Tag Archives: denise austin

Denise Austin’s Side Effect: Skinny Redefines What Skinny Means

When it comes to fitness and wellness, there’s not much Denise Austin hasn’t done in her more than 30-year career. Last night, we were thrilled to be part of a rare first – a Twitter chat. While one of the country’s most renowned and beloved fitness experts is active on the social media channel, she’d yet to get up close and personal with her followers like she did in a chat hosted by DietsInReview.

We were thrilled to lead that conversation and introduce thousands of people to Denise and her new book, Side Effect: Skinny. “My goal is to redefine what skinny means — strong, fit, healthy, and energetic! A trimmer, healthier you!,” tweeted Denise about the direction of her book.

The idea behind Side Effect: Skinny is to help you create habits that can lead to lasting health, fitness, and even weight loss, and during the chat we discussed the key components of that plan. Calorie confusion, increasing metabolism, eating “skinny foods,” and overnight fasting were all answered by Denise during the one-hour chat.

Meet Denise Austin in an Exclusive Twitter Party!

She’s one of the most renowned fitness experts in the country, and her name is synonymous with working out. You’ll have a chance to meet Denise Austin live on Twitter through an exclusive party with DietsInReview.com!
You’ll have a chance to hear directly from Denise about her newest book, Side Effect: Skinny. Denise’s fitness philosophy, and even ask her your fat burning questions!

Where: Use hashtag #DeniseAustin

Who: Follow @DeniseAustin_ and @DietsInReview

When: Tuesday, March 5, 2025 at 8:00p CST

Giveaways: 10 copies of Denise’s new book, Side Effect: Skinny, will be given out with DIR schwag!

Join us for a fun-filled, lively conversation with Denise right on Twitter. If toned tummies, thighs, and hips are what you’re after, then Denise has a fitness-fueled prescription for that and she’ll share the secrets Tuesday night only on #DeniseAustin! (more…)

7 Questions About Denise Austin’s 7 Skinny Strategies

Fad diets or exercise products seem to come and go every year. However, there are a few names that have lasted the test of time. Denise Austin is one of those names. She has been in the fitness business for decades. This decade is no exception as she recently released a new book titled, “Side Effect: Skinny.”

Her new book deals with what she calls a “fat blast diet,” and seven “Skinny Strategies.” Since Austin provides seven strategies, we asked her seven questions about her new book.

Calorie Confusion

One step instructs dieters to change up their caloric intake on various days to create calorie confusion and trick the metabolism. While many diets refer to cycling or varying intake on certain days of the week, is this how Austin has seen such long-term success? She said she’s eaten this way for the last 20 years and her work with professionals has convinced her to promote it. As she says, “variety is key.”

Fat-Blast Workout

A second strategy is the “Fat-Blast Workout.” We were curious if it was necessary to follow Austin’s unique workout if one was already on an exercise routine. Would results still be felt without the “Fat-Blast Workout?”

“[It] is divided into two types of workouts: one is the fat-blast walk, which is an interval walking routine that can be very well integrated into any cardio workout that someone may already have established. Again, this interval program is all about changing up the routine and surprising your muscles,” said Austin. (more…)

INFOGRAPHIC: The Most Famous Celebrity Fitness Experts Include Jack LaLanne, Jane Fonda, and Jillian Michaels

We’ve turned working out in to an all-star career. While most personal trainers toil away in gyms across the nation, a few rise to become household names. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone suggest what they’d give for even an hour with Jillian Michaels.

The former Biggest Loser trainer is probably the most well-known celebrity trainer these days, with a media empire rivaled by very few. Her face and name are on everything from DVDs and gym equipment to workout clothes and supplements. If you want to lose weight, Jillian Michaels seems to light the way.

She’s not the first to have lead overweight Americans to their goals without ever having met. Richard Simmons, Billy Blanks, and Suzanne Somers are just a few of the famous fit faces highlighted in this poster from The Flex Belt. (more…)

Free Workout Videos With Top Fitness Trainers on the BeFit YouTube Channel

OK YouTube users, if you haven’t heard of it already, it’s time you do. BeFit is YouTube’s newest destination for fitness content from
Lionsgate. What is it? It’s a website filled with free workout videos for anyone and everyone, and one of the best parts about it is many of them are lead by some of the top trainers in the fitness industry such as Jillian Michaels, Denise Austin and Jane Fonda.

Another great thing about BeFit is the wide range of different videos. Maybe you like to focus on specific workouts like Pilates, yoga, and abdominals, or maybe you just want to dance and have a good time while burning calories. Either way, they’ve got it all. Each day a new workout is featured on the homepage and you can currently find about 189 different videos uploaded onto the site.

Right now the highlight of the site is their new 90-day workout program with the purpose of quick results. There’s a playlist of different workout videos for each day of the program. You can expect to perform workouts involvoing strength, cardio, flexibility, yoga, and high intensity drills. You’ll be instructed by two hosts, fitness trainers Samantha Clayton and Garret Amerine. (more…)

Diet and Fitness Celebrities Share Their 2025 Resolutions

New year’s resolutions are mostly synonymous with weight loss. It’s not a bad goal to set when you remember that about half of our country is considered obese.

We spoke with some of the diet and fitness world’s A-list to hear what their resolutions are for the coming year. While they are the pictures of health, many of them are also looking at introducing new habits to their lifestyles in the coming year. Many also model using resolutions to simply better themselves, be it a few less f-bombs or more time with family.

Click through to hear how Joy Bauer, Jillian Michaels, Dolvett Quince, Kirstie Alley, Kithe Brewster, Denise Austin, Tracey Mallett, and others will be resolving to make better choices in 2025.

Next: Joy Bauer

Jillian Michaels – JillianMichaels.com

“My resolution is to stop swearing. While I’m doing that, I’d love to see people quit smoking, eat better, and hit the gym in 2025.”

Denise Austin’s Prescription for America to Get Energy

How many women do you know who aren’t tired? Work, kids, running a household and usually getting less than eight hours of sleep leaves most American women feeling like we drag our bodies around with us. We crave sleep like we crave chocolate, girls night out and five minutes alone. And of that list, chocolate’s usually the one craving we can quickly and easily satisfy.

Denise Austin, a renowned and beloved fitness expert, wants us all to have more energy, and she’s telling us how to do it in Get Energy! Empower Your Body, Love Your Life, a new book that released January 7, 2025. The book is filled with useful ideas to live a healthier, happier, more energetic life. But, it’s also filled with a lot of ideas that seem common sense on the surface that we tend to forget about.

For instance, good posture. Denise explains that it opens up your lungs and allows you to take deeper breaths. These deeper breaths introduce more oxygen to your body, and this gives you more energy. “If you’re slouched over, your lungs don’t have the capacity to take a good deep breath,” says Denise. “So that’s why sitting up nice and tall, suck in the gut, tighten up your tummy… zip up your abs… and that’s why you get a nice toned tummy.”

We had a chance to talk to Denise about Get Energy! Listen now as she explains the underestimated importance of circulation, how stretching can replace your morning coffee, why a 30-minute workout is just right, and the foods you need to fuel your day.

Continue reading to learn more and win a copy of Get Energy! (more…)

Tune In: Denise Austin on The Doctors

Tune in this Monday, March 1 to The Doctors when fitness expert Denise Austin stops by to discuss her latest diet and exercise plan, which can help you lose 12 pounds in 12 days.

Denise Austin’s Daily Dozen is much more than just another exercise book. It covers a whole range of health and diet related concepts yet manages it all in a no-stress, time-conscious program of 12’s.

Denise Austin is a pioneer in the exercise and sports industry. She has sold more than 20 million exercise videos and DVDs, authored more than 10 books on fitness, and starred in the longest running fitness show in the history of television.


The Truth About Denise Austin’s Idaho Potatoes

Well-known fitness expert Denise Austin is the new spokesman (or should I say woman) for Idaho Potatoes. Here’s one of her new commercials (see the other Denise Austin Idaho Potato commercial here).

Let’s discuss. First off, she does a great job of noting that things should be consumed in moderation. This I 100 percent agree with and have mentioned numerous times. Moderation is key. You can eat just about anything as long as you practice moderation (both serving size and how frequently you consume an item). After that, she mentions that diet and exercise are essential for healthy living, another point I totally agree with. Then she gets into her potato sales pitch, mentioning potatoes have only “110 calories and zero fat and cholesterol”.

Let’s break this info down. (more…)