Tag Archives: fitness ball

Saturday Morning Drill: Workout Ball Express

If you’ve ever fumbled your way around a workout ball, this is the Saturday Drill for you. Though incorporating new equipment into your fitness regimen can be bit uncomfortable at first, branching out and trying new things will ensure you won’t get bored and lose your enthusiasm for exercise.

Plus, breaking out of your normal routine often adds a new element of challenge that can surprise your body, engage new muscle groups and ultimately leave you fitter as a result.

Here, we outline seven simple exercises all using a workout ball. Try going through all the moves at least once. If you’re really looking for a sweat, repeat it once or twice more.

Additionally, if you don’t have a proper workout ball, you can always make modifications by using a chair or bench for the seated exercises, and a weight or a small ball for the lunges and squats.

The Ultimate 3 Day Workout

Working out can be rather boring and monotonous. I have designed a three day exercise plan that provides you with a total body and cardiovascular workout. This workout consists of super-sets, combination lifts, and cardiovascular movements. This workout is designed to increase the heart rate and shed those inches for the ultimate toning effect.

ball squatsDo this workout three times a week

Jog (10 minutes)

Incline/wall push-ups (20 reps)

Ball squats (20 reps)

Floor crunches (100 reps)

Stairs (50)

Seated rows (30 reps)

Step-ups (20 reps each leg)

Lat Pulls (30 reps)

Jog (10 minutes)

Shoulder Press with DB squat (20 reps)

leg pressLeg Press (20 reps)

Ball crunches (100 reps)

Tricep extensions (30 reps)

Biceps curls (20 reps)

Plank (hold for 1 minute)

Repeat (only if you can)

Fitness Ball Explodes

Exercise can be a ball. But not for a Jacksonville man who claims that his fitness ball exploded while lifting about 150 pounds at his local YMCA. Bones were broken, and a lawsuit has been filed.