There will be a few differences to this fall season of The Biggest Loser: Families but one element that will remain unchanged is that the contestants will be sweating it out on high-tech, state-of-the-art 24-Hour Fitness Gym equipment on this uber famous weight-loss ranch.
In combination with devices like The BodyBugg, 24 Hour Fitness has outfitted The Biggest Loser gym with cutting-edge fitness equipment, mats, stability balls, and conditioning bands.
Last year, 24 Hour Fitness offered an exclusive product — The Biggest Loser Six-Week Weight Loss Program — to help fans of the show lose weight. The program, offered in all 24 Hour Fitness clubs, was designed to help kick-start users to lose up to 15 pounds in six weeks. The program included five, 25-minute personal training sessions, a 30-day online nutrition planning subscription and a 16-page booklet with fitness/nutrition hints and tips for $49.00, but the cost of membership was not included. It’s not known yet whether this offer will extend to this season as well.
This season, 24-Hour Fitness has taken their commitment to helping people meet their weight-loss goals one step further: Right after the show airs, 24-Hour Fitness personal trainers will visit the homes of the contestants who were voted off to provide tips and support to help them reach their ultimate weight loss goals. The trainer will assess their food supplies and provide healthy eating tips, as well as develop a customized workout plan to help them stay on track. Here is a sample of the some of the highlights that you’ll be seeing in the coming weeks of The Biggest Loser: Families:

– One episode will feature a 24 Hour Fitness personal trainer who makes a visit to one of the family’s at home.
– One of the show’s trainers will train contestants after a challenge at a 24 Hour Fitness club.
– Another trainer from the show will lead an 80’s-inspired group exercise class at a 24 Hour Fitness club, demonstrating the importance of varying one’s workout routine.
— During another episode, contestants visit New York City and experience a workout at the brand new 24 Hour Fitness Derek Jeter club in Manhattan.