Giuliana Rancic Reveals She Has Breast Cancer

Giuliana Rancic recently announced that she has breast cancer and will be undergoing surgery this week. Giuliana works for E! Entertainment and revealed that she discovered a tumor in her breast while she was undergoing in-vitro fertilization. Giuliana, 37, stated, … Continue reading

A Mushroom a Day Helps Keep Breast Cancer Away

By Karen Sherwood for Mushrooms have long been considered a medicinal food in eastern cultures, touted for their anti-inflammatory properties and range of micronutrients. Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s new book, “Super Immunity, The Essential Guide for Boosting Your Body’s Defenses … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Beets

A few weeks ago, I decided to dust off my juicer that has been sitting in the back of my pantry for years. It was one of those things, you know, out of sight out of mind. There are positives … Continue reading

Vegucated Documentary Makes its US Debut

In the documentary Vegucated, filmmaker Marisa Miller Wolfson sets out to show how the vegan lifestyle can be adopted by anyone. It follows three New Yorkers of different backgrounds as they adopt a plant-based diet for six weeks, and then … Continue reading