Food Find: Pappardelle’s Pasta

If I’ve made one thing clear in our Food Finds and Food Fight series, it’s that I like pasta. And really, who doesn’t? I’m also quite conscientious of the pasta I do eat, and I’m always on the look for … Continue reading

Basic Components to a Healthy Diet

Believe it or not, eating healthy isn’t that difficult. It really comes down to being consistent, being disciplined, and retraining your taste buds. Below are some simple, basic components to healthy eating. Eat a variety of foods. Try not to … Continue reading

Diets Around the World

This morning on the Today Show, they discussed how three countries manage to stay fit and trim, while eating decadent foods. Japan, Italy and France are far fitter than the U.S., which ranks as the heaviest country in the world … Continue reading

Top 5 Hamstring Exercises

The Hamstings (back of thigh) are made up of three muscles, the Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, and the Semimembranosus. The Hamstrings are fast twitch muscle fibers and respond well to low reps and powerful movements. The main functions of the Hamstrings … Continue reading

Yoga Injuries

In a recent issue of Self magazine, there was an article on the perils of yoga. Namely, that the surge of yoga studios and yoga instructors all over has also sent a few too many yoga practitioners to the doctor’s … Continue reading

Selling You on Food Packaging

I recently had the opportunity to work in a school in East Harlem, New York to provide free health counseling sessions to students and parents. It was a great experience as everyone was fully engaged and asking a lot of … Continue reading

Top 5 Quad Exercises

The Quadriceps (front of the thigh) consist of four muscles and are mainly used for extension such as walking, running, jumping, and squatting. The Quadriceps are made up of the Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, and the Vastus Intermedius. … Continue reading

The South’s Weight is Going North

The South may not rise again, but the numbers on the scales are every day. Our entire country is having trouble with staying at a healthy weight. Obesity is on the rise everywhere… but especially in Dixie. Southern cooking is … Continue reading