Tag Archives: goal setting

3 Simple Steps to Meeting a Fitness Goal

One of our fave fitness gals, Erin Kreitz Shirey, is full of tips for working smarter, not harder, and living well. She runs Power Fitness PDX, a training center that specializes in small group classes, and she also writes about fitness. In fact, Kreitz Shirey recently contributed to an online guide to making 2025 your best year yet and we absolutely love what she had to say. (See pages 17 and 18 of the guide for a full run-down of her ideas.)



Our favorite tips from Kreitz Shirey:

  • Stay motivated by signing up for races: Try registering for events that happen every few months so that you fit in one each season. If you’re always striving to reach a goal, you’ll always be training. (more…)

Make Your Resolutions Stick With Tips from Celeb Trainer Tracy Anderson

Here it is, January 1. It’s the beginning of a brand new year, and the day to start working on your resolutions. But after a holiday season of overindulging, and making the most of ringing in the New Year last night, you probably are less motivated than you’d like to be.

tracy anderson

Finding the motivation to stick with your resolutions can be difficult, but we’re here to help, along with some tips from fitness expert Tracy Anderson, creator of the Tracy Anderson Method.

Anderson’s number-one tip is to stay away from resolutions that are driven by vanity. She told People magazine, “make personal goals based on looking at yourself, recognizing something in your life that is unhealthy that you need to get in check. Look for it within and look to what it is that you really want to accomplish and then how you are going to hold yourself accountable.”


10 Ways to Solidify Your Fitness Routine

There seems to be a great chasm between those who workout and those who do not. But does anyone really know why that is?

Often surrounded by people who don’t love working out as much as I do (admittedly, I’m an enthusiast), I’ve asked myself this question many times but to no avail. It seems that the path to fitness is narrow and few find it, but I wish that wasn’t so as exercise is such an essential part of a long, healthy life. Not to mention it can be a blast once you find your groove!

Perhaps there are some insider secrets that ‘insiders’ wrongly assume ‘outsiders’ already know. This slideshow is my humble attempt to “crack the code” and unveil those tips, tricks and secrets so that everyone can find their way to fitness and establish a routine that truly sticks.

Focusing on Why Instead of How is the Key to Reaching Any Goal

Last week the results of a year-long study shocked many but confirmed my suspicion. Knowledge isn’t enough. In July 2025, New York became the first city in the U.S. to require fast food restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. The idea was that if you tell people how bad the food is, you’d get them to change their eating behavior. Last week, the initial results were released and guess what? Eating habits didn’t change.

We’ve all been told that knowledge is power and that knowledge is the secret to success. If you’re in the know, you’re part of an elite group. Who could argue against the truth behind this ancient maxim? Well, I could.

Power can be defined in different ways. There is a tremendous amount written about the power of influence and how to change other people’s behavior, but I think it is even more powerful to learn how to change your own behavior. When you master this, you can control your future. But when it comes to changing behavior, knowledge isn’t enough.


Turn Any ‘Impossible’ Fitness Goal into Reality

By Jenn Walters for FitBottomedGirls.com

Goal-setting has incredible rewards. In fact, there’s really no better way to get to where you want to be (and get rewarded for it)! We chatted with Tara Zimliki, certified personal trainer and boot camp instructor, for her top tips on how to turn your fitness goals into reality.

marathonZimliki would know. She’s a crazy-awesome runner who has completed 15 marathons and hundreds of races worldwide. In fact, she completed the New York Marathon eight months pregnant and even ran 1 mile the day she gave birth to her first daughter and 3 miles the day she gave birth to her second daughter. Zimliki believes that taking on a personal fitness milestone is just as much a physical feat as it is a mental one. (Agreed!)

By setting mini-goals, she says you can make an overwhelming cliff seem a lot easier to climb. We couldn’t agree more! Read on for Zimliki’s tips to turning impossible fitness goals into possible fitness feats!


Setting Intentions in Yoga

It is likely you will hear your yoga teacher ask you at the start of each class to set your intention before you begin the session. It may be explained to you that your intention can be large or small, or about giving or receiving. But why does this matter and is it even necessary?

To intend literally means to mentally have in mind something to be brought about into reality. When we intend to do something, it means we want to embark on a task or attain a goal. In theory, when we put our mind to it, we will have the power that will give us everything we need to forge ahead.

That is not always the case. The old adage, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but heaven is full of good works” means that unless we actually do something with our good intentions, they just lie dormant inside of our minds, as great ideas or wishful thinking.

But, there is hope after all. By setting an intention before yoga, (which is highly influential on the mind), we gain an advantage over the average rate of “good intentions gone by the wayside” and find ourselves moving above and beyond our loftiest aspirations.
