Tag Archives: Charles Poliquin

Charles Poliquin’s BioSignature Method Claims to Spot-Reduce Fat

Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen one area of your body you wish you could improve? I have, but I’ve come to accept my imperfections under the idea that you can’t spot-train certain areas of the body to change the way they look.

Well, if you told that to Charles Poliquin, creator of Poliquin Performance and the BioSignature Method, he’d likely slap you across the face and proceed to tell you, ‘Yes, you can spot-treat the body.’ And he’d probably follow that by dispelling the ideas that you can’t ‘cleanse the body’ or rid it of toxins either.

Poliquin doesn’t agree with the majority of ‘sensible’ health experts who say you can’t spot treat your body like you do your laundry. For this reason, he’s developed a fitness program that he claims is able to spot-reduce fat, rid the body of toxins, and cleanse it entirely through a special diet and training regimen. (more…)