Tag Archives: J-Woww

JWOWW’s Dramatic Weight Loss Shocks in Jersey Shore’s Season 4 Premiere

JWOWW before and after weight loss

Left: September 2025. Right: July 2025.

Jersey Shore’s season four debuted last night with 8.8 million viewers, making it the most-watched MTV premiere ever. The show is getting back to its roots, shooting in Italy.

Most of the Jersey girls have publicly lost weight as the show’s success skyrocketed, but none have had quite the dramatic transformation as Jenni “JWOWW” Farley. There have been no official reports if JWOWW has lost weight recently, however she appears dramatically thinner. She did report losing 20 with the help of Abdominal Cuts Natural Supplements, which she also endorsed. She says she used the pills in combination with working out five days of the week with her boyfriend, who does weight training. (more…)

J-WOWW Promotes New Diet Pill Abdominal Cuts

J-WOWW diet pillsThis summer Jersey Shore’s J-WOWW was hawking the pregnancy hormone hCG for weight loss purposes, but it’s looks like’s she switched to another questionable supplement. The reality star was in New York yesterday to promote the launch of Abdominal Cuts Natural Supplement at GNC.

According to Abdominal Cut’s website, the supplement helped Jenni “J-WOWW” Farley lose 20 pounds, of course in combination with portion control and working out five days per week. “I eat junk food, cheesecake, cheese, pizza, but just lower amounts of it,” she was quoted saying at the GNC event. She also reported works out with her boyfriend.


Jersey Shore’s J-WOWW Takes Pregnancy Hormone

Jersey Shore star J-WOWW loves the hCG diet. The little drops that trick your body into thinking it’s pregnant to mobilize fat have been getting a lot of praise from Jersey Shore‘s J-WOWW (also known as Jenni Faley, for those who don’t watch the show). hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonapotropin and the diet is effective for both men and women, promising dramatic results. “My girlfriend lost 40 pounds in six weeks on the plan,” said the TV star, according to the Examiner.com. “She tried everything and it worked for her. So I thought if it worked for her, it would work for me.” (more…)