Tag Archives: hilary swank

The Best and Worst Celebrity Diets of 2025

Before 2025 gets too long in the tooth, let’s take a look at the “Second Annual Best and Worst Celebrity Diet List of 2025.” The list is published by Marc Lawrence, M.D., who reviews celebrity diets and weight loss.

Marc Lawrence is a Stanford and Harvard trained, board-certified Physician Nutrition Specialist. Without further adieu, here’s the list as published on his website:britney spears and oprah

Best Celebrity Diets for 2025:

5. Jennifer Love Hewitt: Those unflattering bikini photos seem so long ago as this Ghost Whisperer star has been letting her body speak loud and clear; daily fruits and veggies do a body good.

4. Jessica Alba: Jessica exercised her superhero abilities on a regimen of whole foods, cardio and interval training to power her fantastic 25 pound post-pregnancy slim down. (more…)

Beyonce Gains 15 Pounds for New Role

In preparation for her movie role in “Cadillac Records,”  Beyonce Knowles had to gain some weight as she portrays the sultry but conflicted blues singer, Etta James.

Following on the heels of such actresses as Renee Zellwegger and Hilary Swank who also packed on the pounds for their craft, Knowles didn’t say much about which foods she indulged in, but she did say that it was more fun to gain than having to lose weight.

“It was way easier — and tastier — than having to lose so much weight for Dreamgirls,” said the actress. (more…)

Hilary Swank to Pack on the Pounds for Her Next Role

While most stars in Hollywood are under the pressure to lose weight, a few starlets are literally under contract to gain weight. All in the name of business, of course. Hillary SwankRenee Zellweger, Matt Damon, Eva Longoria-Parker and now add Hilary Swank to the list of actors who have gained a hefty chunk of weight for an upcoming role.  In preparation for French Women Don’t Get Fat, the movie adaptation of the bestselling book by Mireille Guiliano, Swank, who is also producing the movie, will pack on 20 to 30 pounds for her role as the manager of a champagne company. No stranger to transforming herself for a role, Swank radically transformed her thin figure to one of a powerhouse boxer Million Dollar Baby and to a man in Boys Don’t Cry. Now, it’s her turn to reverse roles and swap her personal trainer in for a personal chef who can dish up calorie-laden meals and carb-rich dishes to help her plump up her waistline.

In our weight-obsessed culture, it is more than refreshing to see the bravery of female celebs like Swank, Zellweger and others who aren’t too scared to watch the scales creep up for the sake of their profession. But then again, if I were given a couple million dollars, I would have no problem sitting on the couch and fattening up. Just as long as I knew that I could eventually take the weight off.I wonder how many of these folks who have gained weight for roles actually welcome the first day of their diet when they can go back to their salad-eating and exercise-filled days? I don’t know, but I’m sure that Swank, who is uber disciplined will approach her French role with her trademark zeal, dedication and enthusiasm as she noshes on pain au chocolat and hunks of brie. And I’m sure, that when her role is finished, she will have gained even further insight into how changing your physical shape also alters your non-physical shape as well.

French Women Don’t Get Fat Hits the Silver Screen

Most of us have heard about the uber popular diet book called “French Women Don’t Get Fat.” Following suit with over preoccupation with body image, food and beauty, the famous and culture-this very specific guide is going to be made into a movie. Hilary Swank’s production company, 2S Films has just secured the rights to make this book into a movie.hilary swank

For those of you who may not know, “French Women Don’t Get Fat” chronicles the eating, exercising and overall lifestyle of the always well-manicured and perfectly size-4 French women. Written by Mirielle Guiliano, the main message to all of us, um rounder, Americans is to enjoy the foods that we love, but do so only in small quantities. In addition, French women walk more while most of us here on the other side of the ocean lead a much more sedentary life. This additional lifestyle tip encourages us to simply move more with walking being just fine as a quality source of daily exercise.