Tag Archives: eDiets

eDiets Merges With As Seen On TV and Signs CeeLo Green Endorsement

Not only are all of us making big changes and plans for the new year, but eDiets is doing so, too. One of the more familiar names in dieting, and one of the first to take the industry online, is finalizing a merger with the As Seen on TV brand. The initial announcement was made last fall and will soon complete a stock-for-stock buyout that will remove eDiets as a public company and make it a wholly owned subsidiary of the direct marketing giant.

“It’s an intriguing business acquisition, for a TV company to own a diet company” said Steve Rogai, CEO of As Seen on TV, when we spoke him this week about the merger. He explained that with eDiets being a direct marketing company that sells a food product and As Seen on TV selling a variety of consumer goods direct to consumer, it makes this new business a “synergistic fit.”

eDiets’ performance in recent years hasn’t been remarkable. When the initial report was made in August, InvestorPlace.com reports that eDiets was being purchased “for 80 cents a share — roughly double what the micro-cap stock had been selling for.”

Rogai commented that eDiets has had its ups and downs, “sometimes more down than up.” He also described this merger as a smart business move that would save eDiets more than one million dollars a year by no longer being a public company.

As for the meal delivery industry as a whole, it’s profitable and will continue to be so. Per a May 2025 report by John LaRosa’s Marketdata Enterprises, he told us they had “identified approximately 30 companies participating in the meal delivery business. We estimated the market’s value at $925 million.” At that time he also projected this segment of the diet market to reach $1.09 billion in revenue by 2025.

What can we expect to see for eDiets in this new year? Not only are they working to introduce a more competitive meal delivery option, but they’ve already signed and announced an endorsement deal with entertainer CeeLo Green. A judge on the Voice and soon be the face of his own Las Vegas show, Loberace, CeeLo made it known late last year that he wanted to get healthy in 2025. (more…)

CeeLo Green (and His Rider) are Going on an eDiet

Does going on a diet make CeeLo Green crazy? We hardly think so since he’s opted to go with a healthy plan. eDiets is one of the largest online meal delivery weight loss programs, and his new partnership with the brand will help bring it some notoriety in the new year as well as help slim down this bigger than life star.

One of the hottest performers around, CeeLo Green has become a household name as he mans one of the judges’ chairs on The Voice. He’s a stout 5’7″, and while his exact weight isn’t known, it’s clear that it’s more than it should be. The big smile, booming vocals, and rocking personality detract your attention, but it’s something he thinks about.

In an interview earlier this year, CeeLo told Rolling Stone that the weight-related deaths of his friends, rapper Heavy D and comedian Patrice O’Neal, were motivation enough to slim down and improve his own health.

“I’ve personally committed to making health a habit in the New Year,” CeeLo has said. He’s already taken the first step, by signing on with eDiets, which will deliver meals to him at his new full-time residence in Vegas. While he prepares for his new show on The Strip, pre-portioned, calorie-controlled meals made with nutritious ingredients will be fueling this rockstar. It will be quite the contrast to what he’s used to eating. (more…)

Top 6 Best Tasting Diet Plans, as Rated by Consumers

For those looking to lose weight with a potential diet food program, taste is very important.

Finding a meal program that offers good food can be the difference in sticking with the plan or giving up in a very short period of time. But now you can take a first-hand look at how everyday consumers rated the most popular diet food programs when it comes to taste.

NextAdvisor.com conducted a blind taste test to answer questions about how some of the most popular diet foods taste. They conducted their first test in October 2025 and have since completed another to have the most up-to-date results possible since diet companies constantly update their menus and inventory, according to lifestyle editor Polina Polishchuk.

The taste test included eight different companies which were rated in the categories of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The meal plans for each program were ordered anonymously and included between 1,200 and 1,350 calories per day. The participants included males and females of varying ages. And to keep the results unbiased, the test was “completely independent with no input from the diet food companies and no visible branding to sway our testers’ opinions,” said Polishchuk. (more…)

The Cost of Losing 20 Pounds

Price of Weight LossThere are many factors that go into choosing to sign up for a diet plan, and cost is one of the most carefully considered. Jeanne Lee for CBS MoneyWatch takes a look at this question from a unique perspective: the cost to lose 20 pounds. She calculates the cost per pound lost for eighth different popular weight-loss systems. Most of these diets are meal delivery services that provide balanced, portion controlled foods. On the other hand, Weight Watchers and eDiets are support-only programs provide the customer with tips, goals and meal plans, but not food. These support-based programs are far cheaper per pound lost, but some may find them hard to follow.

In the end, the diet program that’s the best investment is the one that helps you lead a healthier lifestyle and see long-term results. MoneyWatch recommends the diets with proven track records and economical fees.

Flip through this slide show to compare the costs of Medifast, In the Zone Delivery, eDiets, Bistro MD, Weight Watchers, Nurtisystem, Jenny Craig and South Beach Online.

View The Cost of Losing 20 Pounds Slideshow

Quick, Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Every Schedule

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

I have three kids, a husband and myself (oh wait, my dog, too!) to get ready first thing in the morning and out the door – it’s utter chaos! There are many days that I get so wrapped up in the hustle that I am half-way to work before realizing I didn’t eat breakfast!

You probably heard your parents say, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Well, they were right! Why, you ask? Research has shown that men and women who eat breakfast every day are far less likely to become obese, compared to those who skip the first meal of the day.

Breakfast helps to fuel your body for the start of the day, so it’s important to choose nutrient-dense foods to fill your tank! It doesn’t have to be a huge fare. A simple meal containing a balance of complex carbs, protein and healthy fats is usually a good combination.


How Stress Affects Weight Loss

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Stress is often part of our lives. It’s hard to avoid and we unfortunately face it practically every day. But even when times get tough, there are ways to deal with it and reach our goals (in this case, weight loss).

First, recognize what you are already doing to help you reach your goal and give credit where credit is due.

Steps like walking should become a regular habit. Next, move on to making another small change, such as keeping a water bottle with you at all times to make sure you are staying hydrated; keeping cut up veggies around to snack on during the day; breathing slowly for a few minutes to de-stress (count back from 10); etc. (more…)

Stay Healthy with These Flu-Fighting Foods

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

I wish I could say there is a flawless remedy for the common cold or flu, but really there isn’t one to date. Avoiding getting sick is the first line of attack. First, keep washing those hands; second, incorporate a healthy lifestyle (eating, exercising, sleeping, etc.); and lastly, avoid all those friends and family you know who are sick!

Here are a few things to eat to help you stay healthy, fight off infections, and boost your immune system (notice the abundance of antioxidants):

  • Fruits and veggies (dark green, red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables)
  • Foods with B-6 (lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds)
  • Vitamin E-rich foods (nuts, mango, blueberries, papaya, pumpkin)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon)
  • Garlic (go for the raw garlic)
  • Yogurt (I know it’s usually recommended to avoid dairy, but studies show that it can help reduce susceptibility to colds) (more…)

Weight Loss and Breast Cancer

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there is no better time to look at some of the things we can do to help combat this disease. When we hear the word cancer, most of us stop for a moment and think of someone close to us like a friend, family member, acquaintance, colleague, teacher – or ourselves. Who hasn’t it touched? This disease affects everyone – the individual person and all those who surround them. The people who it has touched, are the strongest women, men and children we know!

Nutrition, lifestyle, and physical activity are all key players when it comes to breast cancer prevention and survival. There isn’t one study or one food that will change everything completely, but possibly the combination of things can help improve the overall quality of life and health.

Here are a few things we can focus on: (more…)

Is Fast Food Off-Limits on a Diet?

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Typically, a dietitian would say that if you could avoid fast food and create your own meal out of whole, highly nutritious foods, that would be the best option. But in the real world (mine included), fast food does have its place!

Fast food has a reputation of being high in calories, fat, and not being the healthiest fare; but we can’t say that about all fast food out there. In this day and age, often the convenience of grabbing something on the go and eating on the run is just reality. Take it from this mom of three under the age of seven (and dietitian), it happens that the occasional drive-thru works its way into my schedule when carting back and forth from work, to school, to football practice, etc. So it all boils down to your picks. (more…)

The Facts on 100-Calorie Snacks

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

It seems that 100-calorie snacks are all around us – most companies have created a version of their own. There are a lot of 100-calorie snacks available in your grocery store, but keep a watchful eye on if they are truly 100 calories, or more than you bargained for!

Now when you think of 100-calorie snacks, you do expect the package to be just that – 100 calories. But, some packaged foods that are advertise as 100 calories only serve up that amount of calories if you eat the recommended serving size. Some packages contain two servings at 100 calories each; so you may end up eating more than you planned on (200 calories or more). (more…)

How to Cut Carbs

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

I think for many of us, when it comes to carbs, we can be our own downfall. It’s tough to limit and eat the right serving size . That could be because we don’t even know what a portion size is for most of our carb servings. Even we dietitians have to think twice on a few since, depending on the type of food (i.e. hot versus cold cereal), the portion sizes vary.

Eating less carbohydrates is fine, but the choices you make are more important when you pick out the carbs to eat and how much of the food you are eating (quantity/portion control). Basically, a slice of whole-grain bread with 3-5 grams of fiber could be a good choice, but if you are eating 3-4 slices at a sitting for example, your carb intake is a bit higher than it should be for most of us. The goal would be to have a slice or two and keep it to 1-2 servings of carbs at the meal. (more…)