Tag Archives: colonics

Should You Spring Clean Your System With a Detox?

Mary Hartley, RD, MPH, is the director of nutrition for Calorie Count, providing domain expertise on issues related to nutrition, weight loss and health. She creates original content for weekly blogs and newsletters, for the Calorie Count library, and for her popular daily Question-and-Answer section, Ask Mary. Ms. Hartley also furnishes direction for the site features and for product development.

Calorie Counters want to know whether or not it is wise to cleanse the system with a detox diet. Here are a few of the readers’ favorite “Ask Mary Q+As” about spring cleaning.

Should I fast to prepare my system for a change?

Fasting is unnecessary. Your system does not need to prepare for change. In a fast lasting longer than a day or two, the body starts to breakdown some of its muscles and organs to generate fuel for the central nervous system. Because muscle is a major calorie burner, less muscle could lead to lowering overall calorie requirements, which could make it more difficult to lose weight in the future. And then, due to feast-or-famine thinking, food deprivation could lead to overeating when food becomes available again. Instead of fasting, it’s best to just go ahead and begin to eat a balanced diet of wholesome food at a lower calorie level.


Tune-In: The Truth About Colon Cleansing on The Tyra Show

Tune in this Friday, October 16, 2025 to the Tyra Show as she gives you the low-down on colon cleanses.

Image Via The Tyra Banks Show

Image Via The Tyra Banks Show

In fact, the episode is only for the brave as Tyra plucks someone from the audience and shows a first-ever, daytime-television colonic!

As detoxification treatments are becoming more and more popular, Americans look to these procedures, whether it’s a colonic, juice fast or supplement program, to rid their bodies of excess toxins, shed a few pounds and improve their digestion. But are they really safe?

Tune in to The Tyra Show to find out.

Colonics for Weight Loss Not Widely Accepted

Today’s guest blog comes from Elise Crane Derby, who also writes at Elise’s Ramblings.


After almost a decade as a massage therapist I’ve seen more treatments come and go than I can keep track of. But one that has been around for practically ever is the colonic. In case you don’t know what a colonic is, it’s a treatment, much like an enema, where the lower bowel is cleaned out with water. Colonics claim to relieve all manner of ailments, everything from depression, high blood pressure, and headaches and much more.

Colonics are one of the few treatments I haven’t had done. I work with both the beauty industry (estheticians) and healing professionals (acupuncturists, massage therapists), and invariably when they are trying out new techniques they ask for guinea pigs and I am generally happy to oblige. But, as I’m sure you can imagine, I have not jumped at the offers of colonics. While I am intrigued by the claims of weight loss, and general improved health, the procedure is a bit “invasive” for my liking. (more…)