Tag Archives: disease

Largest Measles Outbreak in Two Decades Has Doctors Worried

Measles, one of the most contagious infectious diseases, has popped up in 13 separate outbreaks across the United States. According to the CDC, more people have been infected with the disease in the first four months of this year than in the first four months of the past 18 years.


Data released by the CDC last week showed a dramatic rise in the disease with 13 reported outbreaks and 129 individual cases. California has the highest number, with 58 measles cases since January 1. The average number of measles cases in California is 9 per year.


Drink Green Tea for Weight Control and Disease Prevention

We’ve all heard that “green tea is good for you” but how many of us actually know why? Despite the fact that green tea remains one of the most popular beverages around the world, its health benefits are somewhat mysterious.

Though WebMD reports more than a decade’s worth of research about green tea’s health benefits, some of those studies question green tea’s role in burning fat, lowering cholesterol and fighting some diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

So, what do we know about green tea?

Green tea has antioxidants: Also called catechins, the antioxidants in green tea help fight the cells that can damage DNA and cause cancer and certain types of heart disease. These same properties are found in grapes, berries, red wine and dark chocolate, however green tea’s minimal processing makes it a good bet. Even though we still condone eating tons of fresh fruit and vegetables, one recent estimate said green tea has 10 times the amount of antioxidants found in fruits and veggies.


Wisdom to Wellness Explores the Emotional and Physical Health Connection

Maureen Minnehan Jones is the author of the new book Wisdom to Wellnes: HealingYour Emotional Sufferings so the Physical Healing Can Follow. Ms. Jones has worked in the healthcare field for over 38 years. Her career path began by working as a registered nurse but eventually evolved into the practice of more alternative and holistic healing methods.

Maureen contends that the occurrence of disease often has an emotional underpinning. She has developed a technique she calls the “Modus Operandi (MO) Technique.” This technique consists of 12 steps that serve to heal the emotional suffering which she believes to be instrumental in the healing of physical disease.

Ms. Jones firmly believes that disease is triggered by the body and everyone possesses what she refers to as “The Common Thread of Disease.”  This common thread consists of four separate emotional sufferings which are: resentment, anger, powerlessness, and a lack of love. It is the existence of all of these that together create a virtual “perfect storm” in which disease can be sparked by a particularly emotional event according to Ms. Jones.


4 Deadliest Lifestyle Choices

The World Health Organization has just released a report on non-communicable diseases. This includes diabetes, cancer and respiratory and heart diseases. Many of these diseases could be prevented with behavioral changes. While these numbers relate to the whole world, they are still powerful.

Let’s take a look at some lifestyle choices and how they affect life or death situations.

1. Tobacco Use

Smoking or chewing tobacco are one of the deadliest lifestyle choices you can make. Nearly six million people die every year due to tobacco use. Sadly, this also includes second-hand smoke. The report estimates that by 2025 the number will reach 7.5 million – that’s 10 percent of all deaths.

2. Lack of Exercise

The WHO report estimates that 3.2 million people die every year because they don’t get enough physical activity. If you don’t exercise, you increase your chance of dying prematurely by 20 to 30 percent. (more…)

Eating a Healthy Diet Prolongs Life in Seniors

We have all heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” and the more research that comes out on eating a nutritious diet, the more it seems that saying is really true! According to a study published in the January 2025 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, those who eat healthy foods live longer than those who don’t.

The major indication of this is that the leading causes of death in Americans has shifted from infectious diseases to chronic diseases, like cardiovascular disease and cancer — illnesses that may be affected by diet. Researchers studied the eating patterns and mortality of more than 2,500 adults between the ages of 70 and 79 over a 10-year period. What did they find? That diets favoring certain foods were associated with longer lives.

Researchers grouped the study participants into six different clusters according to what they ate a lot of: healthy foods; high-fat dairy products; meat, fried foods, and alcohol; breakfast cereal; refined grains; sweets and desserts. The “healthy foods” group ate low-fat dairy products, fruit, whole grains, poultry, fish and vegetables, and had a lower consumption of meat, fried foods, sweets, high-calorie drinks and added fat.


Healthy Lifestyle May Prevent Eye Disease

According to a new study, women who do three of the most important things in health- eat right, exercise, and don’t smoke – have a much lower chance of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Participants in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, as compared to women who were sedentary, smoked and ate processed and fatty foods, were two thirds less likely to develop AMD.

Age-related macular degeneration is a disease that gradually destroys sharp, central vision, which is needed for seeing objects clearly and for daily tasks like reading and driving. While it causes no pain, AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years or older.

The study was a longtime in the making, as the women who were chosen were recruited from a group of people who provided detailed dietary and lifestyle information over a six year period. (more…)

Whooping Cough Prevention and Treatment

sick childWhooping cough, also know as pertussis, is a bacterial infection that affects the upper throat, causing one to cough. It is highly contagious and can be contracted from being in the presence of someone who is infected, because the bacteria can be transmitted in tiny particles of saliva emitted by coughing.  Pertussis usually takes three to 12 days for symptoms to appear, and the symptoms can last for six to ten weeks. The infection progresses in three stages. The first stage consists of mild cold symptoms (mild cough, runny nose, watery eyes), but this is when one is the most contagious. In the second stage, the cough gets worse but other symptoms clear up. In the third and final stage, the coughing becomes more infrequent, but can relapse if one contracts another illness.


Immunization is the most common form of prevention. The vaccination for whooping cough consists of a series of five injections, which are usually given in combination with vaccinations for diphtheria and tetanus. It is recommended that the first shot is administered to babies starting at two months. Hand washing is also an important form of prevention, for pertussis and other infections, particularly if you have been around anyone with a severe cough.


How to Prevent Cholera while Traveling

Water TravelThe recent and widespread outbreak of cholera in Haiti has lead many people to wonder about the spread of this treatable, yet potentially deadly infectious disease. The major symptom of cholera is severe diarrhea, which can rapidly lead to dehydration.

Cholera is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, which contaminates water via fecal matter. While cholera is not a common disease in the U.S., it is something travelers should be mindful of when in less urban areas of south Asia, Africa and Latin America. When traveling in these regions, you should avoid any water that is untreated, including municipal water that may not be properly processed.

Common sources of cholera to avoid:

  • Municipal or untreated water
  • Ice made from municipal or untreated water
  • Foods and drinks sold by street vendors
  • Vegetables grown with water containing human wastes
  • Raw or undercooked seafood from areas with polluted water (particularly in tropical areas)
  • Raw and unpeeled fruits and vegetables
  • Unpasteurized milk and milk products


Dr. Oz’s Ultimate Antioxidant Checklist

Tune in this Wednesday, December 1 to the Dr. Oz Show to learn about the foods you need to be eating to prevent disease and enhance your longevity.

Dr. Oz’s ultimate antioxidant checklist makes healthy living and eating easy and simple for you. This list narrows down the top fruits, vegetables and supplements you need to incorporate into your diet to feel great and look younger. (more…)

Exotic Superfruits Provide Energy and Health Benefits

We’ve all heard that superfruits are good for you, but what exactly are superfruits? Superfruits are exotic fruits found around the world that have been known to have the highest concentration of antioxidants and nutrients of any other food or beverage.

“Superfruits are great because they multi-task,” said fit-living expert Laurel House. “Not only do they give you more energy throughout the day, but they are filled with antioxidants that help prevent disease.”

While nutrition experts are always searching for the “next big thing” in the diet and health industry, some of the most popular superfruits are available in most supermarkets, usually in the form of juices and extracts. (more…)

C.H.O.I.C.E. Campaign Takes Weight Loss to Washington

Is obesity a choice or a disease? Can it be both? Proponents of designating obesity as a disease say that it is a result of genetics and biological factors. On top of that, some diseases cause obesity.

But, opponents say that obesity is not a disease because it is the result of a person’s environment, lifestyle and eating habits.

Disease or not, one thing is sure: obesity is an epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that there were 72 million obese people in the United States, and 34.3 percent of adults considered obese.
