How to Cook with Artichokes

Artichokes: Where do I begin? As a child I was absolutely terrified by them and as an adult I’m still a little bit unsure of their distinct texture, taste and shape. When I order a salad at a restaurant and … Continue reading

Spinach and Artichoke Dip Without the Guilt

A quick search of what’s in season in November will yield an abundant list of produce that’s ripe for the picking. Think broccoli and Brussels sprouts, carrots and cranberries, kiwi and kumquat, rutabaga and winter squash. And let’s not forget the … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Drill: Post-Workout Stretching

For this week’s Saturday Morning Drill we’re stressing the importance of stretching. While it’s important to warm up before a workout, many people don’t realize you should actually save the stretching for after the workout. Stretching is not recommended before a workout because … Continue reading