Budgeting For Better, Healthier Meals

By Ashley Watson Budgeting for meals can be easier than you think if you remember that saving money will also encourage healthier eating habits. You already know that whole foods are more healthful than processed foods, but did you realize … Continue reading

Are Hot Dogs as Dangerous as Cigarettes?

It’s no surprise why there are warning labels on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The research shows that they cause cancer. No one contests that point. But what about other products? When there is research pointing out a true risk, … Continue reading

Why Fatty Foods Boost Moods

Warm bread fresh out of the oven, mom’s homemade spaghetti, and chocolate chip cookies could make anyone have a good day. While it’s no mystery that fatty or sugary foods can alleviate just about any bad mood, hardly anyone questions … Continue reading

Brain Signals are Key to Weight Loss

If a dieter decreases their calories, they also decrease their brain cells’ calories. This process has recently been researched and linked to the ultimate demise of most diets. As the hungry brain cells signal the body of that hunger, appetite … Continue reading