Diet and Nutrition

Betsy Schow Lost 75 Pounds, Became an Author and Ran a Marathon All in One Year

Betsy Schow’s weight struggles began early on in life. She recalls her childhood, growing up with two parents who both struggled with their weight and three siblings who were the stark opposite.

“I have three older sisters and they were always skinny little whips. It was obnoxious,” she joked. “When I was 12 my dad lost quite a bit of weight – 150 pounds – with Atkins and Fen-Phen. It was at that point that he not so politely pointed out that was I fat.”

Perhaps not so aware of her weight before that moment, Betsy’s struggles all of the sudden became a preoccupation. She did everything she could to try and lose the weight, testing out various diet and fitness programs but they all ended up leaving her heavier than she was before. It didn’t take long before this pattern left her fed up and willing to do just about anything to lose the weight.

At 5 feet 7 inches tall, Betsy weighed just shy of 220 pounds at her heaviest. A big push came when she tried to eat better over one summer in an attempt to finally get in a swimsuit and feel comfortable. But when she stopped nursing her youngest daughter that year she gained an unexpected 10 pounds in one month, which sent her to a sinking point.

“Between that 10 pounds and the scale I lost it. I broke down and realized I had to change,” she recalled. “Even then it started out pretty much the same but I needed to do something drastic because my doctor was warning me I was pre-diabetic.” (more…)

Looking at Fatty Foods May Make You Fat

By Bob Greene for

You already know that eating fatty foods can cause you to pack on pounds, but a recent study suggests that simply seeing fatty foods can lead to cravings that can result in weight gain.

In the study, researchers at the University of Southern California showed 13 obese women images of different foods–both healthy (fruits and veggies) and not-so-healthy (hamburgers, cookies and cakes)–as well as non-food photos. They then asked the women to rate their hunger level and desire for sweet and savory foods. During the experiment, researchers did an MRI scan of participants’ brains. The researchers found that the brains’ reward and appetite control centers lit up when the women looked at the images of fatty foods.

Eating or drinking while being exposed to these types of images—it’s just like nibbling while you’re watching TV or browsing Pinterest, for instance—seems to worsen the effects. In the study, researchers gave the women a sugary drink of glucose (similar to a can of soda) or fructose (another sweetener), to sip while looking at the various images. After slurping down both drinks, women felt hungrier and had a stronger desire for sweet and savory foods. Fructose seemed to do this even more so than glucose. (more…)

Keri Glassman’s 13 Sneaky Ways to Add More Fiber to Your Diet

When we talk about weight loss, we often hear things like satiating, stay fuller longer, and satisfied. The reason is that if you’re eating the right foods, the kind that fill you up, you won’t need to go rushing for unnecessary snacks, especially the kind that do not fill you up. The answer in all of this is fiber, specifically psyllium fiber.

“It’s the kind that creates the bulk,” Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN told us. She’s a renowned dietitian who breaks down the science in to bite-sized morsels of nutrition information real people can actually use.

She explained that women should be consuming about 25-38 grams of fiber every day, while we typically get about half of that. The discrepancy exists for a pretty obvious reason – our diets. Keri pointed to the refined carbohydrates, like white bread and pasta, that fill so much of what we eat. As well, frequent dining out, especially fast food, contributes to a lack of fiber. These meals rarely have whole grains nor do they have ample serving sizes of fruits and vegetables (a thin slice of tomato on a burger hardly counts). Therefore we simply “don’t get enough fiber,” said Keri.

There are two ways to fix this, and both endorsed by this nutrition expert and author of Slim Calm Sexy Diet – adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet and a fiber supplement like Konsyl Fiber.

She makes adding more fiber-rich foods sound as simple as stirring in a spoonful of fiber powder to a smoothie or soup, and honestly it probably is. (more…)

Your Wheat Addiction is Making You Fat, Says Wheat Belly Author on Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz asks “are you addicted to wheat?”on his December 3 show. Oz invites William Davis, MD, author of Wheat Belly, to share his opinion on how modern wheat is destructive to human health.

“Nobody, no human, nobody in this audience should be eating this modern creation of genetics research,” says Davis, a cardiologist, on the show. He posits that the wheat today, which is genetically modified, has negative implications that were never anticipated when scientists started producing sturdier, mass-produced crops.

In Wheat Belly, Davis also writes that not only is wheat unhealthy, it is poisonous and addictive. Wheat is poisonous, he says, because it has so many adverse effects on humans. “There’s not an organ system or condition that has not been related to consumption of modern wheat,” Davis tells Oz.

Davis links wheat to stimulating brain receptors into wanting more refined carbohydrates, much in the same way heroin and opium produce cravings. He says that this adds around 440 calories per day to wheat eaters, a number that soon adds up and packs on belly fat.  (more…)

New Weight Watchers 360 Aims to Make Healthy Choices Second Nature

Weight Watchersis turning 50 next year and they’re rolling out a brand new program to celebrate. The longtime weight loss brand is introducing a new diet program that’s specifically designed to equip people to sustain lifelong weight loss in a culture where obesity has become a new normal.

“We live in a world of food overabundance,” said David Kirchhoff, Weight Watchers President and CEO. “Hence we have an obesity epidemic because people are doing what they’re wired to do: respond to their food environment.”

While Weight Watchers’ goal has always been to help people lose weight and keep it off, their new program Weight Watchers 360 takes it a step further. By building on the PointsPlus tracking program, 360 addresses two main areas that often pose road blocks in maintaining a healthy weight: Spaces and routines.

Spaces seeks to equip members in how to handle situations that may pose problems and get their weight loss efforts off track. Whether it be donuts at the office, portion control in the home or the temptation of drinks and desserts in social settings, Weight Watchers 360 aims to help members navigate these often difficult diet situations. (more…)

New Bariatric Surgery, POSE, Introduced on The Doctors

The Doctors introduced a new bariatric surgery method last week. It’s called the Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal, or P.O.S.E. 

POSE is performed without an incision, making recovery time significantly less. It is designed for patients wanting to lose between 25 to 60 pounds. The procedure, which takes about an hour, is done by inserting a tube through the mouth down to the stomach. Tiny tools then work to permanently fold sections of the stomach until its size is diminished sufficiently; in essence, shrinking the stomach. The device used in the surgery is cleared by the FDA for other tissue approximation procedures, but not yet for weight loss surgery.

The Doctors highlight the story of Gloria who chose the procedure after years of weight gain and useless dieting. She has lost 26 pounds so far, and expects to lose more. As with any weight loss procedure, changing her diet and fitness levels were also necessary. (more…)

How to Cook with Acorn Squash

Along with spaghetti and butternut squash, acorn squash is another winter fruit that seems to be popping up everywhere this time of year. I’ve seen it in recipes for soups, pastas, salads, and even pies and it all looks so gorgeous and tasty it’s growing hard to resist. However, similar to my foodie blunder of never trying butternut squash, I’ve also never tried acorn squash – shame on me. But after rounding up some seriously delicious recipes featuring it both in savory and sweet settings (find six below), I’m officially adding it to my “to try” list this holiday season and hope you’ll do the same.

Health benefits: Acorn squash is an extremely healthy winter fruit loaded with vitamins and minerals like vitamins B-12, C and A, and potassium, folic acid and manganese. It’s also considerably high in folic acid, fiber and both alpha-carotene and beta carotene, which help fight free radicals in the body and ward off certain types of cancers.

Just one cup of acorn squash contains 145 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A. The same serving size also provides 15 percent of the recommended daily amount of omega 3 fatty acids, which evidence has shown can help boost heart health, lower triglycerides and even help prevent and treat serious conditions such as arthritis and depression. (more…)

HealthBuzz November 30: Obesity Prediction Calculator, AIDS Blueprint, and 3 New Chicken Dinner Recipes

We are hours away from the weekend! This means it is time for your dose of healthy news. DIR’s headliners for this week include a new obesity prediction calculator, the diet gimmicks Dr. Oz tried selling this year, and how much Sensa’s paying for false advertising. In addition to our headliners we have health news from Forbes, CNN Health, and Best Life Diet. Plus, exciting new chicken dinner recipes with one from Pinch of Yum.

Obesity Prediction Calculator Reinforces Parents’ Role in Child’s Weight

Are you scared your child might fall into the statistics of the obesity epidemic? Instead of waiting for time to answer that question you could simply use the Obesity Prediction Calculator, developed by researchers at Imperial College London and it can accurately predict childhood obesity up to 85% of the time. Parents should use the results from the Obesity Prediction Calculator to make it their responsibility to ensure that their child will learn to lead a healthful, balanced life.

The 6 Miracle Diets Dr. Oz Tried to Sell Us in 2024

We are almost a month away from the New Year. This means “weight loss” season will be in full effect. And, if you watch Dr. Oz, you know he will be advocating a new miracle weight loss program or diet soon after the ball drops. DIR has highlighted six weight-loss diets Dr.Oz has tried selling to the masses in 2024, deeming each as a miracle cure.

Sensa’s False Advertising Costs Them $800,000

Another diet company has to pay for their false advertising claims. Sensa, also as known as “the sprinkle diet,” has to pay $800,000 in penalties for their false weight loss claims. Sensa seemed too good to be true – sprinkle little crystals on your food and that will guarantee weight loss -because it was. We’re not buying it and neither are consumers in California. (more…)

2 New Avocado Recipes: Cucumber Avocado Soup and Avocado Spread with Tomatoes

By Team Best Life –

Avocados take the starring role in many healthy recipes for a reason—they contain vitamins E and K, folate and fiber. Not to mention, they’re delicious! Don’t be scared off by all the fat; avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, the variety that can help lower cholesterol, especially LDL or “bad” cholesterol, which contributes to heart disease and other health problems. Still, to keep calories in check, you have to limit your intake of all fats, even the healthy kinds, so try using about a quarter of an avocado (about 60 calories of creamy deliciousness) in your favorite recipes.

How to Buy an Avocado

Avocados start green and turn black as they ripen. In the store, you should gently squeeze and examine avocados to find the right one for your needs: If you don’t plan on using it until later in the week, choose one that is green and firm. If you want to eat the avocado immediately, pick one that is dark in color and just slightly soft when you squeeze it.

How to Use an Avocado

To ripen a hard avocado, place it in a brown bag with a banana and it should be ripe in two days or so. If your avocado is ripe but you aren’t ready to use it, stick it in the refrigerator. You can also save parts of an avocado for later—just leave the pit in before wrapping it to help maintain freshness.

Avocado is delicious plain, and also works well in tons of recipes, including salads, wraps, sandwiches and spreads. Or, try one of these tasty Best Life recipes. (more…)

Paul Bucich Lost 60 Pounds after Trading Late Night TV For Ironman Competitions

Paul Bucich, 38, of Ahwatukee, Arizona was your average active and athletic child growing up. It wasn’t until later in life that he fell into a string of bad habits that led him to put on a considerable amount of weight. Habits like watching television most evenings and consuming too much alcohol before and after meals sent his weight over 200 pounds, which came with some serious consequences.

Paul began to gain weight while in college thanks to heavy beer drinking and no longer participating in sports. Landing a desk job after college only further solidified his unhealthy lifestyle. At his heaviest, Paul weighed 210 pounds, but he wasn’t friends with anyone who exercised so it didn’t seem like a big deal.

Then in 2024 on a routine doctor visit Paul found out he had unusually high blood pressure for a male in his mid-30s and was prescribed high blood pressure medication. Paul had only taken this medication for a few months before he and his wife were challenged to a weight loss competition by a few of their family members. The prize was $400 and Paul wanted to win.

In addition to changing his eating to fit the 4-Hour Body diet, Paul also quit smoking and became more active. By the end of the competition, which lasted from April-May 2024, Paul was down 30 pounds, had completely given up cigarettes, and was off of his high blood pressure mediation. From there it was a slow but steady climb toward better health.

“I exercised after that and I did some cardio and started running. I couldn’t run more than 30 seconds when I started,” he said. “But if you push yourself pretty soon you’re running a minute, walking a minute. And then you’re running fast and jogging for a break between intervals.” (more…)

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Issues Statewide Weight Loss Challenge, Dismisses School Lunch Guidelines

Americans are undeniably getting fatter by the decade with the latest reports showing that more than half of U.S. adults in most states are now obese. In the face of such staggering statistics, one state governor is taking an unconventional stand. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has issued a weight loss challenge this week in an attempt to get Kansans more aware of their health.

According to Kansas Health and Environment Secretary Robert Moser, M.D., the obesity rate in Kansas is near the national average. The state has seen a sizable increase in obesity as rates among adults have increased from 15 percent in 1995 to 30.1 percent in 2024. In addition, nearly one-third of all children are overweight or obese.

For this reason, and by his own initiative, Brownback is declaring an official weight loss challenge for stat employees that will take place between January 15 and May 15, 2024.

“My hope is that the Governor’s Weight Loss Challenge will encourage everyone to work together to make our state healthier,” said the governor in an official press release. “I am challenging teams of five people to compete against my team of five to lose the most percentage weight, with the ultimate goal of taking on and maintaining a healthier lifestyle for years to come.” (more…)