Tag Archives: In defense of food

Tune In: Michael Pollan on The Oprah Show

Image via Oprah.com

Image via Oprah.com

Tune in this Wednesday, January 27, 2025 to The Oprah Show when food activist and writer, Michael Pollan, gives you the truth about where your food actually comes from.

From cereals to lunch meat and from bagged lettuce to a carton of eggs, before you grocery shop you have a listen to what food guru Pollan has to say about the foods that we normally don’t give a second thought to when we toss them into our grocery cart.

If you’re at all concerned about eating healthier and safer for you, your family and the planet, this is a tune-in you don’t want to miss. (more…)

Michael Pollan Tailors Omnivore’s Dilemma for Kids

Ominvores-dilemma-book-cover[1]Food activist Michael Pollan has written many books that speak about our food industry, shining a light on America’s food system and on where our food comes from. These famous titles include “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food”.

One of his latest ventures is adapting the Omnivore’s Dilemma for young readers, which is a great opportunity for children to learn at a young age the importance of eating healthy, but equally important for understanding where the food they are eating comes from. If we are going to help kids make better choices, we need to give them the information they need to make smart decisions. (more…)

New FDA Regulation Helps Consumers Avoid Food Poisoning

It seems like every six months or so we get a new food poisoning/contamination scare. Bird flu, e.coli, salmonella, the list of invisible invaders is long. What can you do to keep your family safe and healthy?

In an effort to soothe our fears, new regulations are being put into place that will require identifying a food’s country of origin via labels. It’s an attempt to keep consumers informed. If you know about an outbreak originating from a certain country, it will be much easier to avoid those foods.

“It’s vitally important to ensure that products coming in from other countries as well as ones growing here are quickly identified in an outbreak,” says Caroline Smith DeWaal, Director of Food and Safety Center for Science in the Public Interest.

In big business, Newton’s famous law of physics applies. That is, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So with this push, comes a push back from the food industry.

“The industry has fought labeling tooth and nail because if you have labeling… people could decide whether they wanted to eat this food or not,” says Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food.

For more on the subject, check out the ABC News website.

In Defense of Food

Grab a copy of this week’s People Magazine. Not only will you get the dish on Matthew McConaughey impending fatherhood and fabulous shots of Katie Holmes wardrobe- but you can catch a glimpse at the new book “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto.” Michael Pollan collects his research on nutrition and has a simple outlook on eating- “Eat food. Not too much.”

Quick take aways you can read about in People’s article-
– Hit the outside edge of the store where where produce, meat and dairy reside.
– Skip the processed, packaged foods
– Eat locally raised foods
– Allow for some forgiveness