Diet and Nutrition

4 Tricks to Slim Down Without Feeling Down

By Team Best Life

No one starts a weight loss journey by jumping up and down and celebrating; that’s more of an end game. But there ARE things you can do along the way to make the process more—dare we say it—enjoyable.

happy runner
Here are our top tips:

Take the eagle-eye view. It’s not just about numbers on the scale. In fact, taking small steps towards an achieved result is even more important. Take pride in every small victory—whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator or skipping seconds at dinner. In the grand scheme, that’s what matters most. (more…)

Mushrooms May Help You Skip Vitamin D Supplements

While many of us will probably get plenty of vitamin D in the summer sunshine, there’s some potentially welcoming news for those who prefer to get theirs from dietary sources (which is always a wise idea anyway). According to new research, mushrooms produce enough vitamin D without the need for supplementation.


There are many reasons vitamin D is important to our health. For instance, adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for promoting healthy bone development, muscle strength, and reducing the risk of bone fractures. Vitamin D is also essential in helping strengthen your immune system and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, depression and diabetes.

Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine examined 30 healthy adults who were randomly given capsules of 2,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D2, 2,000 IU of vitamin D3, or 2,000 IU of mushroom powder (with vitamin D2). They took these daily for 12 weeks in the winter months. (more…)

Medifast Turns Its Popular 5&1 Meal Plan Into a Holiday

Medifast customers joined in celebrating a new “holiday” on May 1 called “5&1 day” in honor of the continued success of its popular 5&1 meal plan. The holiday came at an opportune time for the diet company, which also launched a series of new additions to the My Medifast community page – a section of the website dedicated to customer support.

Medifast’s executive vice president Brian Kagen told Diets In Review the idea for the holiday was inspired by Medifast’s primary 5&1 diet program. Customers on the 5&1 plan enjoy five Medifast Meals and 1 Lean and Green Meal of their choice. “We were celebrating the success of our clients and looking at the calendar and it was 5-1,” he said. “It seemed like a great opportunity to celebrate the wonderful experiences our clients have had.” (more…)

Mika Brzezinski Addresses Food Addiction in Her New Book “Obsessed: America’s Food Addiction and My Own”

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  • Journalist and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host, Mika Brzezinski is releasing a new book this week about her struggle with food addiction. The book is titled “Obsessed: America’s Food Addiction and my Own.”
  • Brzezinski appeared on Today this morning to discuss the book and defend any critics who might think because of her trim figure that she has no place to write on the topic of food addiction. However, the author contends her addiction to food looks just like anyone else’s, obese or not. “This book is all about the need to nurture a conversation and start turning back the tide of the obesity epidemic,” she said.
  • Though her weight wouldn’t reflect it, Brzezinski likens her food addiction to an alcohol or drug addiction, because she feels powerless over it. Even while writing the book Brzezinski admits she “fell off the wagon,” several times, one night eating an entire jar of nutella after what she calls a binging episode induced by the insomnia medication, Ambien. (more…)

Pineapple Agua Fresca is the One Summer Drink You Must Try

When it comes to beverages I’m usually indifferent. Between drink and food, I’ll always choose the latter for my calorie splurges. But when a healthy indulgence comes along in liquid form I’ll at least consider giving it a shot.

After testing four agua fresca recipes this week – yes, four –  pineapple agua fresca was the clear winner; the absolute best! This leads me to believe if there’s one fruity drink you indulge in this summer, this simply must be it!

Pineapple-Agua-Fresca (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Kate Webster of The Little Loaf

Kate Webster has grown quite the following with her healthy approach to baking at her blog, The Little Loaf. Based in West London, Kate enjoys finding healthier alternatives to otherwise heavy treats like cakes, muffins and breads, and shares a thoughtful story with each recipe she creates. It’s clear there’s equal parts sugar, equal parts love that go into The Little Loaf.


We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Kate about her blog and her healthful approach to food and life. Here’s what she had to say.

Why did you start your food blog?

Nicknamed at the age of two by a great aunt who noticed my appetite for bread was bigger than I was, I’ve always loved baking. Commercial bread can be so disappointing (not to mention unhealthy) so in 2024 I decided to start baking all my own from scratch. My boyfriend (now fiancé) convinced me to start a blog to document my progress, and the little loaf blog evolved from there. (more…)

Fat Fix: Getting Your Omega 3s Back in Balance

By Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D., Best Life lead nutritionist

How’s your fat? Don’t worry—I’m not talking about your thighs or belly. I’m referring to the fat on your fork. You’ve heard about all the great things omega-3 fats can do for you, including boosting your mood, keeping your brain sharp and reducing your risk for heart disease. One reason for its stellar health creds: It fights chronic inflammation. But it can’t do its job if it’s outnumbered by its chief rival—omega-6 3

These two polyunsaturated fats compete for entry into your cells, and for most Americans, omega-6 is winning handily. Our bodies evolved to thrive off an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio anywhere from 1:1 to 4:1. Instead, the ratio is 16:1 or higher. That imbalance may literally be killing us.

Where does all the omega-6 come from? Soybean oil is a major source; processed and fast foods are rife with it, and it’s the oil in “vegetable oil” sold in the supermarket. Meanwhile, we eat very few omega-3 rich foods, like fatty fish, chia seeds and flaxseed.

Here’s how to get back in balance: (more…)

More Mediterranean Diet Benefits as Study Finds Link to Memory Preservation

  • Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have found a link between the Mediterranean Diet and the preservation of memory.
  • The researchers tested nearly 18,000 people over the age of 64, and found that subjects on the Mediterranean Diet reduced their chances of memory degradation by 19 percent.
  • There is no known cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s, so “modifiable activities, such as diet…may delay the onset of [dementia] symptoms,” said neurologist Georgios Tsivgoulis, M.D.
  • The Mediterranean Diet focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and healthy fats from olive oil, avocado, and fish. Wine is also allowed. You’ll avoid saturated fats, dairy, and meat. (more…)

Skinny-Fat Individuals Have Higher Death Rate Than the Obese

Just when you thought you knew what obese looked like, an army of skinny-fat people come marching along with little pot bellies hidden under their pear-shaped shirts. No, we’re not on the cusp of a diet-war, but diabetes and heart disease are waging a silent attack on people with normal weight obesity, also known as “skinny-fat.”pizza

While the term normal weight obesity sounds as absurd as fat-free Twinkie, it’s a new and legitimate condition that, according to the Mayo Clinic, may afflict up to 30 million Americans.

In medical terms, normal weight obesity is typified by a normal Body Mass Index (BMI), usually 18.5-24.9, with a large percentage of body fat. In layman’s terms, people with normal weight obesity appear to be thin and healthy, but have large concentrations of central obesity—pooch bellies—and stores of fat around vital organs.

Led by Dr. Karine Sahakyan, The Mayo Clinic conducted a nearly 15-year study of 12,785 subjects, specifically geared toward determining the significance of central obesity. The doctors used a fun, new scientific measurement called “waist-to-hip ratio”—muffin top to where God intended your jeans to sit—as a means to statistically legitimize belly fat. They found that subjects with a normal BMI and a high waist-to-hip ratio—skinny-fat people—”had the highest cardiovascular death risk and the highest death risk…” out of all other demographics studied. (more…)

Kerry Ann King Lost 100 Pounds by Following Her Motherly Instincts

Kerry Ann King of New York City was never a willowy, lanky child, and instead carried a short and stout build. Being involved in ballet where tiny and petite were the norm left her feeling like a square peg in a round hole.

To make matters worse, the ballet school Kerry attended encouraged dieting even at a young age to keep a slim physique. Kerry, now 44, recalls dancing 10-12 hours days on nothing but a few pieces of fruit. But when she quit dancing at age 15, her less active lifestyle and confused metabolism led to quick and steady weight gain. When she ventured into other sports she eventually injured her knee, which led to a cycle of rehab/recovery/re-injury that only further piled on the weight.Kerry Ann King before and after

It wasn’t until Kerry became pregnant that she realized permanent changes to the way she ate and treated her body were necessary. During her first pregnancy Kerry found benefit in reading the classic pregnancy book, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” (more…)

Caprese Grilled Cheese is a Healthy Twist on an Italian Classic

The first time I ever tried a caprese salad was when I was visiting my much-more-sophisticated-than-I older cousin Billy Jo. She and her husband own an exquisite home in Houston and my sister and I were down for a visit nearly a decade ago now.

Before dinner one night, Billy pullled out the ingredients for a caprese salad – fresh mozzarella, gorgeous roma tomatoes, huge stems of basil, and a little balsamic vinegar.

Caprese grilled cheese sandwich 2

Never having seen such an adventurous flavor combination before, I watched closely as she meticulously layered the cheese with the tomato, and then the basil, over and over again until the plate resembled the Italian flag. A drizzle of balsamic vinegar finished it off before we all claimed our portion. Admittedly, my then 16-year-old self didn’t appreciate the robust, fresh flavors. But now, it’s one of my absolute favorite Italian bites. This “grilled cheese” sandwich is an homage to that salad with a bit more heartiness and the ease of portability. (more…)