Diet and Nutrition

Find a friend for the Biggest Loser Million Pound Match-Up

If you watched the Biggest Loser premiere last night, and I know you did, then you probably already know about the Biggest Loser Million Pound Match-Up. The show has partnered with MSN to not only bring attention to the obesity epidemic in America, but also to help you start the new year off with a fun way to lose those unwanted pounds.

Losing weight and having fun aren’t often found in the same sentence, but that’s the goal of the Million Pound Match-Up. It can be a chore to find and maintain a healthy weight loss program. But you’re actually more likely to find success when you do it along side a friend, sibling, spouse, neighbor, parent or co-worker.

Sign up today! It’s so easy. Just choose the person you want to compete with, start an account at Windows Live Spaces to share your experience and begin losing those pounds. Unlike the show, it’s not the team who loses the most weight, but the team who has the most fun doing it. You can blog, video, paint, sing or dance about your Million Pound Match-Up experience. As long as you update your site once a week, and look like you’re having the most fun, then you’re likely to win the grand prize- a fabulous spa vacation and a personal trainer for a year.

What do you have to lose- other than the weight that’s been holding you back? Once you sign up, you’ll also have access to the expert fitness advice from Biggest Loser trainers Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper, as well as those from MSN Health.

An added bonus for those of you living in Chicago, Houston, Miami, Wichita, KS and Mesa, AZ- Biggest Loser is coming to your town! Unfortunately, these are the heaviest cities in America, but the Million Pound Match-Up is trying to change that. So stay tuned for updates on schedules for these cities, as I’ll be covering one of these stops personally.

Biggest Loser: Episode 1

Well they are off and running- literally. Diets In Review favorites Neill and Amanda, along with the other nine teams, premiered on Biggest Loser this evening. I have to admit that I’ve never watched the show before- so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Now I’m completely hooked- and you should be, too! I programmed my TiVo for a Season Pass to Biggest Loser– that way I don’t miss a thing. Plus, I want to be able to recount the dramatic events each week.

The teams were all psyched to get going, and you can tell that most of them really want to be there. They’ve left their jobs and families for what they hope will be about four months to completely change their lives for the better. In the case of Neill and Amanda, the white team, they had to leave behind their young son for what Amanda said was the longest period of time ever. The tearful goodbye will hopefully be wrapped up four months from now and the little guy will be greeted by his much thinner parents. Neill said they want to be in shape before their kid knows that they’re fat!

All ten teams have their work cut out for them. The weigh in was quite emotional for some- but the white team handled it well. I cannot imagine the gaggle of emotions I would feel standing on those scales with the bare minimum of clothing to show the world that my husband and I are a combined 521 pounds! So kudos to each one of them. Kelly, of the yellow team, had the unbearable pain of weighing in as the heaviest woman, but she’s very determined to not leave it that way. The grey team, the two former football team mates, took home the prize of heaviest team- with a combined weight of 799 pounds!! That’s some serious weight folks. They’re going to have to work so hard to compete.

The final weigh in was probably the most emotional moment of the show and I’ll admit I had to choke a few tears back myself. To work THAT hard all week long and immediately be forced to give up so much- so much stress. No one knew what they’d lost until they hit those scales again. I was absolutely blown away these people were losing upwards of 19 pounds in only a week. Of course, that’s not typical for people like you and me. Especially since they’re all being closely monitored by physicians and trainers. White team barely eeked out of being up for elimination; they’re total weight lost this week was about 5% or 27 total pounds. Previews for next week make it look like they slide past the yellow line for elimination. I do hope they beat it. The green team ended up being eliminated, having the lowest percentage weight lost and the father half of the team was completely uninterested in being there and nearly encouraged the other contestants to send him home. Amanda appeared to be pretty teary over choosing to send home the green team.

One of the most exciting parts of this first episode of Biggest Loser was dividing the trainers. Their first task was to climb to the top of a hill and back- the first teams back got to choose their trainer. Neill and Amanda differed on their preference- with Neill wanting Bob Harper and Amanda wanting the ass-kicking Jillian Michaels; they did get Jillian. She seemed quite impressed with Amanda right away saying Amanda is “fabulous, dedicated, she did not quit, she did not cry and she did not stop.” She seemed as those Neill left a little to be desired- including threatening that he “came this close” to getting a good punch. Sounds like that’s just what he’s looking for when he said “We didn’t sign up for rest and relaxation, we signed up for getting our asses kicked by a trainer.” Well- Jillian’s the one to do just that!

With episode 1 behind us, I’d like to make my predictions. I think the purple team is going to work hard but I don’t see them going all the way. I’m hopeful that the white team will stick it through to the end, and think they’ll definitely get close. Pink and brown teams are going to be strong ones to contend with. And yellow team- I think they’ve got too much divorce baggage and emotion and that will end up tripping them up.

Stay tuned for next week’s update!

Here’s the “Raw” Data…

Proponents of eating raw food, take note. A new Italian study shows that cooking veggies doesn’t always render them nutritiously inferior. The study found that raw vegetables were packed with antioxidants. But that after cooking them, the results were mixed. Some lost antioxidants, while others surprisingly gained them!

A Reader Question

A reader writes…

I am 300 pounds and I am a paraplegic. I have use of my upper body only. What can I do to lose my weight? I already have changed the way I eat.


To answer such a sensitive question, I asked my friend and former colleague at, Susan Burke March, a certified nutritionist, to share her advice.

Dear W.J.:

When you can’t walk, it surely makes weight loss more challenging. If you’re not expending calories in activity, it makes what you eat much more important. Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen–if you take the challenge to burn calories, even if you can’t walk. You say you have upper-body abilities, so you’re halfway there! I can envisage the New York City Marathon, where I volunteered for a number of years. The wheelchair athletes were truly inspiring–their upper-body strength was phenomenal, and they competed with as much enthusiasm and joy as the runners. I think you need a physical therapist to help you by showing you how to burn calories, even if you can’t walk. There are lots of ways to do it…there are many pieces of equipment you can purchase, and there are wheel-chair exercises for you to do–daily–to burn calories.

So, that’s your mission–to seek out and find the resources that will teach you to incorporate upper-body exercise into your daily routine–and that means daily. Burning calories daily, using upper-body movement will improve your circulation, strengthen your muscles, including your heart muscle, will improve your mood and sleep, and will allow you to move that scale and balance your life. I Googled “exercise equipment for paraplegics” and found this link:

If you’ve changed your diet–I applaud you…that is a great first step. Take this second step, and stay on the path toward improved health. Good Luck!

-Susan Burke March M.S., R.D., L.D., CDE
Author of the upcoming book, Naturally Thin — How a Dietitian Went From Overweight to in Control

Diet Can Improve Pregnancy Chances?

Ladies (and their gents)… if you’re looking for an extra edge in getting pregnant, your diet can help. And no, this isn’t from some quack. Prominent Harvard Medical School researchers suggest in a new book that it can improve your chances. Among the culinary steps to take – cut down on meat. Boo, I know. But, ice cream helps!

Fruits and Veggies Prevent Cancer

Sometimes food is the best medicine. We have the mindset America that’s more about treating symptoms with manmade remedies. But you can do a whole lot of prevention if you eat right. Take this study: It’s found powerful evidence that shows you can cut cancer risks significantly simply by eating colorful fruits and vegetables.

Drink Up: Latest Research Confirms Alcohol Benefits

The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, or lack thereof, have been debated for years. So, what’s the last call on alcohol?

The verdict appears to be in favor of alcohol. If this research sticks, you can ward off heart disease, diabetes and even arthritis. Here’s more on the Harvard research.

Fish: A Smart Choice

Can eating fish make you smarter? It’s not a new hypothesis, but there are three new studies that continue to support this brain-boosting theory.

Studies from Norway, Holland, and New Zealand support that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in fish may improve cognitive performance. Even though the evidence is not absolutely conclusive that you will be smarter, it’s still smart to eat fish for its other health benefits, particularly its being a great lean protein source.

New Way to Prevent Cancer

When you think of ways to prevent cancer, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not smoking. But, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) says the link between body fat and cancer is something else you should consider.

It found convincing evidence of a fat link to six types of cancer, five more than in its previous report from 10 years ago.

The WCRF reviewed 7,000 studies on diet, exercise, weight and cancer. Among their finding was that processed meats (bacon, pastrami, etc.) increase the risk of colorectal cancer, and should be eaten sparingly.

They also found the link between red meat and colorectal cancer to be stronger than ever. People should not eat more than 500 grams of cooked red meat a week.

A further finding reaffirms evidence that alcohol can cause cancer. The study authors suggest limiting your intake to two units a day for men, and one for women. A unit is a half pint of beer or a small glass of wine.

These finding continue to support my philosophy of everything in moderation. If you totally deprive yourself, you’ll most likely end up miserable and resentful. Enjoying life doesn’t have to be a death sentence.

TV is Worse for Kids Than You Think

Too much TV means too little exercise for kids. And we all know that means our youngsters are heavier than they were in years past. But a new study says the boob tube could be responsible for higher blood pressure for kids, too.

Researchers at the University of California and University of South Alabama found that the critical time is four hours of daily TV viewing. That is, obese children who watched four or more hours of TV every day were three times more likely to have high blood pressure than children who watched less than two hours a day.

We usually associate high blood pressure with stressed adults. So, it’s not a surprise that it’s often undiagnosed in children. But if it goes undetected, high blood pressure can damage organs, specifically the kidneys.

Doctors recommend two hours or less of daily viewing for kids, which is very doable for parents to enforce.

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