Diet and Nutrition

Interview with Biggest Loser’s Eliminated Green Team, Adam and Stacey Capers

It’s never easy to see the first team be eliminated from Biggest Loser, and for Adam and Stacey Capers it wasn’t easy being those people. Stacey admits to crying during the Biggest Loser premiere last night while watching the weigh-in and elimination. They both say the hardest part of the entire experience was going home. Adam and Stacey were very critical of themselves after that elimination and wondered what else they could have done. Ultimately, they feel no animosity toward their competitors for the decision. Being eliminated because they appear to be the team to beat is “a badge of honor” for Stacey, and they are using it as their motivation for the finale.

 adam capers     stacey capers

Since they’ve been home, they continue to use their BodyBuggs. Stacey says it acts as her “external conscience.” Their daughter is also excited about making healthier food choices, and likes to exercise with her mom. Their diet has also changed and the follow some of the lessons learned at Biggest Loser. Stacey calls it their “eating lifestyle,” and they focus on caloric intake by eating a balance of protein/carbs/fat. Previously Stacey had a bad habit of over-sized portions while Adam loved fast food- they’ve both beaten those habits and now enjoy running- as much as 5 miles at a time!

Adam’s starting weight at the ranch was 340 pounds and his weight currently is 275. He says his goal at finale is “220, but I’ll be happy with 230.” Stacey says she’s never been this small before, having started at 221 and currently at 168. She doesn’t have a specific weight goal, just wants to keep losing.

Bernie Salazar’s Message for Biggest Loser’s Adam and Stacey from Diets in Review on Vimeo

Biggest Loser Week One Bonus Clips

jillian michaelsJillian Michaels talks to her team about the importance of a nutritious, balanced diet as part of a complete weight loss plan. She explains why fad diets continually fail. She also instructs her team on how many calories to consume and burn each day: Girls 1200 calories in; 4,000 calories out. Boys 1800 calories in; 5,000 calories out. Jillian says they aren’t allowed to come in until their BodyBuggs show they’ve burned enough calories. Jerry has an exception to eat 2,000 calories per day due to restrictions from the doctor.

The contestants talk about the feelings and emotions they felt during their first trip to the elimination room. Ultimately, the green team was viewed as tougher competition, and the first batch of alliances are revealed.

Sign-up today for the Biggest Loser Updates Newsletter– where you’ll never miss Bernie’s video recaps, eliminated contestant interviews, Villain of the Week, Quote of the Week, Weight Loss Tracker, Biggest Loser Recipe and so much more!

Supplements 101: Four Beneficial Diet Supplements

Today’s world is definitely supplement driven and I am going to discuss a few that may help you and your body.

fish oil1. Fish Oil. With omega 3 fatty acids, has been proven to lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, slows the build up of plaque in the arteries, and lowers the risk of heart disease.

2. Glucosamine. A good supplement for those suffering from osteoarthritis (joint pain). I am a runner and I take glucosamine for my knees to help prevent future pain or joint problems.

3. Glutamine. For you weight lifters, glutamine is a great way to help maintain cell volume and hydration (helps repair the muscles broken down when lifting, helps with muscle soreness), been proven to help cure ulcers, and boosts the immune system.

4. Green Tea. Lastly, the popular green tea is known for its energy, but actually has several positive benefits as well. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps lower the risk of cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and even infection. Some studies have found that it even helps prevent tooth decay and food poisoning.

Although certain supplements can add to our lives, I strongly believe that eating a balanced diet is the best way to attain all the needed vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you have any questions about these supplements or any others, please feel free to ask.

The Biggest Loser and 24-Hour Fitness Team Up Again

There will be a few differences to this fall season of The Biggest Loser: Families but one element that will remain unchanged is that the contestants will be sweating it out on high-tech, state-of-the-art 24-Hour Fitness Gym equipment on this uber famous weight-loss ranch. Biggest Loser LogoIn combination with devices like The BodyBugg, 24 Hour Fitness has outfitted The Biggest Loser gym with cutting-edge fitness equipment, mats, stability balls, and conditioning bands.

Last year, 24 Hour Fitness offered an exclusive product — The Biggest Loser Six-Week Weight Loss Program — to help fans of the show lose weight.  The program, offered in all 24 Hour Fitness clubs, was designed to help kick-start users to lose up to 15 pounds in six weeks. The program included five, 25-minute personal training sessions, a 30-day online nutrition planning subscription and a 16-page booklet with fitness/nutrition hints and tips for $49.00, but the cost of membership was not included. It’s not known yet whether this offer will extend to this season as well.24 hour fitness

This season, 24-Hour Fitness has taken their commitment to helping people meet their weight-loss goals one step further: Right after the show airs, 24-Hour Fitness personal trainers will visit the homes of the contestants who were voted off to provide tips and support to help them reach their ultimate weight loss goals. The trainer will assess their food supplies and provide healthy eating tips, as well as develop a customized workout plan to help them stay on track. Here is a sample of the some of the highlights that you’ll be seeing in the coming weeks of The Biggest Loser: Families:

 24 hour fitness

– One episode will feature a 24 Hour Fitness personal trainer who makes a visit to one of the family’s at home.

– One of the show’s trainers will train contestants after a challenge at a 24 Hour Fitness club.

– Another trainer from the show will lead an 80’s-inspired group exercise class at a 24 Hour Fitness club, demonstrating the importance of varying one’s workout routine.

— During another episode, contestants visit New York City and experience a workout at the brand new 24 Hour Fitness Derek Jeter club in Manhattan. 

Rocco DiSpirito Revives His Role on The Biggest Loser

Last season, we watched celebrated chef, Rocco DiSpirito, challenge the Season 5 contestants of The Biggest Loser to create a full meal (appetizer, entree and dessert included)  within a strict time limit.  The team who delivered the best combination of taste versus calories was declared the winner and was awarded a delicious meal prepared by Rocco himself and a special take-home surprise.

rocco dispirito

Here’s a clip from Rocco’s appearance last year when he helped Roger make a delicious and low-cal version of Pepper Steak.

Rocco will offer the same challenge during this season. If it’s anything like last season, I can’t wait to see what he dishes up and the healthy cooking tips he’ll offer.

Last season, as he made Pepper Steak with Roger, he encouraged the use of flavor enhancers like organic chicken broth, red wine, and fresh herbs in addition to thickeners like corn starch, all of which don’t add calories to the finished product. He also offered time-saving tips like using pressed or crushed garlic rather than whole cloves that you have to peel and dice yourself. His take-home message to all of the contestants and to the viewers was to take the time to cook for yourself, even if it’s just once a week. It’s healthier, more cost-effective and much more satisfying. Plus you’ll get to enjoy leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.

Here is Rocco’s recipe for Pepper Steak. One serving has 385 calories.

Serves 4

3 ½ cups Free-Range Chicken Broth, low sodium
fresh ground pepper and NuSalt
1 cup short-grain brown rice
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
12 Anaheim peppers
Pam spray
4 5-ounce portions lean beef tenderloin
1 vidalia onion, slice thinly
5 cloves chopped garlic
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
½ cup Trader Joes Fat Free Salt-Free Marinara
½ cup Evaporated Fat Free Milk
½ cup chopped fines herbs (parsley, chives, tarragon and chervil)
pinch cayenne

1. Bring 2 cups chicken broth to a boil in a medium saucepot. Season with NuSalt and add rice. Cover, turn down heat to a very low simmer and cook for about 1 hour or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. Fuff rice with fork and toss with olive oil. Keep warm.

2. Char Anaheim peppers over an open flame, turning to cook evenly, until skins are mostly burnt. Place peppers in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for about 7 minutes to steam off skin. Remove as much charred skin as possible with a paper towel. Seed peppers and cut into rings about ½ inch thick.

3. Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Season steaks with pepper and NuSalt and spray pan with Pam. Saute until golden brown, about 4 minutes per side. Remove steaks from pan and keep warm.

4. Spray pan with Pam again and add onions. Saute until onions are starting to become tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Deglaze with balsamic vinegar. Add 1 cup chicken stock to the pan and bring to a simmer. Mix remaining ½ cup chicken stock with cornstarch to make a slurry and whisk into pan. Stir in marinara and evaporated milk and bring to a simmer. Add peppers, cayenne and simmer until vegetables are tender. Return beef to the pan to reheat, for about 2 minutes. Stir in fines herbs. Serve with rice.

You can also get Rocco’s recipe for Mark’s Mint Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt right here.

Guest Blog: Agave the Natural Sweetener

Melissa Spiesman, CHHC, AADP, will be the Featured Guest Blogger at for September. She is the director of Nutrition for Your Life, a nutrition program that focuses on health and wellness through whole foods. Melissa develops individual integrative nutrition plans that focus on the total health of her clients. In her private practice, she regularly counsels individuals and groups on a variety of health/nutrition issues, including: cravings, weight loss and management, healthy food preparation, coping with stress, and having more energy.

Melissa received her professional training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition which is affiliated with Columbia University in New York City. She is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

Melissa is a featured contributor of is an online magazine for busy women. It’s updated every weekday with the latest fashion and beauty news, home decorating, nutrition, fitness advice and more. logo

After hearing about the health concerns associated with highly processed foods, we began to read food labels more closely. Some of the most significant changes we made were to replace partially hydrogenated vegetable oil with trans fat free foods as well as to buy only 100% whole grains and look for ways to upgrade refined foods with natural whole foods. It is now time to upgrade our sweetener.

We are what we eat and what we eat affects how we feel – and of course, we all want to feel our best.

Everyone has dealt with a 3PM slump by grabbing a cookie, a piece of candy, or something packaged from the vending machine, only to find themselves feeling worse than before, just 1 hour later. Wouldn’t it be great to enjoy your favorite sweetened foods without feeling the ups and downs of the sugar rollercoaster? Wouldn’t you love a sweetener that is natural plant-based, organic, gluten and allergen free, kosher, and shelf stable? Of course you would; AGAVE NECTAR is the answer.


The Agave plant grows wild in Mexico. The juice of the plant is cleaned and filtered with no chemical processing to produce deliciously sweet Agave Nectar. As with most of the whole foods we are learning about and enjoying today, the sweetness of Agave has been enjoyed for a very long time by Native Americans.

You can include this sweetener as part of your overall health and wellness plan, as Agave rates low on the glycemic index (ranking of how quickly a food is processed and turned into glucose), and therefore does not result in the roller coaster effects of simple sugar. Agave Nectar is sweeter than sugar, so less is needed and fewer calories are consumed.

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is important in managing many health concerns and this sweetener is a great alternative for weight management, diabetics and those at risk for heart disease and high cholesterol.

The versatile and easy-to-use sweetener will blend and dissolve quickly in all of your recipes. You can chose your favorite of Agave’s 3 varieties which each have their own individual flavor; light-mild, neutral flavor, amber-medium intensity flavor, most similar to maple syrup, with a dark-strong, distinct flavor. They are a great substitute for all other sugar alternatives.

Over 150 new products sweetened with Agave Nectar were introduced this past year including waters and juices, sauces and salad dressings, and granola and rice cakes.

My favorites are Wholemato, Agave sweetened ketchup and Purely Decadent Coconut Milk frozen dessert, sweetened with Agave and Baking with Agave Nectar: 100 Recipes Using Nature’s Ultimate Sweetener, a cookbook using only Agave as the sweetener.

Girlawhirl enjoys the benefits of this alternative sweetener and has found that she can carry it in her purse and keep it in her desk to ensure that she always has it on hand.

Using Agave Nectar, I can enjoy my favorite sweetened treats without the palpitations, sweats, and shakes associated with hypoglycemia. Agave Nectar is a great tasting, healthier alternative to other refined and artificial sweeteners, but sugar is sugar and should be enjoyed in moderation.

23 Ways to Keep Fast Food in Your Diet

That’s the headline from While it’s probably not the best advice to essentially say “Hey, going to fast food restaurants is okay,” it’s impractical to think it will be eliminated from most people’s diet. There are well over 70,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S. – they lurk around every corner. Our lives are busy, which makes the 10 minute stop at the drive-thru all the more food

The main reason that recommending fast food options is a bit dicey is because the temptations are mighty strong when you drive up to the menu and get a whiff of the burgers and fries emanating from the restaurant.

But warnings aside, if you do make a dash for your favorite burger joint, here are 23 ways to make the best of it. Many of the points are common sense, but there may be a few surprises that can help you minimize your calorie intake.

Here are a few of our favorites:
1. Ask for extra lettuce, onion and tomatoes. Loading up on more veggies never hurt anyone!

2. Order unsweetened tea, or bottled water. It’s always better to pass on the sugar-saturated soda (even the diet versions).

3. Always say no to the special sauce. The food should taste good without adding more calories.

4. Order the kids meal… for yourself! You’d be surprised, it can actually be quite filling.

5. Order skinless chicken. The skin is a calorie- and fat-packed powerhouse.

6. Make a supermarket your fast food restaurant. Most have salad bars and delis. Grab fruit, yogurt, bottle of water and something for your main course.

7. Look for ways to sneak in fiber. That means, get the baked potato with skin, bowl of chili, bean burrito, baked beans, corn and of course whole-grain breads.

The Biggest Loser Encourages Reducing Water Bottle Waste

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Today, these are the three “Rs” to live by. Going green is no longer just for granola-crunching mom-and-pop organizations. Now, the mega corporations are jumping on the bandwagon.

Biggest Loser

In an effort to reduce our plastic water bottle waste, NBC’s hit show, The Biggest Loser, is joining forces with water-filtration giant, Brita, to encourage the entire viewing audience to stay hydrated via environmentally-sound means. For the second season in a row, The Biggest Loser campus will include Brita water filtration drinking stations so that contestants can stay hydrated and not contribute to the 38 billion water bottles that already exist in land fills. That is a lot of Aquafina and Evian!

The partnership is called FilterForGood. You can take the pledge also to reduce your usage of plastic water bottles by signing up on the campaign’s website. You’ll also receive discounts for tons of Brita products.


I don’t know about you, but I love it when a high visibility platform, like The Biggest Loser television show, uses its popularity to propel an important message and cause. I know that some people really abhor it, but when it comes to a greater good like the environment, we can’t do enough partnerships like the one between The Biggest Loser and Brita. As each passing day, more research gleans light on the reality that we must reduce our carbon footprint- what better message to put forward on Tuesday nights than to be more conscious of our water-drinking habits?

Aside from this partnership, Brita products are fabulous for the home. From the pitchers to the faucet-mounted filtration systems, they are an excellent way to have purified water in an arm’s reach. You save money too by not having to buy a case of bottled water every week. Even though you have to purchase new filters every few months, the cost is well under what you normally pay to quench your bottled water habit.

And we all know by now that drinking plenty of fresh water is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Water helps to flush out toxins, promote regular digestion and keeps our skin well-nourished.

I use our water filtration system for everything. I fill up my pink Nalgene bottle every day with it so that I’m not tempted to spend money on a bottle of water or soda. After doing this for almost ten years now, I am always amazed when I see grocery carts full of cases of bottled water. I just hope and pray that the bottled water drinkers are taking their empties to the recycling bin. If you don’t have a regular curbside recyling pick-up in your neighborhood, contact your local municipal office for a recycling center close to you. Trust me, recycling feels so good to do.

Biggest Loser Using New Diet Gadget, the BodyBugg

With the  season premiere of NBC’s The Biggest Loser on Tuesday, September, 16th, we have a sneak peek into some of the newest gadgets and devices that will help the team members knock off those pounds. And the best part is that these new diet tools aren’t just for the team members: They are available to you as well.

Body Bugg

One of the coolest high-tech gadgets that the team members will be sporting is the BodyBugg. The BodyBugg is a highly accurate calorie counter and resembles a wristwatch even though it is worn on your tricep or upper arm. This small device calculates how many calories you are burning all day long. It does so through an astute sensor configuration that measures your body temperature, motion and skin conductivity. Each minute, it takes a reading on how many calories you are burning and have burned. You are even encouraged to wear the band while you sleep, since the more you wear it, the more programmed it becomes to precisely read your body’s caloric expenditures. But it does not calculate how many calories you are consuming.

The mission behind the BodyBugg is to get you to move more. By moving more, you burn more calories. More movement in combination with a reduced calorie diet equals pounds lost. That is just what is needed as the sixth season of The Biggest Loser makes its fall return.  Pay special attention to their upper arms to see if they are sporting the BodyBugg.

The device is a bit on the pricey side: $250 to $350. But if you are a Type A personality and thrive on knowing what your metabolism is constantly up to, then maybe the BodyBugg is worth the investment.

Here is a complete review of the BodyBugg.

Michael Phelps’ Diet Spoofed on SNL

During the Olympics, Michael Phelps’ diet was a hot topic of conversation. We shared with you his daily habit of consuming more than 10,000 calories. This past Saturday night, Michael poked fun at himself on SNL. The show was even sure to point out that unless you’re training and working out like Phelps does, it’s “almost certainly fatal” to subscribe to this approach.

Subway’s Jared Fogel even pointed out that “this diet sucks a footlong!”

Choosing Change

Do you read this column because you are looking for something that you can change in your life? Or maybe to help keep you on track with the changes you’ve already made? Do you try out the things you read about? Or do you just tune in to see what someone you know had to say?

I would guess that the majority of Diets In Review readers are interested in improvements in physical health and/or appearance. Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, eat more vegetables, maintain an exercise program, fit into your “skinny jeans”, read more, be more polite, or stand up for yourself – making a change in your life is a process. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could set my New Years Resolution and just that intention changed my habits without any further thought or effort? It’d be great if I could say that a daily work out is important and just started getting up every day without it ever being a struggle. Habits are powerful things, so doing something differently takes effort and intention.

Whatever it is that you would like to change, or at least what you are working on right now, consider where you are at in these stages of change.

stages of change

Precontemplation is the stage where you don’t see the behavior as a problem for you, even if others do; basically, you’re not even thinking about making a change. This could be where you are at on a certain subject until DietsInReview brings it to your attention. Three years ago, I hadn’t even heard of trans fats so I wasn’t considering cutting them out of my diet.

Contemplation is the stage where you may be aware of the ‘problem’ but you haven’t fully made the decision to change. Those in contemplation are considering a change and weighing the pros and cons; you may even try out a new behavior without committing to a change.

Preparation or Determination is the stage where you commit to the change and start making a plan for success. This sometimes occurs as a result of some other life event; a family member diagnosed with lung cancer can encourage one to stop smoking.

In the Action stage, things start changing; you’re putting your plan into action and making a change. The new behavior is very conscious in this stage and not yet a habit (but you’re making it one!).

The Maintenance stage requires less effort in making a change, but rather awareness to prevent a relapse. Coaches and change theorists discuss the differences between a slip or lapse and a relapse. In the Maintenance stage you are likely feeling more confident and your new behavior is a habit. Just like any habit, there are days when things don’t go as planned; in this stage you are maintaining your new habit, making sure you get back to it the next day.

Termination or a Permanent Exit is when the new habit is now a permanent change.