Tag Archives: blogs

MizFitOnline Gets New Look, Keeps Mindful Living Focus

We love the insights shared by Carla Birnberg, our longtime friend behind the blog MizFitOnline.com. But if you’ve visited her site in the last week you’ve probably noticed that something seems… different. Her awesome writing about fitness, life, transformation, and inspiration is still there, but the site has a new design, a new logo, and for lack of a better word, a “softer” feel. The tagline of the site has changed to “Unapologetically Myself ” from “Fitness isn’t just about fitting in”, and a glance at the homepage reveals that Carla’s name is front and center while her MizFit skull and crossbones is a little more background.

Miz fit

What gives?

According to Birnberg, her blogging persona had outgrown her original branding.


Yoga Blog Tells Stories of Life Transformation Through Yoga

We all know the health benefits of yoga deliver a mighty punch in the form of increased vital energy, flexibility, and physical strength. Time on the yoga mat, whether it’s the maiden voyage or a decade or more of down dogging, offers mind altering and heart opening experiences for all who surrender to the power of the practice.

These experiences can be extremely transformative. And for some, they bring us from a place of darkness into a place of light, love, and genuine inner peace.

Stories of transformation through yoga are some of the most inspiring to read. From the depths of despair to the heights of bliss, yoga has a way of enhancing the lives of people all around the world. (more…)

Woman Turns Weight Loss Journey into Work of Art

At her heaviest, Julia Kozerski weighed 338 pounds. After viewing her wedding pictures in 2025, the first pictures she’d taken in ten years, Kozerski started a weight loss and introspective journey. Uniquely, she captured it all in an impressive photography essay called “Half.”

Upon seeing her wedding pictures, Kozerski said, “I didn’t see that happiness. I saw someone scared of the camera — that wasn’t me.”

Kozerski has struggled with weight her whole life. She explained how her family lived off of fast food and their weak attempts at weight loss through the years always failed.

“I don’t think we knew the steps to take, we had never been introduced to diets or proper food,” she said.
The wedding photos were the final straw for Kozerski. She said she woke up one day and declared, “I’m done being sad.”

Kozerski took her first steps towards health by starting a weight loss blog and using an online calorie tracker. She was able to quit drinking soda and stop eating out. Kozerski added more fruit and vegetables and also added simple exercise like walking.


Bloggers Band Together for Diet Support

Sometimes the best weight loss tool can be a support group. If you’re not ready to fork over part of your paycheck to a big online weight loss program or follow a rigorous calorie restriction diet, you might mimic a few of our favorite food, family and lifestyle bloggers and look online to find a community that will help you reach your healthy living goals.

Food bloggers Sarah Caron of Sarah’s Cucina Bella and Cate O’Malley of Sweetnicks launched Eat. Live. Be., a healthy living challenge for a diverse group of bloggers who are trying to meet healthy living goals in 2025.  Some are trying to exercise more (or more regularly), some are pledging to cook more healthy dinners each week and others are giving up Diet Coke.

“I am working toward losing 40 pounds — and having the support of this fabulous community makes me more accountable,” said Caron. “I hope it makes others more accountable too.”


Guest Blog: Getting In Shape From Blogging

This week we have a guest blog from Israel at Fat Man Unleashed. He’s a self-proclaimed fat man who uses his blog to share his diet, weight loss and fitness experiences. It’s one of those true-life, weight loss reality checks from someone who’s been there and continues to work hard. His message this week makes me feel better about all the hours I log blogging! – bk

Did you know that blogging can help you with getting in shape? It can also help you with your accountability issues and peer support.

First, just to clarify, blogging itself will not help you lose weight since it is not a physical exercise. However, blogging does help you stay in shape and lose weight indirectly. It can provide you with the motivation you need to stick with your goal. If you start a weight loss blog, you will most likely stick to your diet and exercise. Why? Because you want to prove it to yourself (and others) that you can achieve your goals. Having readers makes it easier to stay in shape and blog about it. The community and support group feeling they provide is comparable to some paid membership sites. Would you want to let your friends down? I wouldn’t, hence motivation to stick to your goals. This helps to make you accountable for your actions.

Blogging can also help you with your self-esteem. When you blog you are writing down all that occurs during your journey. This includes the ups and the downs. As you write down the progress, you can look back at the positive changes you have made. This should motivate you and help you keep up with your newly found good habits. It’s like taking before and after photos. The hardest part is opening up and showing/telling someone. You can also blog about the negatives. These posts will remind you of the mistakes you should not repeat. You would be surprised with the level of support you receive when you post about a “relapse.”

More people should try blogging if they are trying to lose weight or get in shape. If you have not started a blog about your health goals, you should give it a try because it will benefit you in many ways.

Thank you, Israel. This is a great tip for anyone trying to lose weight. If you aren’t comfortable blogging for the world to see, but still want to keep track of your progress and relapses as Israel described- check out the free journal at FitDay.