Diet and Nutrition

Be Willing to Face the Truth of Weight Loss: 5 Things That Make or Break Success

During my twenty five years in working with weight loss clients, I took note a few common practices among the success stories – that is, those who were able to reach their ideal weight and remain there for years. What I see, time and time again, are five common success indicators.

Bottom line – inspiration is pointless without direction. Channel your inspiration into accomplishing these five tasks.


Be willing to ‘let go’ and learn ‘just the facts.’ Most of us have a tainted education and need some de-programming after years of media hype and distortion of the truth. Dumping all of this bad information is vital to your success. You have to be willing to replace old myths with new facts. If you can do this, and ignore 99% of what you see and hear, your odds of success go way up. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Two Lazy Gourmets

Today our Sunday Food Blogger Spotlight falls on two self-proclaimed, “lazy foodies,” Robin Donovan and Juliana Gallin, who co-author the blog, Two Lazy Gourmets. As friends and “kitchen collaborators” since they were housemates in college, the women have created a blog filled with tasty recipes, gorgeous photos and fun tidbits about their inspiration for each dish.


Why did you start your food blog? We started it to promote our cookbook,The Lazy Gourmet: Magnificent Meals Made Easy. But now that we’ve been at it for two years, it’s taken on a life of its own. We’ve been friends since college, and many of our early bonding experiences were based around cooking experiments. In fact, they still are. Now we get to share those experiments with the whole internet.


Jack O’Donnell Loses 82 Pounds by Cutting Carbs and Adding Circuit Training

This week’s True Weight Loss Story comes to us from Chicago, Illinois, where Jack O’Donnell recently made it to his goal weight of 175 pounds. It hasn’t been easy but Jack knew he had no choice. He was diagnosed with diabetes in 1990, requiring insulin and medication but at the time, even that wasn’t enough to spur him into action. Finally, when doctors raised his insulin dosage and started putting him on other medications to combat the side effects of diabetes and obesity, Jack decided to take charge of his health and turn things around.

True Weight Loss Story: Jack O'Donnell

As a child, Jack says he struggled with frequent weight loss and gain, the unfortunate ramifications of yo-yo dieting.  As an adult, stress-eating, poor food choices, eating large portions and lack of exercise, all added to the big picture of his weight gain. On the day of his “ah-ha” moment, he weighed 257 pounds. He was miserable and after a visit to the doctor confirmed his new medication regimen, the tough Chicagoan says he was actually, “frightened.”


Hemp Declared Next ‘It’ Food; Finally Overcomes Marijuana Misnomer

Hemp does give a damn about its bad reputation. This particularly trusty strain of Cannabis has been besmirched by its illicit cousin marijuana, a cultivar of Cannabis that is smoked for recreational purposes. Hemp has a microscopic and harmless amount of THC—the chemical in marijuana that gets you high—and has an extremely versatile skill set.

Hemp Foods

From nutritious foodstuffs to composite plastics for automobiles, hemp can be used for more than kitschy, hippy jewelry. In addition to its wide range of applications, the hemp crop is easily cultivated; its water and soil purification properties help to renew farm fields and can even kill weeds. Unfortunately, industrial hemp has been illegal to grow in the U.S. since 1958—save Colorado, of course—and can only be enjoyed legally by importing hemp products from Canada or other parts of the world.


Skinny Limits is the More Affordable Raw Juice Cleanse

By Naomi Shapiro of

Although many people think of juice cleanses as a weight loss tool, for some they’re a pathway to wellness. The idea is that if you give your digestive tract some time off from all the hazards of the modern world — processed foods, refined sugars, artificial colors and flavors, etc.— and fill it with easy-to-absorb, nutrient-dense liquids, your body and mind will work more efficiently.

skinny limits raw juice

Skinny Limits is an Austin-based purveyor of fresh, cold-pressed raw juices that can be delivered nationwide. Their menu consists of six core juices, each of which you’ll consume each day via 16-ounce bottles. The following Skinny Limits juices will be drank in lieu of solid foods. (more…)

Best of Fitbloggin 2024: Recap and Swag Bag Giveaway

My lunch on Friday, June 28 was the best I’ve had in a while. A roasted chicken sandwich with a basil aioli, lots of fresh veggies, and a table surrounded by new and old friends – it was exactly what high noon at Fitbloggin’ is supposed to look like. I was three meals in to this year’s conference when I could whole-heartedly say it was the best food that had ever been served at this event. And then, the noon hour entertainment pushed beyond anything we’ve seen at Fitbloggin’ before.

mizfit fitbloggin fashion show

I’d seen a fashion show on the schedule and admittedly balked. By the time the third person stepped on to the catwalk I was fighting back tears. I tweeted out that what was happening in that room was redefining strength and beauty. Organized by Emily Ho Sandford, women of every body shape and size graced the stage to rousing applause, often bearing nothing more than a bra and workout pants. They donned wares by Handful, Enell, and Reebok and showed that what was on the outside hardly defined what was on the inside.

If that fashion show didn’t set the tone for the weekend, I don’t know what would have.

It was the conference’s fourth year and proudly our fourth to be involved. This year, a special scavenger hunt with a hot prize awaited the more than 200 attendees. Every goodie bag had one of our token blue cowbells stuffed inside. But hidden around the conference center were five golden cowbells earning the recipient a seat at an upcoming Google+ Hangout with Biggest Loser’s Dolvett Quince. One winner announced she’d have to leave her husband, another was on the verge of tears, and all seemed to be on the cusp of exciting new detective careers!

dolvett dietsinreview cowbell (more…)

Berry Bliss: 4 Ways to Boost Your Antioxidant Intake

By Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D., Best Life lead nutritionist

My phytonutrient intake is pretty good year-round, but it skyrockets in the summer thanks to strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. That’s the time these antioxidant-packed berries are in season, and, finally, affordable!

Here’s why I love each of these berries.


Blueberries. One of nature’s most potent antioxidants—anthocyanins—give these berries their purple-blue color. They’ve been shown to help fight age-related declines in memory and cognition, plus they help keep arteries clear. They’re also delicious—plain, in a crisp, or in these ultra-healthy waffles. This recipe calls for frozen berries, but now that blueberries are in season, you can sub in fresh berries, which will be sweeter and more tender. (more…)

Shrinking Prevention: It’s all About Your Bone Health

“We fight a war against gravity our entire lives, it pulling us down, us attempting to stand tall.”

Those are the wise words of nutritionist Deb Burchardt, M.S., R.D, L.D. as we discussed the issue of shrinking with age. It’s not simply an “old lady” condition, it’s a very serious symptom of a very serious issue.

bone loss

Burchardt explained in more detail that shrinking is a direct symptom of osteoporosis. The shrinking comes as one’s height is affected due to the compression of the spine. The spine is compressed due to the bones not being strong enough to stop it any longer.

So, the easy fix seems to be make bones stronger, right? Burchardt explained that it’s not always that easy. There’s no magic, quick fix, and some of the issues may have nothing to do with the individual as much as it may have to do with their mother, or even their grandmother. (more…)

Almost Anorexic: New Book Explores Relationship With Food in a Different Way

Almost AnorexicIn the new book Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Relationship with Food a Problem, Dr. Jennifer Thomas (Director of the Eating Disorders Clinical Research program at Massachusetts General) and best selling author Jenni Schaefer explore a new definition of anorexic behavior, the “almost effect.”

Almost Anorexic is one in a series of books about The Almost Effect, written by faculty members of Harvard Medical School and other experts. This book, and others in the series, suggest that behaviors often fall short of meeting the criteria of receiving a particular diagnosis, but still fall outside of normal behavior. These are the people who often slip through the cracks and whose behaviors often develop into a full-blown condition.

Recently, I spoke with the bubbly co-authors about their collaboration. “When Harvard Health Publications approached me about the book, they encouraged me to work with a writer,” Dr. Thomas explained. “The first person I considered was author Jenni Schaefer. She added a great layer to the book.” Not only has Jenni penned numerous books about eating disorders, she knows about the disease firsthand. 


Food Blogger Spotlight: Amie Valpone from The Healthy Apple

Amie Valpone The Healthy Apple resizeToday’s blog spotlight is The Healthy Apple, created by Amie Valpone, HHC, AADP. Not only does she have impressive alphabet soup after her name, she also has an impressive story. Amie became an expert in “clean” living because she had to.

After suffering from severe digestive issues and being misdiagnosed for years, Amie finally discovered she had the power to make herself feel better by eating better. Below, Amie tells her story and shares several tasty recipes from her gorgeous blog.

Why did you start your food blog? I started my blog in January of 2024 when I was working in corporate America and became very ill. I started cooking more and sharing what I was making, even though it was gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free and corn-free. Through The Healthy Apple, I provide balanced, accessible and engaging information on the most basic components of good health.


Eating Vegan Before Six Eases the Pain of a Plant Based Diet

Become a vegan, you know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it—maybe cool kids is the wrong term, but vegans and vegetarians will probably live longer than those on a less strenuous, meat and dairy based diet. The health benefits of a plant based diet seem to be endless. From lowering your risk of cancer to helping you lose weight, Veganism is a fad that will have a sustained shelf life.  People are scared away because it isn’t the most pragmatic or convenient diet to execute. It’s tough to chuck meat and dairy out the window, but it could be the best decision you’ll ever make.


Renowned author and food journalist Mark Bittman has written a book full of crucial guidance for those on the vegan fence. His book—which arrives at the peak of veganism’s popularity—is called VB6, or “Vegan Before Six,” and is meant to ease people into a plant based diet gently and confidently. Bittman encourages dieters to eat vegan before 6:00 p.m. while being free to enjoy meat and dairy in the evening. Choosing 6:00 p.m. as the cutoff time had no scientific basis, explained Bittman. “The point of VB6 is to eat more plant food and fewer animal products. You can adjust the time to fit your lifestyle,” he said. (more…)