Tag Archives: American Cancer Society

Tobacco Use is Up, Lung Cancer Still Killing Thousands

A recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report about cigarette use gives us cause for celebration. However, upon reading the entire report, we realize it’s a small, temporary celebration.

The research regarding cigarette use was released in the August issue of Morbidity and Mortality Report. The report states that Americans have decreased their cigarette use by 32.8 percent over the last 12 years. This news is fantastic as the numbers show a constant decline in smoking, giving hope that people are finally letting go of such a harmful habit.

The celebration is cut short, though, when all of the facts regarding tobacco are revealed. While cigarette smoking has decreased, a constant increase in other forms of combustible tobacco use has taken place. During the same 12-year period, the use of pipe tobacco and cigars have seen a 96.9 percent increase.

It seems fair to assume that tax laws were the reason for this shift. The taxes on pipe tobacco and cigars are lower than the rates on cigarettes. It doesn’t seem like anyone really quit smoking, they just switched their products to save money. (more…)

Practice Yoga and Quit Smoking for the Great American Smokeout

The Great American Smokeout always falls on a Thursday, one week before Thanksgiving Day. It is an annual event created to help inspire and challenge the 45.8 millions of Americans who use tobacco to finally kick the habit. The American Cancer Society held the first smoke out in 1977, and since then there have been several changes in rules and regulations concerning smoking in public places. As a result of these changes, the use of tobacco products is viewed less as a norm and more as a serious addiction that can severely damage one’s health.

The American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout is a key leader in spurring a cultural revolution in tobacco use. A big part of the day, which takes place on November 17, 2025, is geared toward educating smokers not just about the health risks of smoking but also about the myriad of ways one can stop.

Hypnotism, acupuncture and nicotine patches are clever ways to help you quit smoking, but if you’ve tried these to no avail, taking up a yoga practice may be just what you need to find success. The following are some examples how and why yoga can help you quit smoking, not just on November 17, but for good!


January Diet Giveaways for Your Resolutions

These giveaways have ended.

We’re starting off 2025 with several giveaways! It’s your chance to take home some of the most talked about diet and weight loss programs of the new year for free! Act fast though, these giveaways aren’t going to last!

Denise Austin’s Get Energy!

One winner will receive a copy of Denise Austin’s new book, Get Energy!, all about helping you feel more energized. A second winner will receive a copy of the book, plus a four-pack of Denise Austin’s DVDs. Drawing 1/31/11

See the Get Energy review.

Choose Your Goody Bag Giveaway

The American Cancer Society’s Choose You movement is encouraging women to embrace healthier habits to to prevent cancer and cancer-related deaths. The goody bag includes a Choose You shirt, flower pin, pedometer and more! Drawing 1/31/11

The Mommy Diet Giveaway

We’ve got an autographed copy for Alison Sweeney’s new book! The Mommy Diet’s all about getting fit before, during and after pregnancy so you can be a happier, healthier mom. Drawing 1/31/11

See The Mommy Diet review


GIVEAWAY: Choose You from the American Cancer Society

Choose You American Cancer SocietyIt’s New Year’s resolution time! We all know that keeping resolutions is the tough part. So many women put others ahead of themselves, which is a fast way to derail personal fitness goals. The consequences can be more serious than you think: according to the American Cancer Society, 50 percent of cancer deaths could be prevented if women maintained a healthy weight through diet and regular exercise, avoided tobacco products and got recommended cancer screenings.

That’s why the American Cancer Society is helping women stick to their healthy habits with a new program, Choose You. Goal-setting and social support are important components to making a healthy lifestyle change, and now you can get both by logging into to ChooseYou.com. The site is full of advice, resources and also connects you with evens in your area.

To promote the new site, we’re helping the American Caner Society give away Choose You goodies. DietsInReview is offering two prize packs. One is a workout tee-shirt and a Choose You pin, and the other prize pack is a workout kit featuring a pedometer/calorie counter, a jump rope and a resistance band.

Read on to enter!


The American Cancer Society Creates Choose You Movement to Promote Women’s Health

Debbie Saslow, Ph.D., is the director of breast and gynecologic cancer at the American Cancer Society.

Most women are so busy taking care of everyone else – their children, their spouses, elderly parents – they barely have time to do what they need to stay well themselves, including scheduling their yearly mammogram. But this October, the American Cancer Society is encouraging women to choose to put their personal health and their breast health first through its Choose You movement.

There’s been a lot of confusion about getting screening tests for breast cancer, but we want to be clear about our mammogram recommendation: women 40 and older should get a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year to find breast cancer early, when it’s most treatable. In addition, the Society recommends that women of all ages adopt healthy lifestyles, including maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise and a good diet, in order to help reduce their risk for many cancers including breast cancer, the second leading cause in cancer-related deaths among women. (more…)

Best Fitness Gear to Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! While you’ve probably already read about Diets in Review’s 3rd annual Blogs Against Breast Cancer campaign, we wanted to give you a few more fun products to sport and show your support for finding a cure for breast cancer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is also the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native women. With an estimated 1 in 8 women in the United States at risk for developing invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, it’s safe to say that most of us have had someone in our lives, our ourselves, affected by breast cancer. (more…)

The Power of Music

I’m a self-professed music geek. It’s always been a passion for me. I play. I listen. And I constantly am in search of another artist who inspires me.

I can hardly imagine working out without music. It’s the difference between struggling to get 20 minutes of cardio, to happily sweating my way to 35-40 minutes when I want to give a little more on certain days.

Music has always been special, and in fact, spiritual. And there’s evidence that it can do much more than make you tap your feet. Here’s a piece on music therapy, which could even play a part in beating cancer.

New research on ovarian cancer

A new study that was just published in the recent issue of Cancer showed that smoking or alcohol use did not increase a woman’s chance of getting ovarian cancer. The study also showed that a woman’s risk might be decreased by the consumption of caffeine. But this is no free license for women to continue smoking because there is still significant evidence that shows that smoking increases the risk of a specific subtype of ovarian cancer known as the mucinous type.

Ovarian cancer is a very serious cancer resulting in approximately 23,000 new cases in the U.S. each year. Its cause still remains very unclear to the medical community.

Fight Cancer with Fruit

Kiwi cancer fruit

Countless dollars have been spent researching a cure for cancer. If you don’t want to wait for scientists to develop a miracle pill, there may be some natural ways to ward off the awful disease.

Have you ever heard of Salvestrol Q40? Most people haven’t. But according to some exciting research at Leicester School of Pharmacy in England, there’s something very “apeeling” about tangerines. This little known chemical called Salvestrol Q40 is found at higher concentrations in tangerine peels, than in the actual flesh of the fruit. Maybe you’ll think twice about tossing out the peels next time.

Salvestrol 40 is a type of phytoalexin, a chemical produced by plants that in its natural state repels attackers like insects or fungi.

When the chemical enters a cancer cell, it is converted into a toxic compound, which purportedly kills the cell. In fact, the researchers found that it proved to be 20 times more toxic to cancer cells than their healthy equivalents.

Other researchers have found that color makes a difference in fruit. The darker colors seem to be more potent cancer fighters. In fact, anthocyanins, which color red, purple and blue fruits, slowed the growth of colon cancer cells. So consider eating more blueberries, apples and radishes.

Dr. Hoon Tan, the lead researcher at the Leicester school, says his work is still in its infancy, but he plans to form a company to
investigate the potential cancer killer further along with other potential natural anti-cancer therapies.