Diet and Nutrition

Sex and the City Diets

It’s obvious that the four women who define Sex and the City are fabulous- both in their movie lifestyles and their real-life bodies. We found the ways they maintain those enviable shapes, and it appears, they’re really pretty normal girls. No extreme dieting, no insane workout sessions- just smart choices. See how each of your favorite Sex and the City stars eat and workout before bringing to life Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. Thankfully, their real life choices are healthier than their movie diet of martinis, cigarettes, olives and sex!

sex and the city

Sarah Jessica Parker, “Carrie”
SJP is probably the most nonchalant about the whole dieting thing. She says she doesn’t have any specific regimen she follows. She sticks to “everyday exercise” and tries to find ways to sneak in exercise. For instance, she rarely takes a cab, choosing to walk instead and she skips elevators to race up by foot. As far as eating- she’s a big food lover and said she always planning her next meal. She has been known to the follow the Zone Diet, which is a healthy balance of protein, carbs and fat.

Kristen Davis, “Charlotte”
She’s not ashamed of her curvy body and chooses to embrace it rather than fight it. Kristen is also known to follow the Zone Diet when she needs to shed a few pounds. She’s also a fan of eastern and Chinese medicine, especially the book Total Renewal, and follows a detox to boost her immune system. She removes wheat, sugar, dairy and alcohol from her diet and sticks to foods like brown rice, eggs, nuts, vegetables and salmon. As for exercise, she likes to walk her dogs, cycling, hiking, yoga and pilates.

Cynthia Nixon, “Miranda”
The red-head of the group is pretty hush about her eating habits. She maintains a healthy diet, as she is a recent breast cancer survivor and current spokeswoman for Susan G. Komen. She’s more apt to share her workout routine- which includes a lot of family time. Together her crew does yoga and gyrotonics, a combination of yoga, ballet, tai chi, swimming and gymnastics.

Kim Cattral, “Samantha”
The older of the Sex and the City women, she also appears to be the most athletic. She says she’s been active her entire life, enjoying sports like skiing, tennis and running. She exercises daily, at least 30 minutes, and if she can’t get to the gym finds ways to get her body moving. When it comes to eating, she likes to follow low-carb diets like the GI Diet and South Beach Diet. The GI Diet relies on the glycemic index, food that easily digest in the body and usually are low in carbs or sugar; South Beach Diet is the low-carb giant.

The Biggest Loser Meal Plan — Still Slowly Losing!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve blogged about The Biggest Loser Meal plan — but I do have great excuses! Okay, I won’t bore you with my sad tales, except to say that I’ve more or less stayed with the plan since I last wrote. If we’re at home, we eat The Biggest Loser Meal Plan foods, if eating out I stick to small, sensible meals. I’m down another 2.5 lbs, so that makes six pounds in about a month. Less than I thought I would lose, but still six pounds lighter than I was in April.

The meals rotate on a four week schedule, so we’ve had a taste of everything. Some weeks were better than others, with all weeks very heavy on chicken. Out of ten lunch/dinners 5 – 6 were chicken.

Cooking the Meals
How hard can it be? Boil for 9- 12 minutes is the recommended method, but microwaving is also given as an option. Unfortunately, some of the foods can be a bit tricky to get just right. I’ve yet to have a good turkey dinner, the meat always turns out tough or dry. Surprisingly, cooking a steak in a plastic bag was delicious. My best results were cooking the meat portion of the meal in the microwave for 4 to 5 minutes, then separately cooking the vegetables for approximately 3 minutes, a bit of trial and error.

Winners and Losers
The majority of the meals continued to be both tasty and filling, but there were some real winners and a few clear losers. The past two weeks shaped up like this:


  • Apple Berry Nut Muffin (80 calories) — The muffins looked like small, hard rocks, but were delicious.
  • Omelet w/Veggie Sausage Patties (260 calories)
  • Blackened Chicken Breast (265 calories)
  • Sirloin Steak in a Sweet Paprika Sauce (406 calories)
  • Lasagna Rollatini (390 calories)
  • Chicken Marsala (420 calories)


  • Strawberry Danish (110 calories) — It was like eating air!
  • Turkey (310 calories) — Several different turkey meals, didn’t like any of them.
  • Tequila Shrimp (450 calories) — Winner of the Worst Meal Award!

Customer Service
The delivery problems were never resolved and apparently delivery dates cannot be changed even if you whine and beg. The food continued to arrive on Saturdays and since there will be times during the next month that I might not be around on the weekend, as per my last blog, I’ve canceled the plan. There are about ten days of meals in the freezer and after those are finished, a decision will be made on whether I’ll start the plan up again.

Bottom Line
The foods are delicious, much better than I thought a diet meal plan would taste. Sure there were a few losers, but only a few.

The plan seems to be geared towards the person who already “knows” about dieting. There is certainly no hand-holding — a good thing as far as I’m concerned. But I what I would like to see are suggestions on additional snacks/beverages that complement the plan. Orange juice in the morning? Fruit as a mid-morning snack? A green salad with dinner? Several sheets of instructions, descriptions and menus are included with delivery, one sheet with snack/meal suggestions would be a welcome addition.

Stay tuned for the next report after five weeks on The Biggest Loser Meal Plan.

My Exercise Plan – 6

Hello DietsInReview readers! I feel that I’ve done you a disservice by bringing so much hype about the changes in my life with losing some unwanted pounds and being more active, and then not talking about it for the past few weeks.

I’ve done a lot of traveling during the past month, all of which was set and ready to sabotage me. While I indulged here and there, I maintained for the most part. I’m pleased to say that after nearly two months, I’ve lost seven pounds total and dropped two points off my BMI. That’s about a pound a week, and I’m honestly really happy with it. Weight loss should be gradual, to maintain your health. I wasn’t expecting to drop my 15 pound goal in a month, and it’s exciting to know I’m half way there!

Weight: 143
BMI: 25.5

Weight 136
BMI: 23.3

I’m in the gym at least three days a week, and really push myself to do five. When I just can’t seem to get there, I try to take the dog on a long, brisk walk, now that it’s warmer I’ve been doing a lot of laps in the pool and I can do my crunches anywhere I choose. My workouts are fun because they’re never the same twice- a lot of mixing with lunges, the fitness ball, treadmill, elliptical, bike, triceps, hamstrings, weights, squats and so on. In the beginning, it was such a chore; now, I honestly look forward to it and miss it on the days I don’t go.

I kind of catch myself making up excuses to be more active- I walk where I usually wouldn’t, I take the the stairs two at a time to my third floor office, I park in the furthest spot at the grocery store, waiting for planes I wander the terminal instead of sitting. On a recent trip to New York, I walked for an hour, nearly 40 blocks, across Central Park rather than taking the taxi (flip flops are not advised) for three days!

I feel fantastic, better than I have in a long time. I’ve never been a big scale watcher, so it’s exciting that clothes are fitting really well. My husband is fearing a big shopping trip! So far this summer I’ve felt more comfortable in my bathing suit than I have in a long time, and looking forward to making that look even better.

As far as eating goes, I’m really proud of the healthy diet I have. This is a subject I’d like to share more with you, and plan to do so in another post focused on food this week.

I’m proof that small, steady and progressive changes can make a serious difference. One of the things that I think has helped me so far, is that I didn’t wake up one morning and declare that I was on a diet and that I was going to change my entire lifestyle in one day. About a year ago I started taking a hard look at the way I eat and finding opportunities to introduce healthier options. Once I felt comfortable in my eating, I started introducing more exercise. All of these changes accumulated to the point that this is simply the way I live, and will continue to live. Trust me, there is still more weight to lose, still more changes to make. From where I stand right now, I’m really happy overall.

I hope that some of this is of help to those of you ready to make important changes for your health, too. It’s never too late to get started- and remember, there’s nothing wrong with pacing yourself.

Get out and grill!

Just a few of our top recipe picks for the holiday. They promise to be tasty and take the guilt out of Memorial Weekend.

rosemary chickenGrilled Rosemary ChickenA savory, roasted flavor. 4 Weight Watchers Points, 194 Calories, 1g Carbs.

Grilled Pork Roast – Be patient with this one, that slow-cooked flavor is worth the wait. 5 Weight Watchers Points, 228 Calories, 0g Carbs.

red snapperGrilled Red Snapper with Herb Pesto – The bold pesto flavor is a perfect compliment. 4.5 Weight Watchers Points, 189 Calories, 7g Carbs. (more…)

Sizing Up The EatSmart Scale

We’re used to scales for weighing ourselves. But, with the EatSmart Nutrition Scale, you put your food to the test. The thing is, it doesn’t simply weigh your food, it analyzes the nutritional content.

The EatSmart Scale will instantly calculate the following 12 essential nutrients in your food: calories, carbohydrates, fiber, sodium, potassium, magnesium, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, calcium, protein, and vitamin scale

This looks like a great way for you to make informed food decisions. The fact of the matter is, unless you’re eating packaged foods (which you’re best to minimize), you can’t simply eyeball the exact nutritional information. Normally you go by small, medium, or large, which can get you in the ballpark, but if you really want an accurate nutritional breakdown of your food, the EatSmart Scale could be your solution.

The EatSmart Scale has a database of 1,000 foods you wouldn’t ordinarily find a food label for, like fruits, vegetables, meat and other whole foods.

Even if you are eating prepackaged foods, the EatSmart Scale can calculate the nutritional content of foods that come in packages, boxes, cans and other labeled containers. It’s the only scale on the market that can calculate any food item that has a USDA Nutrition Facts label. So it has all the bases covered.

There are many nice features that come with the EatSmart Scale, including a two-year warranty, and a 44-page guide to living a healthy lifestyle. For more information, check out the EatSmart Scale demo:

If you are considered obese, have heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes or one of the many diseases that can be positively affected by diet, the EatSmart Scale can help you regulate your diet more accurately than ever before.

Interested in the EatSmart Scale? Enjoy this 10% discount when you enter “DREVIEW” in the coupon code at checkout.

Special K Challengers Watch Out for Trans Fat

Just in time for bikini weather, Special K has challenged any bikini-wearer to the Special K Challenge. Similar to other meal-replacement diets, you eat a bowl of Special K cereal or Special K waffles for breakfast, a similar Special K lunch and a “normal” dinner, whatever normal means.

special k challenge As yummy as Special K is (I love the Special K cereal with strawberries and their honey-nut cereal bars), their protein bars and my beloved honey-nut cereal bar contain trans fats. Trans fats as you may have heard already, are the latest evil fat because of their power to increase risk for heart disease, certain cancers and degenerative diseases.

The FDA, our food and drug regulatory agent, has said that any food can be listed as containing no trans fats if it contains 0.49 grams of trans fat in 1 serving. My cereal bars and your Special K protein bar fit that bill, but if you read the ingredient list, you’ll see the trans fats listed in there under the guise of “partially hydrogenated oil.” But your bowl of Special K does NOT contain any trans fats. That is great news for us who are up for the Special K Challenge and want to munch loudly and guilt-free.

Food Find: Kashi Granola Bars

Granola bars have been a staple snack of mine for years. I used to eat box after box of the Quaker Chewy Granola Bars chocolate chip flavor. It was just enough chocolate and I figured the “granola” aspect was good for me.kashi

Until one day about a year ago I was at the store and noticed a new granola bar on the block- Kashi TLC (Tasty Little Chewies). After comparing the two nutrition labels, I immediately switched. I’m a huge fan of the Cherry Dark Chocolate Kashi bars, my husband loves the Honey Almond Flaxseed and the Trail Mix aren’t too bad either.

When you compare the labels- the Quaker ingredients are filled with the usual processed junk that you can’t pronounce and wouldn’t really recognize anyway. The Kashi ingredients are things you could probably find at your grocery store, or a nice health food store.

The Quaker ingredients, while they have some whole grains and even fewer calories, list things like partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils (with a note “Adds a dietarily insignificant amount of trans fat), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids and artificial flavors.

The Kashi ingredients don’t have anything fake, artificial or trans fat related, not even one mention of the word “sugar”. In the Kashi Cherry Dark Chocolate, you’ll find hard red winter wheat, long grain brown rice, red tart cherries, dark chocolate, honey and natural flavors.

I’ve included both nutrition labels so that you can compare for yourself. I’m especially fond of the generous fiber and protein found in the Kashi bar and I’m willing to take the extra calories to have better ingredients. These Kashi Bars have 2 Weight Watchers Points and for diabetics, equal a 1.5 Carb exchange.

kashi nutrition factsQuaker Nutrition Facts

See other Food Finds from Diets In Review.

Peta’s World Vegetarian Week

Yesterday was the kick-off to World Vegetarian Week, an effort sponsored by PETA to encourage more people to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Bruce Friedrich, a VP at PETA, has given a top-ten list for reasons you should consider going veggy, and we’re sharing that summary here. peta logo

1.  Helping animals helps the global poor
It requires 7x as much grain to feed animals so that we can eat meat, than it does to produce biofuels.

2. Eating meat supports cruelty to animals
Due to factory farms, it is rare that farm animals get to experience the idyllic barnyard lifestyle due to the inhumane environment they are raised in.

3. Eating meat is bad for the environment
A UN report claims eating meat is “one of the … most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems.” The report goes on to say that eating meat creates 40% more greenhouse gas than the combined emissions worldwide of cars, trucks and planes.

4. Avoid Bird Flu
W.H.O. warns that if this virus were to mutate, eating undercooked eggs or even touching a contaminated egg shell could pass the virus to humans.

5. If you wouldn’t eat a dog, you shouldn’t eat a chicken
Some research has shown that chickens’ intelligence outranks that of cats and dogs, and is relative to primates.

6. Heart Disease: Our number one killer
A vegetarian lifestyle can reduce your risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.

7. Cancer: Our number two killer
The author of the China Study says, “No chemical carcinogen is nearly so important in causing human cancer as animal protein.”pamela anderson

8. Fitting into that itty-bitty bikini
Vegetarians are 1/3 as likely to be obese while vegans are 1/10 as likely. These diet lifestyles are proven to help you lose weight and keep it off.

9. Global Peace
If you want to live in a peaceful world, it has to start by not killing and eating animals.

10. The joy of veggies
Vegetarians say the broad range of food they discover after giving up meat “explodes”.

skinny bitchIf you’re interested in adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet, check out these reviews:
Skinny Bitch, the New York Times Bestseller

Body by God 

The Maker’s Diet 

Ultra-Thin Teen Model Takes a Stand

I’m by no means an expert on the modeling world, but I would like to venture a guess and say that the gaunt walking dead look that began with Twiggy in the ’60s was not about being beautiful, per se. Rather, it was the use of the human body as an artistic expression.

Hey, I’m not saying it makes sense.

How else can you explain “super models” who look like they are heroin addicts on their last leg? This brings us to the latest drama on the cat walk. There have been some ruffled feathers in recent years when organizers in Spain placed a ban on models who they deemed were to skinny (as are the French).

While there may have been some upset models then, when they were told they couldn’t participate, this time around in the U.S., a model is fighting back against the unhealthy promotion of anorexic figures.

Alexandra Michael started her career as a 5’9″ 130-pound 15-year-old. But it was when she reached 102 by starving herself that she said enough was enough. Especially when she was told that her legs were too fat!

“My kind of wake-up call was I was on a plane from Paris to Texas, which is where I’m from,” says Michael. “I ran my fingers through my hair and when I took my hand away, there was a dry, brittle clump of hair in my hand.”

Jillian Michaels says no to food-pushers

Who’s Pushing Food Your Way?
One of my girls on the The Biggest Loser had this problem: Her mother was always pushing food on her. I told her exactly what I’m telling you: Acknowledge these behaviors. Recognize the problems and sit the people in question down and let them know that you are trying to lose weight and be healthy. Tell them how they can help and support you. Chances are they’ll want to. The end result for this contestant was her mother learned new recipes so that she could cook for her daughter without sabotaging her health and happiness.Jillian Michaels

We count on the people closest to us to support us through thick and thin. Realizing that a loved one may be sabotaging your efforts to get in shape, whether they are conscious of their behavior or not, can be tough to swallow and address. Take a good look at your current significant relationships to see how they affect your life both on a day-to-day level and on a larger scale. Is anyone in your circle a food-pusher?

Sure, it seems innocent enough. These people may not realize what they are doing, or they may think they are doing it out of love. The bottom line is that their way of loving you is through food. It’s time to stop it for good.

From the “Losing it with Jillian Michaels” daily newsletter. Learn more about the Jillian Michaels weight loss plans.

Food Find: Stacy’s Pita Chips

I told you’d there would be new things happening at Diets In Review. One of which will be a new segment in the Diet Blog called “Food Finds”. These will be healthy alternatives to some of the foods we love and crave. I’ll only post them if I’ve tried them myself and they promise to be something I will eat again. I mean, if you can convince a picky eater like me to dig in to something new, you’ve probably got a winner.stacys pita chips

First up, Stacy’s Pita Chips. I’m not lying when I tell you chips are possibly my biggest vice. Nacho cheese, BBQ, plain – you name it, I can polish off a bag without even thinking twice. So I’ve been on a mission to replace these chips, or rather, that crunch that accompanies my sandwiches.

I found Stacy’s Pita Chips and I think this is where I’m going to stay. The calories and fat are both lower than regular chips, and they have more fiber. I won’t lie, not the impressive amount I’d hoped for. They also have 3 Weight Watchers Points per serving, for those of you counting.

I tried the Naked with Sea Salt and the Cinnamon Sugar. They are fantastic, super crunchy, delicious flavor and they go well with my sandwich. These pita chips are baked and proudly boast that they are all-natural.

Finishing off a whole bag still won’t do me any favors, but I can satisfy my need for crunch and not feel so bad about it.

stacys pita chips nutrition facts

Nutrition Facts from