muscle mass and control your hunger, Neuro1, a supplement that improves mental acuity and focus and Sleep1, a product that helps you get to sleep fast and stay asleep so you wake up feeling refreshed. (more…)

Wordless Wednesday: Cupcake Thief

Maybe she still had some extra Weight Watchers Points available that day?

Michelle Aguilar, Season 6 Biggest Loser Champion

UPDATED: Watch now – interview with Michelle Aguilar at the Biggset Loser Season 6 Finale.

Apparently it pays to think pink at the Biggest Loser ranch. It pays $250,000 in fact. Tonight, Michelle Aguilar stepped on the daunting scale one final time and walked off a winner. She lost a total of 110 pounds, beating out rivals Ed and Vicky. She became the second female Biggest Loser, and the second winner in a row to sport the pink tee. Michelle said she wore black longer though, and that’s why she appeared at the finale wearing trainer Jillian’s color.

Congratulations to Michelle on such a hard-earned accomplishment. We wish you much success in your journey.

Listen to our Interview with Bernie Salazar interviewing Michelle Aguilar Biggest Loser Season 6 Winner below:

Heba Salama, Biggest Loser 6 At-Home Winner

UPDATED: Watch now – interview with Heba Salama at the Biggset Loser Season 6 Finale.

Biggest Loser: Families went to the girls. Heba Salama walked away as Biggest Loser’s first female at-home prize winner, and $100,000 richer! Heba lost an astonishing 138 pounds. Had America voted for her to move on to the final three, rather than husband Ed, she would have been the Biggest Loser winner. But Heba’s quite gracious about her win either way, saying it was never about the money.

We congratulate Heba on completing such an amazing journey, and for such a tremendous transformation!