Tag Archives: food rules

A McDonald’s Hamburger: 145 Days Later

McDonald's Hamburger after 145 DaysOne of the eating guidelines in Michael Pollan‘s Food Rules is to eat things that will eventually rot. Things like meat, fruits and vegetables, all eventually decompose, returning them to the organic cycle from which they came. Foods that don’t go bad, from Twinkies to Spam, have been highly processed. Not only are processed foods often full of synthetic chemicals, they’ve also been stripped of many of the nutrients that your body needs yet are still full of empty calories.


Tune In: Michael Pollan on The Oprah Show

Image via Oprah.com

Image via Oprah.com

Tune in this Wednesday, January 27, 2025 to The Oprah Show when food activist and writer, Michael Pollan, gives you the truth about where your food actually comes from.

From cereals to lunch meat and from bagged lettuce to a carton of eggs, before you grocery shop you have a listen to what food guru Pollan has to say about the foods that we normally don’t give a second thought to when we toss them into our grocery cart.

If you’re at all concerned about eating healthier and safer for you, your family and the planet, this is a tune-in you don’t want to miss. (more…)