Tag Archives: food inc

Attack of the Antibiotic Vegetables

Josie Maurer a freelance writer. She also blogs at YumYucky.com and is the co-founder of Fit Blogger’s Guide.

So, you watched Food, Inc. and made some serious dietary changes to safeguard your health. McDonald’s burgers are banned from your stomach and you eat organic as much as possible. Your meat and dairy purchases are antibiotic and hormone-free. Life is good, right?

What about your vegetables? Pesticides are not the only issue.

Sound the alarm because those veggies you’re eating may have been fertilized with manure that comes farm animals given antibiotics and hormones. This isn’t exactly breaking news. Antibiotics in vegetables has been discussed for awhile now, but as people like me and you become more health-conscious, news like this bubbles to the forefront. And quite frankly, I’m ticked off.

Do a Google search for “antibiotics in vegetables” or any similar phrase, and articles like this will pop up. Yes, it’s a big time drag. So what do you do when you think you’ve already done all you can do? (more…)

Review – Fresh the Movie

fresh the movieFresh, a movie that was produced in 2025, and similar to Food Inc., shines a light on the American food system. The spin that Fresh takes on, which I found refreshing, is the positive focus on what individuals are currently doing to transform what is at the moment a broken cycle. The movie confronts many issues that exist such as food contamination, environmental pollution, obesity, and affects on our natural resources.
Some of the highlights I have from the film are as follows:

  • Through industrialization we have lost 90% of our crop diversity as the majority now focuses on corn and soy beans
  • Of those crops, 70% are grown to feed farm animals, which should be noted are herbivores (eating grasses and herbs)
  • Back in the day animals roamed free on farms. Through industrialization, livestock has become big business and thousands of animals are now housed in tight quarters, commonly referred to as “Animal Cities”. (more…)

We are Still Hungry for Change with Food Inc.

In a June blog article written by Heather Ashare, our Yoga expert and daily contributor to DietsinReview.com, she wrote about Food Inc., a film that took a hard look at food production and consumption in the U.S. I wanted to share some interesting facts I learned from seeing the movie in no particular order, but all equally astounding to me:hungry for change logo

  • On average our food travels 1,500 miles from the farm to our plate
  • Because of the long distances that food travels, we no longer eat with the seasons and therefore eat produce that does not provide our bodies with all their nutritional benefits
  • Grocery stores now boast over 47,000 products to choose from – most of which can sit on shelves for weeks or even months (more…)

Food Inc. is Hungry For Change

Food Inc. is the just-released movie, by director Robert Kenner, unveiling the dark and dirty underbelly of our food industry. As the movie’s byline suggests, “you’ll never look at dinner the same way.”

Photo courtesy of Food Inc

The documentary-style feature shows how the majority of the food we consume is controlled in the hands of just a few giant food manufacturers whose sometimes deplorable and shocking processing practices have not only been hidden from the American consumer but have had the consent of the government’s two food regulatory bodies, the FDA and USDA.

The movie, which features interviews with In Defense of Food author Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser of Fast Food Nation, is more than just a jaw-dropping expose that graphically shows our food travels from farm (or machine) to fork, but it also motivates all of us to think twice before we order a hot dog at the baseball stadium, grab a box of sugar corn popped cereal or select a few tomatoes from our mass grocer for a summer salad. (more…)

The Top 10 Healthiest Supermarkets

Unless you live off the land, your health and well being is in the hands of your local supermarkets. Not all grocery stores are created equal. So it behooves you to know which offer you the healthiest foods, and thus the best choices.

The folks at Health.com asked six health experts to help choose the top 10 healthiest grocery stores out of the nation’s largest chains. Many of these I’ve heard of, since I’ve had the benefit of living on both coasts of the country. But like everyone, there are a couple in here I’ve never been to. Here are the top 10, and the regions of the U.S. that they service. For details on each, head over to MSN.com:

1. Whole Foods (279 stores in 38 states and Washington, D.C.)

2. Safeway (1,700-plus stores nationwide) (more…)

Food Diaries Increase Your Chance of Weight Loss Success

While most people’s memory of keeping a diary is probably during their teen years as they documented the trials and tribulations of puberty, it’s proven to be a very useful tool in winning the war against obesity as an adult. That’s why many of the online weight loss programs that have sprung up over the last decade advocate it and offer it as a part of their programs.pen

A paper published in the August issue of American Journal of Preventive Medicine has cemented the importance of journaling. Scientists at several research centers in the U.S. have found that dieters who keep a food diary lose twice as much weight as those who don’t.

It’s not just the act of writing down what you eat. It’s about the fact that you are committing what you eat to memory. Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks about how the journaling experiment worked for him.

Some popular food/diet journal products and services include:
Spark People
Weight by Date
Diet Power
Calorie Balance Diet