Tag Archives: fad diets

Wordless Wednesday: What Waist Trainers Actually Do


via Holly Perkins’ Instagram @hollyperkins

Pulp Fiction: Why My Misadventures in Juicing Left Me Feeling Terrible

carrot juice

By Cat Poland, a writer who shares her experiences with life and motherhood at Mom on the Range.

You know what’s cute? Baby bellies. Aren’t pregnant women adorable?

You know what’s not so cute? Baby bellies when you’re not pregnant. I’m not making a blanket statement about the size of other women’s bodies and what I think they should or shouldn’t look like. I’m talking solely about my own.

It’s annoying. Pants don’t fit well, and forget about wearing maxi dresses without getting “the look” from others. Is she, isn’t she? When a family member put her hand on my belly and asked if I had “news,” I lost it.

What if I did a juice fast? (Or cleanse, as some might call it.) I just wanted to look not so pregnant. And I was curious. Would I have renewed energy as some claimed? Would I cure my pesky battle with constipation (thank you, hormones). Would I feel rejuvenated? (more…)

The Cotton Ball Diet is Trending Amongst Young Girls Despite All Logical Reasoning

Let’s eat cotton balls so we’ll feel full … to whom did this ever sound like a great idea?

Apparently it’s sounding better and better to young girls across the country who are gobbling up the newest trend in diets (read: eating disorders). Not exclusive to teens and tweens, it’s no surprise that models are swallowing this new take on eat-less-weigh-less, too.

It appears to work like this: Dip the cotton ball in your choice of beverage. In the video, lemonade, orange juice and a smoothie were shown being used as the lubricant to make these cotton balls more palatable. Some dieters do this before a meal, limiting the amount of real food they’re able to consume; other dieters consume the cotton balls exclusively.

Nothing good can come of doing this. Absolutely nothing.

Dr. Doug Nunamaker, a physican at the direct care practice Atlas, MD in Wichita, Kansas called it “pretty much one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard people trying in order to lose weight.” We are quite inclined to agree.

Followers of this absurd trend stand to lose more than just weight, as any level of extended use will bring on malnutrition, which has warning signs of anemia, diarrhea, hair loss, disorientation, loss of concentration, weakness, lack of energy, dried and cracking skin, and can even lead to organ failure and death in some cases. (more…)

Hey Katy and Kelly – Don’t Eat Mushrooms for Your Diet, Make Mushrooms Part of Your Diet

Mushrooms are absolutely a part of a healthy diet, but they shouldn’t be the focus of a diet. Any time a diet singles out one food to eat exclusively, or vice versa wants you to entirely eliminate one food or group, it’s a red flag for another fad. And like most diet fads, this one is making the rounds in Hollywood.

Apparently the always fit and fab Katy Perry and hotter than ever Kelly Osbourne are munching on mushrooms to keep those figures red carpet ready. Experts say their new adoption of The M Plan, or Magic Mushroom Diet, isn’t doing anyone any real favors.

katy perry and kelly osbourneimage via heatworld.com

More red flags pop up when you hear that this new mushroom diet will help you lose weight from your biggest problem areas in just 14 days! Now, if it took 14 days for your thighs and midsection to become problem areas, then bite this bait. We’re certain it took longer than that to gain it and we know for sure it will take longer than two weeks to make it right again.

This mushroom diet supposedly works by replacing lunch or dinner with a mushroom-rich entree.

Wait, that’s it? (more…)

Could Cold Temperatures Help You Lose Weight?

Ray Cronise, a former NASA scientist who spent 15 years overseeing experiments aboard shuttles at Marshall Space Flight Center, has been conducting experiments since 2025 to see if cold temperatures have an effect on the metabolism.

In 2025 while watching a televised program on Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, Cronise got an idea. The documentary claimed that the swimmer was consuming around 12,000 calories a day while training. That fact didn’t make sense to Cronise considering his own calorie-restricted diet allowed him to have only 12,000 calories per week.

At the time Cronise weighed 209 pounds at 5 feet 9 inches tall, and was trying to get down to 180 pounds. He thought to himself, if Phelps was really consuming that many calories daily and was in the water three hours a day, then something didn’t add up because the swimmer would become a “blob.” (more…)

Why the Master Cleanse is a Horrible Idea

By Dan Kamys for FitandFabLiving.com

Recently, a diet known as the Master Cleanse has been coming into the spotlight. Celebrities such as Beyoncé have been known to practice this in order to supposedly cleanse their bodies. We think this is not only one of the worst weight-loss ideas ever, it’s downright dangerous. Keep reading to find out why.

The Master Cleanse is actually quite simple in practice. In place of solid food and other drinks, the “cleanser” mixes lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water and drinks that six or more times per day for anywhere between four and fourteen days. They then slowly ease themselves into solid food and off of the cleanse.

While the dieter will most certainly lose weight by only following a liquid diet, there are many risks with such a choice. First and foremost, they will not be getting nearly enough calories while on the fast. In order to lose weight, you have to cut calories, but such an intense decrease in calories is dangerous. As a result, most of the weight lost is actually muscle and water weight rather than fat. (more…)

Ear Stapling is Another Unfounded Weight Loss Craze

We’ve all seen people do crazy things to try to lose weight. Eating baby food, Shake Weight, limiting calorie intake, and so much more. But, have you heard of stapling a part of your ear to help lose weight? It’s becoming more popular as the rumor says ear stapling can help with weight loss.

Ear stapling stems from ancient Chinese acupuncture. Claims have been made that staples surgically placed in the ear’s inner cartilage will release endorphins. (Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that affect a person’s stress and anxiety levels.) The ear staple in this location is said to target the stomach. It can decrease a person’s appetite, reduce stress, and increase the metabolism. The staple can be left in place for several weeks or even months.

I recently talked to Amy who got her ears stapled to help with her weight loss. She told me that she got her ears stapled because she didn’t want to do meal replacements; she wanted something that would help her behaviorally, let her mind make the right decisions for her body, not a pill.

As a massage therapist with nearly 20 years experience, Janelle Robertson of The Trove says, “It is my understanding and belief that unless a person is emotionally ready for weight loss, the application of needles or staples will not enhance any physical benefits toward weight loss.” She says that in managing a variety of illnesses and diseases for her clients, sometimes the referral to an acupuncturist is necessary; but even then she says, “I recommend the most qualified practitioners who will educate consumers on the benefits of acupucture for health and well being.”

On Tuesday, Amy paid 60 dollars to get each ear stapled and so far she has lost three pounds. Amy said she is watching what she eats on top of going to the dance studio. The person who performed the stapling for Amy said she should see results within one to two weeks. As Amy is getting older her metabolism is decreasing and she wants to get to a healthier weight, without doing anything mainstream. Hopefully, the ear staple helps with her weight loss journey. There is nothing like seeing average Americans lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, especially when they are aging. (more…)

10 Percent of Women Diet Their Entire Lives

by Kelsey Murray

It’s a pretty safe bet to say that most women have been on a diet at least once in their lives. But for 10 percent of women, being on a diet is a part of their daily lives, for their entire lives.

This fact comes from new research from the people behind a new weight loss aid, XLS-Medical Fat Binder. The research revealed that many women give up on their diets because they feel fed-up or frustrated with the entire dieting process. It also showed that more than 10 percent of women try to lose weight by skipping meals.

“The so-called fad diets, or diets that are particularly restrictive in terms of cutting out food groups or meals, are likely to cause binge eating, potentially leading to weight gain not weight loss,” said Juliet Oosthuysen, a marketing manager at Omega Pharma. “A person can be good all week however, undo all that hard work from just one day of binge eating.”

Perhaps this scenario is what causes many women to become frustrated with their diet plans. (more…)

4 Fool-Proof Ways to Spot a Weight Loss Scam

By Jason Brick

The weight loss industry is so filled with scams that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a guide about recognizing unscrupulous weight loss advertising. The introduction to that guide included the following condemnation:

“The public must adopt a healthy skepticism about advertising that promises miracles and ‘scientific breakthroughs’ and face the reality that there are no fast and easy fixes for overweight and obesity.”

It doesn’t even take a doctor or certified personal trainer to tell the scams from the real deals. You just need to look for these tell-tale signs that a weight loss program isn’t on the level.

Unrealistic weight claim losses

After the beginning days of a diet, when you’ve dropped water weight, authorities in the health field say the maximum rate of healthy, sustainable weight loss is one to two pounds per week.

If a plan claims faster weight loss, one of two things is probably going on. The advertisers may be publishing claims of atypical or imaginary results, or the diet is based on unhealthy practices that won’t give you the long-term weight loss you’re seeking. (more…)

Hoodia Hawker Loses Vacation Home in FTC Settlement

Nutracuticles Hoodia SupplementsIn an unusual settlement, a seller of hoodia supplements has agreed to sell his vacation home in addition to ceasing to make unvalidated weight-loss claims. David J. Romeo and the two companies he controlled are accused of making false claims, such as calling hoodia “the world’s best chance at a cure for obesity.”

Romeo has a year to sell his Vermont country home and surrender the proceeds to the government, failing at this, he would face a $22.5 million fine. Other false statements cited by the Federal Trade Commission include claims that hoodia can reduce calorie intake by 1000 per day and “has many wonderful effects on the body, all of which are linked to the activity of the hypothalamus of the brain.”


Steve Jobs’ Odd Eating Habits Revealed in New Biography

The world is still mourning the death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs while also praising his many contributions to technology. Details of Jobs’ life, including some of his strange eating habits, are making their way into the public eye with the release of his biography Steve Jobs.

The book, written by Walter Isaacson, offers some fascinating information about Jobs’ bizarre eating habits. It is said that Jobs was heavily affected by the book Diet for a Small Planet while he was in college, and decided to give up all meat because of it. This book also influenced Steve Jobs’ tendencies to engage in extreme diets. Some of these diets included purges, fasts and only eating one or two foods for long periods of time.
