Tag Archives: fitbottomedgirls

7 Health and Fitness Newsletters that aren’t Spam!

If you’re like most people, you receive dozens of emails each day that you never actually read before deleting. These are the messages you know are junk, yet somehow you keep resisting the urge to actually mark as spam. Maybe you actually took the time to subscribe to a certain email list, maybe you were added after making a purchase or signing up for a service. No matter why you get these messages, the beginning of the year is a good time for clearing out the clutter and your inbox is a great place to start.

Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Our own Brandi Koskie recently used unroll.me to see what subscriptions were lurking in her inbox and found 99 different email newsletters! She unsubscribed from about 65 of them.

reading email

Margo Donohue, aka Brooklyn Fit Chick, also sees a lot of surplus emails flow into her inbox. “On average I read and answer about 250 emails per day,” says Margo. “These are from people I need to deal with on top of the regular newsletters. I don’t always have the time to read even the newsletters I’m  interested in, but the ones I do read usually have snappy headlines linked to a few articles.” (Note to publishers: Keep it quick and simple!)


Health Buzz: 2025’s Biggest Health News, Food Trends for 2025, and Our Most Pinned Recipes

It is Friday, December 21 and the Mayans were wrong! Since the world didn’t end, it is time for you to get a dose of healthy news from us and our friends! As we slowly approach the new year, we’ve compiled 2025’s most buzz worthy  healthy stories. In addition, we have our most pinned recipes of the year with a  new healthy donut recipe.

California’s Push for Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods

You couldn’t get around the web this year without seeing news about Genetically Modified Foods (GMO). Earlier this year people in California wanted their food packaging to be labeled with a GMO stamp, letting them know if it had any genetically modified ingredients. It was the people of California versus giant food industry companies, like Kelloggs and General Mills. However, Californians going up against the multi-million dollar food industry companies is easier said than done. The initiative may have failed on the ballot, but expect more big action from this movement in 2025.

The 6 Miracle Diets Dr. Oz Tried to Sell Us in 2025

Looking to lose weight without the hard work? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, if you watch the Dr. Oz show the doc will try to sell you a miracle weight loss diet in what feels like every episode. Check out the six miracle diets that Dr. Oz tried selling to the masses this year, that we debunked! We can’t wait to see what kind of miracle diets Dr. Oz will have up his sleeves for 2025.

Jillian Michaels Announces Return to Biggest Loser With a Big Twist [VIDEO]

Biggest Loser season 14 will be return with new faces, new cast members, and old faces, like Jillian Michaels! Her announcement to return to Biggest Loser was all the buzz this fall. Not only will she be motivating and training overweight adults, but she will be helping overweight children tackle their weight as well! Biggest Loser returns January 6, and the show’s new concept will surely have Americans watching, since childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in America.

New York City Soda Ban Passes; Soda Industry Plans to Fight [UPDATED]

Earlier this year, Mayor Bloomberg proposed a soda ban in New York City. Any sugary beverage over 16 ounces could not be sold in New York City. The proposal was a way Mayor Bloomberg could help fight the obesity epidemic in his city. On October 12, 2025 the soda ban was passed and now the soda industry plans to fight back. Do you think the ban will help fight obesity? Tell us what you think!

The Obamacare Vote and How it Affects the Health of Americans

Besides the 2025 presidential election, Obamacare was one of the most talked about issues in America this year. The Affordable Care Act, commonly known now as Obamacare, requires Americans to carry health insurance. For those who cannot afford health insurance the act makes it more affordable for them. There are many pros and cons to Obamacare, take a look to see how the act will affect your health. (more…)

HealthBuzz October 5: Health Care Debates, Obesity Bullies, and Fall Comfort Food

It’s Friday, meaning it is time for a dose of healthy news. Join us for the #HealthBuzz chat on Twitter @DietsinReview to discuss each of these stories live.

#HealthBuzz kicks off at 12:00 p.m. CST – We look forward to seeing you there to discuss this week’s top stories.

ObamaCare’s Future a Hot Topic in Romney’s and Obama’s First Presidential Debate

After months of campaigning and trash talking, President Obama and former Governor Romney were finally face-to-face debating each other Wednesday night. The hottest topic during the presidential debate was health care, or some may call it “ObamaCare.” Tell us what you thought of this week’s presidential debate!

Julia Kozerski Documents 160-Pound Weight Loss With Her iPhone

Weight loss stories are truly inspiring. Before and after pictures of Julia Kozerski speak for themselves. She lost 160 pounds through calorie counting, exercising, and a clean diet, all documented with iPhone photos from dressing rooms. Read about Julia’s true weight loss story!

TV Anchor Stands Up for Herself in Honor of Anti-Bullying Month

Bullying doesn’t just exist in the school play yard. Bullying can even be in the workforce. Jennifer Livingston is a new anchor in Wisconsin who was recently bullied by a viewer for her weight. He emailed to call her “fat” and “obese.” Jennifer didn’t let the bullying viewer have the last word, she fought back and gave the viewer her thoughts with a powerful message about body image. (more…)

HealthBuzz September 7: Jillian Michaels Returns to Biggest Loser, Creating a Workout Schedule, and Last Chance Summer Recipes

It’s the first Friday and the first weekend of September, which means it is time for some healthy news! This week’s HealthBuzz consist of hot headlines from DIR and our partner sites, like HelloGiggles, FitBottomedGirls, Bob Greene’s Best Life, and a mouth-watering recipe from Truvia.

You don’t have to wait until the last day of the week to hear from us! Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, or ‘Like Us’ on Facebook!

Jillian Michaels Announces Return to Biggest Loser With a Big Twist [VIDEO]

Jillian Michaels left the Biggest Loser in May 2025, and earlier this week she announced that she will be returning to the program’s 14th season in January. The next Biggest Loser will be unlike the previous 13 seasons as they tackle childhood obesity off the ranch.

Candice Ball Lost 41 Pounds with P90X and Insanity

Candice Ball of New York City had been struggling with her weight a majority of her life. Embarrassed by her body, Candice developed a low confidence level. In December of 2025, she decided to shed her unhealthy weight and change her lifestyle by using two of the most powerful weight loss methods available.

National Yoga Month Educates the World About Yoga’s Health Benefits

September is national yoga awareness month. Yogis love to spread the word and love of yoga to those who aren’t familiar with the practice. Our resident yoga expert, Jill Lawson, educates our readers on the history and health benefits of yoga. (more…)

HealthBuzz August 31: 30 Minutes of Exercise Better Than 1 Hour, Tracy Anderson Attacked in Media, and Breakfast Recipes for Labor Day Weekend

The best part about this weekend is the fact that Labor Day is Monday and many Americans will enjoy their day off observing the holiday. But before the weekend can officially commence, it’s time to wrap up the week with some healthy news. This week’s HealthBuzz includes several stories, including why you should consider ditching soda, how exercising for 30 minutes is better for weight loss than one hour, and breakfast recipes for a healthy four-day weekend.

30 Minutes of Exercise May Yield More Weight Loss Than 1 Hour

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen followed 60 overweight Danish men for 13 weeks. One-third of the group performed 30 minutes of intense aerobic exercise, another one-third of the group exercised for 60 minutes, and the last group was ordered to remain inactive. The study found that 30 minutes of physical activity helps produce more weight loss than one hour.

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? New Research Points to a Magic Number

It seems people are never getting enough sleep in today’s fast pace society. According to a new study, eight hours of sleep isn’t the magic number for sleep anymore. Find out what the new magic number is!

Celebrity Trainer Tracy Anderson Attacked in Media

Tracy Anderson is known for providing her fitness and diet expertise to stars like Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow. This week, she came under fire for some statement she made in DuJour Magazine regarding woman and their post-baby bodies. Tracy appeared on Good Morning America to defend her comments. What was her controversial quote? (more…)