Diet and Nutrition

John Thompson’s 202 Pound Weight Loss Started with Brown Rice and Ended at a Half Marathon Finish Line

“I used to think I’d feel like I’m done,” John Thompson recently told me about weight loss. “Now I realize it’s just another achievement in moving forward in my life.”

That achievement is the 202 pounds lost that he realized last month!

We first introduced you to John in January of this year, when he’d lost 155 pounds. He told us then his journey wasn’t over and that he expected to hit the 200 pound mark by the end of summer. Let this man buy your lottery tickets, folks, because he was right! For John, 200 pounds wasn’t an arbitrary goal, 200 pounds would put him at half his starting weight. That’s no small feat, but one he took on one small change at a time.

The biggest take away from John’s original weight loss story was how he made one small change at a time until suddenly they had all added up in to big results and new habits. His entire 202 pound weight loss journey began with a grain of rice when he made the decision to start preparing or ordering brown rice as opposed to French fries or other nutritionally void foods. That one-thing-at-a-time mentality carries John through his healthy new lifestyle today.

“I watch what I eat, how much I eat, and that still carries over today,” he told me. “I’ve thought about fast food and I feel guilty. I couldn’t make myself stop now.” Proof of the monumental changes he’s made.

Before John’s journey two years ago, he smoked, drank, never exercised, and didn’t eat well at all. That’s a very distant version of himself now. “Living that way, I didn’t know how bad things were,” he said. He descried his physical and mental condition, which included bad knees, poor sleep (he believes he had sleep apnea), constant heartburn, headaches, and bothersome allergies. He described how his weight was hard on furniture – a broken recliner in his living room as evidence. As well, the springs in his truck seat are blown out – more evidence of a skin he’s worked hard to shed.

“I feel amazing. I can’t stress the quality of life, it’s so much different,” he proudly noted. Today, all of those symptoms are gone, the allergies aren’t a bother any more, and he said he simply does not get sick. (more…)

100,000 Pounds of Weight Loss on The Doctors

The Doctors share weight loss secrets on their October 25 episode as they give you 100,000 pounds worth of dieting inspiration.

The show will feature true weight loss stories of people who have lost huge amounts of weight – 50, 100, and even 200 pounds – to motivate you on your journey of weight loss.

We here at Diets in Review know how difficult it can be to lose those needed amounts of body fat. Some turn to traditional diets, weight loss pills, new fitness regimens, a different approach to eating, or a mixture of these to find the right approach for each individual. So if others can do it, you can too! (more…)

Valerie Bertinelli Talks Weight Loss and Healthy Italian Food on Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz interviewed Valerie Bertinelli on his October 22 show as she opened up about divorce, drugs, and losing weight, as well as her new cookbook, One Dish at a Time, which features healthy Italian recipes.

Bertinelli, a longtime television star, lost 40 pounds with the help of Jenny Craig, becoming their spokesperson in 2024. She wrote a book about her weight loss experience called Losing It – And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time. She tells Dr. Oz she has never kept her weight loss off for this long and that her weight gain occurred during a low point in her life in which she was “eating her misery away.”

The star answers fan questions as well. She says she stays motivated to exercise by saying mantras such as “I am healthy” and thanking God for the life she’s been blessed with as soon as she wakes up every morning. She’s asked what favorite foods she has had to cut back on, and says it’s her brother’s delicious gumbo recipe. She used to eat three bowls at a time, but now only has one cup, which is just as good. Her final question is about weight loss support systems, and she says that Jenny Craig was tremendously helpful for her, as well as her friends and family. If you don’t have these, she recommends searching people out from the gym, websites, or wherever you can. (more…)

7 Facts About GMOs to Convince You to Vote Yes on 37

Surely you’ve been hearing the buzz about GMOs by now.  As the vote in California is just around the corner, many more groups are talking about this controversial topic. In case you aren’t sure what all the talk is about, the California ballot next month will ask voters to pass a law to require labeling of GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms. If you haven’t decided where you stand about this subject, here are 7 facts about GMOs we hope will persuade you to vote Yes on 37.

1. A GMO is a Food with Altered DNA. Before we get too caught up in the details, let’s start at the beginning and define what a GMO is. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Much of our food supply is comprised of these organisms. A genetically modified food is a plant or meat that has had its DNA altered in a lab. Genes from other plants or organisms have been artificially altered to create unnatural compounds in food. This is all done in order to yield larger crops, allow the crop to resist insects, protect against viruses, and tolerate herbicides. This is all done in hopes to create bigger profits and lower costs to consumers.

2. The US is a Global Leader in GMO Crops. According to USA Today, the US leads the world in GMO crop planting. We planted 170 million acres in 2024. That yielded 95% of the country’s sugar beets, 94% of the soybeans, 90% of the cotton, and 88% of the feed corn. (more…)

Top 10 Vegetarian-Friendly Cities Revealed

This has been a good year for vegans and vegetarians. In July, Gallup asked Americans if they were vegan for the first time ever in a poll gauging American diet trends.

While only 2 percent responded that they were vegan, that amounts to about 6 million people in the U.S. alone. Five percent – or about 15 million – responded that they were vegetarian, which proves that meat is no longer the sole protein source in the American diet.

More proof that meat is on its way out? A survey administered by the Vegetarian Research Group, the Vegetarian Times and Harris Interactive Service Bureau revealed a whole new set of statistics regarding vegetarianism, and things are looking up.

Not only did a total of 8.3 million people verify that their diet was absent of meat, the survey gained a clearer understanding of exactly who makes up this health-conscious demographic.

As reported by Statistic Brain, 7.3 million Americans reported that they were vegetarian and 1 million reported being vegan. More encouraging was that nearly 23 million reported following a “vegetarian-inclined diet,” likely meaning that they follow a vegetarian diet most of the time, which has been a growing trend with the help of movements like Meatless Mondays. (more…)

Pumpkin Chili Makes a Hearty and Healthy Fall Meal

When it comes to a brisk fall day, nothing sounds better than cozying up inside with a blanket, a cup of tea and a warm bowl of chili. Chili was a mainstay in my household growing up, and it continues to be now that I’m married and off on my own.

Because there are so may varieties of chili it’s hard to pick just one favorite, especially when many argue that true chili doesn’t have beans while others content vegetarian versions are the best. While I have tried a number of variations and admit that the hearty, meat-containing types really satisfy my deepest chili cravings, this vegetarian variety quickly wiggled its way into my heart as a new healthy favorite. (more…)

How to Cook with Sage

Even for beginner-level cooks, sage is a beautiful and robust herb that should be introduced into recipes early on in the experimenting process. This soft, leafy herb has a woodsy, slightly sweet and minty aroma and infuses dishes with a distinct flavor that screams all-things Thanksgiving. In addition to making dishes taste wonderful, sage also adds much nutritional value. The following notes are just a few reasons why you should start incorporating this unique into your recipes today. 

Health benefits: Sage is an incredibly healthy herb that carries a number of nutritional benefits. In fact, according to, sage won Herb of the Year in 2024 for its superior health-promoting properties. Sage is in the mint family and claims rosemary as a “sister herb.” It contains many volatile oils, flavonoids, and phenolic acids which boast such benefits as reducing inflammation, fighting free radicals in the body, and improving brain function.

According to, few people know that herbs like sage contain higher concentrations of antioxidants that many common fruits and vegetables. In addition, they contain a wider variety of antioxidants, which makes them one of the top antioxidant food sources available. For ways to sneak more sage into your daily diet, try adding it to dishes like smoothies, dips and soups for a fresh and flavorful spin. (more…)

HealthBuzz October 19: Famous Vegans, Indoor Fitness for Kids, and Comforting Fall Recipes

It’s Friday and that means it time for a dose of healthy news before you head out to enjoy the weekend. This week’s headline includes a story about celebrities who are living healthier due to their vegan lifestyle. Another headline is an article about indoor fitness for kids that we shared at Nutritious America. And, don’t forget to look at the recipes we love which include a whole wheat chicken pot pie and a sparkling apple sangria recipe.

3 Free Weekly Meal Planner Worksheets Organize Healthy Homemade Food

After a long day of work the last thing you want to worry about is dinner. For those who want to get healthy and manage their grocery budget meal planning can be a big help. DIR is sharing three meal plan worksheets that you can print off for free! The worksheets can help you stick to meal plans at the store and you’ll be less likely to put a bunch of junk into your grocery cart! 

Meet Mr. Honeycrisp, the Man Behind Fall’s Most Popular (and Most Expensive) Apple

About every type of apples tastes the same, right? Wrong. Honeycrisp Apples’ taste is unmatchable compared to Granny Smith apples or Red Delicious apples. DIR’s managing editor recently interviewed David Bedford, the father of the Honeycrisp Apple. Read more about the most prestigious apple out right now!

More Vegan Celebrities Tout the Animal-Free Diet’s Benefits

Being a vegan means that you cut off any animal product from your diet, but it also changes your lifestyle. Vegans swear to not use any animals products or eat animals because it is morally wrong. Celebrities like Pink, Kristen Bell, and Travis Barker have made a healthy lifestyle change since becoming vegans. (more…)

Diet Chef’s Diet Together Program Offers an Incentive for Weight Loss Partners

It’s been long established by now that fitness and weight loss goals are more successful when there’s accountability. Diet Chef, a UK-based company, is tapping in to that truth to help users lose more weight by encouraging them to do so with a partner. The program is called Diet Together.

Diet Chef is a calorie controlled food delivery diet program. They have been helping people lose weight through portion controlled meals that come delivered right to the home.

After a user fills out a profile, the experts at the company determine whether one should be on a 1,500 or 1,200 calories-per-day plan. Once the meals are selected, the perfectly portioned and calorie counted foods come to the door and users can begin eating healthy portioned foods to aid in their weight loss journey.

Since the program has seen so much success they wanted to up the game by offering a deal for users who sign up with a friend. Since partners seem to see even better results in a weight loss plan, Diet Together allows for friends and family to get a discount on Diet Chef food. The tailored program will encourage more “teams” to sign up and help each other accomplish their goals. All users have to do is place a second order on top of their own food order to receive 20% off both deliveries. (more…)

3 Free Weekly Meal Planner Worksheets to Organize Healthy Homemade Food

I am a big proponent of meal planning. It’s something I’ve been doing in my own home for four years, and it’s one of the first things I recommend to anyone trying to be more healthily, trying to manage their grocery budget, or wanting to ensure they eat more food at home. It’s a simple task that takes a few minutes of my time every Sunday, keeps me in check at the grocery store, and keeps me from stressing that “what’s for dinner” question every night of the week.

The answer? It’s on the front of the refrigerator.

Thanks to Laura Likes Design, we’re sharing three meal plan worksheets that you can print off and use in your home. With spaces for three meals a day, seven days a week, you’ll never have to wonder what you’re having at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And we’ve built in space for a grocery list, too! You can take the worksheet to the store with you to help stick to the plan.

Design 1, including a sample weekly meal plan to show you how easy it is to stay on track! Click here to download this PDF.

How does a weekly plan save you money?

You stick to the list! You aren’t aimlessly dropping things in your shopping cart hoping to wind up at home with enough stuff to throw together a meal. Everything that goes in your cart has a purpose. You buy, and therefore spend money on, only those things you need. (more…)

More Vegan Celebrities Tout the Animal-Free Diet’s Benefits

While vegan seems to become a hotter buzz word all the time, it’s a lifestyle that less than one percent of the U.S. has adopted. Less than half a percent make up the vegan population in the UK, too. For a very small group of people, 1 million* to be exact, their voices are loud, strong, and proud. Their message of an animal-free life (which extends from food and beverage to clothing and cosmetics) is amplified each time a celebrity adopts a vegan diet.

Idolizing vegan and vegetarian celebrities isn’t anything new. PETA has an entire class of sexiest vegetarians for which Pamela Anderson has been a poster girl. But she’s got some hot competition these days as sexy and aware celebrities make their veganism as well known as their movies and hit songs.

This week several famous vegans made headlines. Rocker PINK showed off her postpartum weight loss thanks to a vegan diet, Kristen Bell opens up about her switch from vegetarian to vegan, and Blink 182’s drummer shares how a vegan diet saved him after a health scare.

PINK gained 55 pounds during her pregnancy with daughter Willow Sage, born June 2024. She worked the weight off during the past year with daily exercise and committing to a mostly vegan diet (admitting to some chicken and fish), as she told Shape Magazine this month. “I think my baby may be part cheesecake,” she said, joking about her boundless pregnancy diet. However, there was no cheesecake for mama after baby, unless it was animal-product free. (more…)