Tag Archives: kind snacks

KIND Snacks Petitions FDA to Redefine the Term “Healthy”


KIND Snacks, with support from nutrition and public health experts, has filed a Citizen Petition urging the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to update its regulations around using the term “healthy” in food labeling.

Currently, the FDA mandates that the term “healthy” only be used as a nutrient content claim reserved for foods with 3 grams or less total fat and 1 gram or less of saturated fat per serving. Fish and meat must have 5g or less total fat and 3g or less saturated fat per serving in order to use healthy as a nutrition content claim. This guideline was established over 20 years ago and KIND Founder and CEO Daniel Lubetzky claims that it’s outdated, excluding whole, nutrient-rich foods we know to have numerous health benefits like almonds, salmon, olive oil and avocados because of their naturally occurring higher fat content.

The policy effort, which cites evidence from multiple nutrition studies in addition to current federal Dietary Guidelines, is supported by a number of leading health and wellness experts including Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts and Connie Diekman, Registered Dietitian and former President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Prevention Magazine Announces 100 Cleanest Packed Foods. All Yum. No Guilt.

At Diets In Review we’re big fans of eating clean and lean because we know fresh food is the absolute best for you and your family. We also know “life happens,” and sometimes you just want to rip open a box from the freezer, microwave it and call it dinner.

Recently, Prevention Magazine announced their top 100 Cleanest Packaged Food Awards. That’s 100 reasons to stop shunning your pantry and serve up a guilt-free meal.

Kathie Lee and Hoda briefly put down their wine to chat with Prevention Magazine’s Siobhan O’Connor, who stopped by with a few award-winning items.

Want more? Here are 6 additional packaged foods that got a thumbs-up from Prevention:

Morning Star Farms Sausage Patties
 – Made with organic soy. Contains way less fat than pork. So tasty you might forget you’re eating a meat-ish patty (more…)

The Best of 2025: From Fearless Selfies to Fitness Leaders, the 26 Must-Follow Names in Wellness

I don’t know about you guys, but we had a really great year over here at DietsInReview.com. We certainly felt the love — hello you named us a Top 50 Health Blog for 2025! — and tried every day to show it to you, too. Together we celebrated some tremendous weight loss successes, fitness milestones, and met so many more of you out there who make this a fun place to be in here.

Along the way, we found a few people who made the Internet a healthier place to be, even enlightening and holding us to a higher standard. They should be recognized, and you should consider following them. There’s a lot of brains, talent, and heart in this bunch of 26 brands and people in our 13 categories, covering food, fitness, and even social networks.

Without further adieu … meet our picks for the best of 2025!


kenlie alan

It was Oxford’s word of the year, you don’t think we’d pass up a legitimate chance to use it, did you? We selected two individuals who are using their selfies to better themselves and those around them. Plus, their selfies are duck-face free, so we can actually stand to look at them!

Alan Ali@Sweating_It_Off

Kenlie Tiggeman@ALLTHEWEIGH


One hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE. It would take longer than four days to watch a single minute’s worth of new video content – and no one has time for that! So we saved you the potato couchin’ time and sorted through to find the very best new clips from this year. Honestly, you’ll put them on repeat.

Dance Walking Fitness by Ben Aaron

Prancercise on YouTube (more…)

FREE Printables for Food Pun Gift Tags

Don’t give just any ordinary food or snack gift when you can make them punny! We had a lot of fun coming up with just the right sentiment to complement some of our favorite healthier snacks and hope you have an easier time sharing the goods. We purposely left them generic enough to not require any particular time of year or holiday. And we also purposely made them completely free so that you can spring for the really good treats!

Just click, print the PDF, and trim them out. Then, share with the special friends, neighbors, co-workers, teachers, and other dear ones in your life.

JUSTIN Case You Didn’t Know

justins pb gift tags

This gift is butter than every other choc + pb cup out there (#fact)! And with this sweet tag, it makes Justin’s a pretty easy (and organic!) gift to share. Wrap one pack or a few and seal the deal with our simple message.

Download the Justin’s Gift Tag PDF. 6 tags/sheet

Thanks for Being EXTRA Nice

extra gum gift

This simple gift is a real mint that doesn’t require too much extra effort on your part. We filled a small jar with sticks of Extra sugar-free gum and delivered with the tag affixed to the lid.

Download the Extra Gift Tag PDF. 5 tags/sheet (more…)

7 Awesome Summer Snacks That are Actually Good for You

No season is better served with snacks than summer. It’s a time of great movement and activity, so refreshments must always be on hand. I’m not talking about a platter of hors d’oeuvres or charcuterie, but those little pocket-sized morsels of goodness that sustain you between meals. Several brands have sprouted up in recent years with a new-found dedication to making healthy treats. Gone are the preservatives, chemicals, and corn syrups of yesteryear. Modern munchies have organic ingredients—often so few that you can count on one hand—and are void of the complex, genetically engineered foodstuffs commonly found in the convenience store snack aisle.

We rounded up a handful of brands that are redefining snacking in the 21st century. Below are healthy food options that are legitimately delicious, because we’ve noshed on them ourselves, and they’ll keep your friends and family smiling as you scoot through summer.

Crispy Green Freeze Dried Fruit Snacks

Crispy Green

With a full serving of fruit in every easy to tote bag, these brilliantly flavored, 100% fruit treats are the perfect summer snack. The nut-free, fat-free, and cholesterol-free fruit snacks contain only 55 calories per serving and come in flavors like crispy apple, mango, asian pear, banana, cantaloupe, pineapple, and tangerine. It’s real fruit and really tasty.


Beware Four Tricky and Common Nutrition Label Claims

Picture this: the doors have slid open, the gust of cold air hits us, and now we’re faced with the 45,000 products the average supermarket carries. Aside from feeling purely overwhelmed at deciding what and how to choose what goes into our carts, along with our rushed, over-scheduled lives, we seem to spend more time thinking about what goes ON our bodies (like clothes and shoes) than what goes IN them.

So many food labels are difficult to decode – perhaps the reason why 60-70 percent of what we purchase is unplanned. We often fall prey to items that wear descriptive names, like “natural” and “wholesome” and “organic”…these words are like magnets attracting us to their otherwise less attractive products. Studies have shown that when a food is deemed superior through a name, it is more likely that people would expect the food to be beneficial to their health. Trans-fat free fries, baked chips, and organic candies are all surrounded by health halos, yet some halos are far from angelic.

But you shouldn’t have to be a mathematician, a librarian, or a dietitian to buy the right foods. The food label should be like the table of contents of a book – it should tell us what’s inside. Unfortunately, misleading labels lurk throughout the store and I’m here today to give you the inside scoop on what’s really going on between the lines. Here are a few examples of some personal favorite ‘wall of shame’ claims where food companies are selling sound bites instead of sound advice. (more…)

Win a KIND Snacks Bar Valentine’s Day Gift Pack

Show us your KIND heart this Valentine’s Day!

Share your healthy Valentine’s Day ideas, treats, and cards by posting pictures to our Facebook page. We’ll draw two winners to each receive a limited-edition Valentine’s Day KIND Cube filled with 20 delicious KIND Bars!

Submit your Valentine’s idea by Friday, February 8!

Help inspire everyone to share healthier treats this year and move all of us away from the junked-up processed holiday that Valentine’s has become. We love the homemade cards that capture the essence of what Cupid intended this day be about – fun, silly, sweet, and KIND love!

Some of our favorites in the past are shared on our Feel Good Valentine’s Day Pinterest board, and include the following.
