10 Simple Ways to a Healthier You

Being healthy isn’t all about just hitting the gym and eating right, although it helps; there is much more involved in the health equation. It is recommended that you get at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day at least five … Continue reading

Calories in Your Favorite Halloween Candy

Who doesn’t love Halloween? With free candy and a bonafide reason to dress up in a wacky get-up, it’s tough not to have a secret soft-spot for this sugary-sweet holiday. While we all make Halloween resolutions such as “I’ll only allow myself two … Continue reading

How to Dine Out: Thai Food

I already had a love for Thai food years ago, but deepened that love on my honeymoon, when I went to Thailand. Hotels featuring pad Thai at breakfast was like a dream come true, but of course I wasn’t watching … Continue reading

Weight Loss News In Review

Each week, DietsInReview.com will recap the hottest headlines in weight loss, diet and health news to keep you informed of news you can really use. Jillian Michaels Casting New Show ‘Losing It’ If you can’t get enough of Jillian, then … Continue reading

Best Ankle Weights Workout

As I was walking to work the other morning, a lady with ankle weights and dumbbells in her hands power-walked right on by me. First off, this added resistance during aerobic activity strains the joints and can cause injury to the ligaments … Continue reading

Diet to Go Review

Recently I was provided with two weeks worth of meals from Diet to Go, a meal delivery service. One week of fresh prepared foods and one week of meals for the freezer were provided. For the purposes of this post, … Continue reading

Mary Lasnier Interview – DietTribe Season 2

We’re just about three weeks into DietTribe‘s season two. DietsInReview.com had a chance to chat with one of the tribe members, Mary Lasnier, a working-turned-stay-at-home-mom who saw the weight creep on (and never creep off) after giving birth to her second child. Motivated to accomplish … Continue reading