Tag Archives: meatloaf

HealthBuzz October 5: Health Care Debates, Obesity Bullies, and Fall Comfort Food

It’s Friday, meaning it is time for a dose of healthy news. Join us for the #HealthBuzz chat on Twitter @DietsinReview to discuss each of these stories live.

#HealthBuzz kicks off at 12:00 p.m. CST – We look forward to seeing you there to discuss this week’s top stories.

ObamaCare’s Future a Hot Topic in Romney’s and Obama’s First Presidential Debate

After months of campaigning and trash talking, President Obama and former Governor Romney were finally face-to-face debating each other Wednesday night. The hottest topic during the presidential debate was health care, or some may call it “ObamaCare.” Tell us what you thought of this week’s presidential debate!

Julia Kozerski Documents 160-Pound Weight Loss With Her iPhone

Weight loss stories are truly inspiring. Before and after pictures of Julia Kozerski speak for themselves. She lost 160 pounds through calorie counting, exercising, and a clean diet, all documented with iPhone photos from dressing rooms. Read about Julia’s true weight loss story!

TV Anchor Stands Up for Herself in Honor of Anti-Bullying Month

Bullying doesn’t just exist in the school play yard. Bullying can even be in the workforce. Jennifer Livingston is a new anchor in Wisconsin who was recently bullied by a viewer for her weight. He emailed to call her “fat” and “obese.” Jennifer didn’t let the bullying viewer have the last word, she fought back and gave the viewer her thoughts with a powerful message about body image. (more…)

5 Meaty Dinners for the Presidential Debate Night: Obama’s vs. Romney’s Favorite Recipes

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama take to the podium together tonight for the first time in this presidential election. With 33 days left before election day, many Americans are still trying to finalize their votes, certain to be helped by the comments Obama and Romney share on domestic policy issues (the focus of tonight’s debate). For some, the debate will only confirm their voting decision.

As these candidates sink their teeth into some meaty issues that concern all Americans, you can sink your teeth in to some of their favorite recipes. Don’t go in to these debates lightly, or on an empty stomach!

If you run red and want a meal that Mitt Romney calls his favorite, try the Romney Meatloaf Cakes. Ann Romney prepares these with a sweet and tangy homemade ketchup sauce every year for his birthday. If things go his way, the White House chef will prepare these to celebrate his birthday in 2025.

As the governor of Massachusetts, Romney probably gets his fill of some of the best clam chowder in the state. You’ll have no regrets curling up around a piping hot bowl of this homemade Low Carb Clam Chowder, simply made with only 5 ingredients. (more…)