Diet and Nutrition

9 Green Diets That Honor Earth Day and Your Body

Today, people in 192 countries are banding together in peaceful demonstration to celebrate Earth Day. Founded in the twilight of the hippie movement, the first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970 and is now the largest secular holiday in the world. Due in part to events like Earth Day, we’ve learned a lot about our environment and what we need to change to keep the blue marble spinning a while longer.

The word “green”— now an adjective, noun, and verb—is synonymous in our culture for expansive and minute efforts in environmental sustainability. Not surprisingly, there are a number of “green” diets. In celebration of Earth Day 2024, we’ve compiled nine eco-friendly diets that will help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals while reducing your carbon footprint.


The Kind Diet

The Kind Diet is a book by actress and vegan Alicia Silverstone that illustrates the benefits of a plant-based diet. Silverstone uses the book to show that a vegan diet can not only help your body, but help animals and the planet, too. The diet is beneficial because it allows you to progress in stages and preserves animal life on Earth. However, the drastic change to a plant-based diet may be too extreme for some, as no meat, dairy, or animal products are allowed. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Holly Whitleff of The Healthy Everythingtarian

I love introducing new friends, especially when I know they’ll hit off. Diets In Review readers, I know you’ll love one of my dearest online friends Holly Whitleff, who runs the healthy, inspiring, ever-delicious blog The Healthy Everythingtarian. So many good things to say about this girl I hardly know where to start!holly-the-healthy-everythingtarian

Let’s begin with food. Holly has always approached food practically and healthfully, avoiding any fad diet trends or overly-complicated ingredients or equipment. That’s why I’ve always loved her blog: Healthy, simple food inspiration can always be found. Apple cheddar tart, anyone? Plus, she’s one of the most entertaining online writers you’ll read.

I had the extreme pleasure of speaking with Holly recently about her blog, her life and her practical approach to health. Here’s what she had to say. (more…)

Conscious Cleanse: A Review

Typically we publish a workout-centered post on Saturdays – you know the drill. But today I was given the freedom to talk on something else. I’ve chosen something relevant to me right now in my “journey to health,” which is a cleanse I’m currently enduring.


Before you roll your eyes, lock up your kids and call me a fanatic, hear me out. Prior to this cleanse I was entirely adverse to anything with the word ‘cleanse’ in it, and have always viewed anything with the label an unsafe fad or trick to help you fit into your skinny jeans or “finally break the bondage of that grilled cheese addiction.”

This cleanse, however, is different. It’s been more of a learning process than a diet, and it’s allowed me to change the way I view food and how it nourishes me. It’s also helped me realize how I’d unknowingly grown so unaware of how food and the body work together to achieve optimum health. (more…)

Regarding Kelly Osbourne’s Weight – You Care More Than She Does

Every time Kelly Osbourne loses 10 pounds, she get’s a magazine cover. Kelly osbourne self magazine

Gracing the cover of SELF Magazine is Osbourne, flipping her trademark lavender hair and looking svelte in a flowery two piece. Since losing 50 pounds four years ago, we’ve been clamoring over every regained dress size and potential relapse. Truth is, we all care about her weight much more than she does.

“I don’t weigh myself,” she told SELF. “If you like what you see in front of the mirror, then what’s the f—ing point of getting on a scale?”

Overweight for most of her life, Kelly’s battle with drugs and near-overdose received less media attention than her mildly fluctuating weight. In 2024, Kelly entered a a drug treatment facility to care for her five-year addiction to painkillers. Constipation is a common symptom of painkiller abuse, which probably left her bloated for extended periods of time. Rehab worked, and as soon as she beat her addiction she was able to focus on regaining health in all aspects of her life. (more…)

Stefan Pinto’s C Diet Holds Dieters Accountable With Facebook

“You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control what you put in your mouth.”

That’s the mantra for the diet program Stefan Pinto started Thanksgiving morning 2024. His post, “Gobble! Gobble! Post a photo of your Thanksgiving meal on my wall,” received a variety of results. According to Stefan, the variety of meals he saw in the pictures “lit a creative spark.” The following January, the idea of the “Facebook driven camera phone diet” was made an actuality.

c diet

Participants in the Stefan Pinto C Diet are asked to determine whether the meals in the photos they post are based on one of the three Cs, convenience, calories, cost or some combination of the three.

“We discovered that no matter who you are, your occupation, your culture, your income level or age – you always eat based on one of those three Cs!” Stefan said. The goal of the program is that the participants go from a thought of, “did I really eat that?” to “Yes! I ate this!” (more…)

Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Kits Now Available at Walmart

Nutrisystem has just announced the availability of their 5-Day Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kits in more than 2,000 Walmart locations.

The kit contains 15 entrees, five desserts, a meal planner, and access to free weight loss counseling for just $44.98. All of the food is low on the glycemic index, and contains a balanced proportion of quality carbs, good fats, and proteins. For instance, the Jumpstart Kit begins your week with granola cereal for breakfast, red beans and rice for lunch, lasagna with meat sauce for dinner, and a chocolatey nougat bar with peanuts and caramel for dessert. Not bad.

nutrisystem 5 day kit

In addition to the new Jumpstart Kit, Nutrisystem is also rolling out another 5-Day Kit for their specifically designed diabetic diet, Nutrisystem D. The kit is geared toward the sensitive dietary needs of diabetes sufferers attempting to lose weight.

Nutrisystem—traditionally a meal delivery system available for order over the phone or web—widened its retail scope when they began offering their products at Costco stores in 2024. The typical Nutrisystem program is 28 days long, and the new 5-Day Jumpstart Kit is designed to ease dieters in with a simple and easy plan. (more…)

Tuesdays with Mary: Join Our Weekly Google Hangout with Expert Dietitian Mary Hartley

We’re pretty proud of our team and constantly working to give you more access to them. Starting April 23, you’ll be able to meet with our resident nutrition expert Mary Hartley, RD each week to have your questions answered and get her take on the latest health and nutrition trends and news.mary hartley

Make sure you’re following DietsInReview on Google+, then mark your calendar every Tuesday at 8p EST / 7p CST for a 30-minute chat with Mary, our managing editor Brandi Koskie, and a couple of our loyal followers.

Yes, YOU can score a seat at the table and have your question answered! Each week we’ll select a few DIR followers to join the chat. (more…)

5 Ways to Lose Weight While You Work

By Team Best Life

Is your office job making you fat? If you’re like most Americans, you spend the majority of your waking hours at work–and that means a healthy workplace mindset is crucial to your best life. Use some of these tips to get started:

desk job

Get a head start.

Ensure a good night’s sleep by visiting the gym, preparing a healthy meal and relaxing before you hit the sack. Try to leave work where it belongs—at work. If you absolutely must get in some screen time, keep it as far away from bedtime as possible. The display light on your computer or smartphone can interfere with your body’s internal clock, and elevating your heart rate even a little can increase cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. (Learn more about the connection between sleep and weight loss.)

Dress for success.

Opt for flats over heels, and shoot for comfortable rather than couture. Studies show that folks who work in comfort move more, burning more calories in the process. (more…)

How Fitbloggin’ Founder Roni Noone Lost 70 Pounds and Became a Tough Mudder Addict

Roni Noone is one of our favorite healthy bloggers and for good reason. More than eight years ago she lost 70 pounds and still boasts a lean, strong body today despite two kids, plenty of diet blunders and a hectic schedule. The best part about it? She’s just an everyday mom being real, trying to stay healthy and inspiring others to do the same. If you’ve never met Roni, prepare to be inspired.

Roni’s weight struggles began around age 12 when she saw a photograph of herself and didn’t like what she saw. “That’s when I started obsessing over becoming thinner – skipping lunch and trying not to eat much at home,” she said. “I starting the yo-yo cycle of deprivation and binging, and I did that throughout high school.”Roni-Noone-Before-and-After

Though it helped her maintain a “healthy weight” through her teens, the cycle of binging and starving did her more harm later on in college. By the time she graduated she weighed 210 pounds, and the struggle didn’t stop there.

After college when the low carb craze was all the rage, Roni hopped on the band wagon and cut out nearly all carbs from her diet. Though it helped her lose weight initially, she inevitably gained it all back. To make matters worse, she and her husband were hoping to start a family soon, so reaching a healthy weight became critical. (more…)

The 15 Worst Pieces of Diet Advice We Feed our Kids

We’ve all been fed bad diet advice at some point in our lives, usually with negative consequences. But what about the diet advice we feed our kids? Is it healthy, constructive, inspiring? Are we setting them up for nutritional success or failure?kids-diet-advice

These are questions we should be asking ourselves when raising a child. The diet examples we set for our kids and the words we use to guide them will no doubt affect their relationship with food. Unfortunately, just one poor example or one piece of bad advice can cause a flurry of negative results.

While there’s a descent amount of truth out there regarding kids and diet, there’s also a lot of bogus advice. This is especially sad considering this is such a crucial time for our nation amidst a childhood obesity epidemic.

A recent study suggested that kids should simply eat off smaller plates to avoid obesity. This isn’t terrible advice, per say, but eating off a smaller plate isn’t going to solve the problem. Kids need to develop a healthy understanding of food as nutrition instead of learning little “tricks” to hopefully divert them from health disasters. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Madison Mayberry of Espresso and Cream

A love for food and blogging collided for 25-year-old Madison Mayberry, who discovered her love for recipe development and food photography as an intern at Better Homes and Gardens. Today Madison runs the successful food blog Espresso and Cream and plays food editor at Betty Crocker Kitchens. One visit to Madison’s blog and she had me at almond meal pancakes and whole wheat chocolate banana bread. Stop by and we think you’ll fall for Espresso and Cream, too.


We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Madison about her blog, her approach to health and diet, and some of her favorite recipes to date. Here’s what she had to say.

How did you start your food blog?
I started my blog, Espresso and Cream, when I was an intern at Better Homes and Gardens magazine back in 2024. I was working on the food editorial team and wanted a creative outlet that allowed me to share the recipes I was working on and enjoying in my personal life, not just the things I was working on as part of the magazine staff. (more…)