Tag Archives: metabolism

Is it Better to Skip Breakfast or Eat a Doughnut?

Assorted donuts on pastel blue background

You’re running late for work and first thing on the agenda is a big meeting. You meant to grab a banana and a yogurt on the way out the door but you were in such a rush, they are still sitting on your kitchen counter as you sit in traffic. You finally get to work and plop down in your chair, ready for the meeting, when your tummy starts to grumble.

“Look, everyone,” one of your coworker says. “I brought doughnuts!

Normally, you’d politely say no thank you and opt for a healthier choice, but there’s no other food in sight for the next few hours and your tummy will not shut up. So, should you eat the doughnut, or go hungry?


5 Ways to Send Your Metabolism into Overdrive

Real fitness and weight loss results come from hard work. There are no short cuts when it comes to lasting results. They come from consistently hitting the gym and eating clean.

But what if I told you there are some simple things you can do to make sure you get the most out of your efforts?

Maximizing your healthy habits and boosting your metabolism naturally is easier to do than you think. It comes from making sure your metabolism (the sum total of the chemical reactions taking place in your body every day) is functioning optimally. These five tips will help keep your metabolism humming along and help maximize your hard work.


Drink a minimum of 64 oz. water daily. Being dehydrated doesn’t just impact athletic performance; it impairs the body’s ability to do many critical functions. Water works as a mineral source, temperature regulator, transporter, lubricant and a catalyst. Since almost every reaction in the body, including fat burning, needs water to happen your metabolism will slow down without proper hydration. (more…)

Digital Weight Loss Consultations on Expertory Virtually Eliminate All Excuses for Skipping Meetings

A lot of us these days are extremely busy. It seems as though we barely have time to do the important things in life, like taking care of our health (or those long naps on a comfy couch, who am I kidding?!). It is increasingly difficult to be able to budget our precious time to make it out somewhere to achieve our health goals. Being that we are so connected to those crazy interwebs these days, I figured I would try to take care of my wellness through an online format. Enter: Expertory.

Expertory is a website dedicated to educating on YOUR terms, not the schedule of someone else you have to work around. I had no excuse like “Oh, I can’t make it at this time because of this, or this time because of that.” Your workouts or counseling sessions are achieved through video chats that you schedule with their enormous panel of experts, which range from fitness and nutrition experts to people who can teach you to speak Mandarin!

Being several years off of the Biggest Loser, I have a stubborn 20 pounds I wish to lose which have crept back on me (much better than the 213 pounds I had to lose originally!). I am pretty happy where I am now, as I am fit and healthy beyond my wildest dreams, but just want to tone up a bit more. Since I work out like a fiend, I know it is my diet that needs cleaning up, which is why I decided to book a session with Amy Goldsmith, a nutritionist, whose session was titled “Boosting Your Metabolism.” (more…)

Could Cold Temperatures Help You Lose Weight?

Ray Cronise, a former NASA scientist who spent 15 years overseeing experiments aboard shuttles at Marshall Space Flight Center, has been conducting experiments since 2025 to see if cold temperatures have an effect on the metabolism.

In 2025 while watching a televised program on Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, Cronise got an idea. The documentary claimed that the swimmer was consuming around 12,000 calories a day while training. That fact didn’t make sense to Cronise considering his own calorie-restricted diet allowed him to have only 12,000 calories per week.

At the time Cronise weighed 209 pounds at 5 feet 9 inches tall, and was trying to get down to 180 pounds. He thought to himself, if Phelps was really consuming that many calories daily and was in the water three hours a day, then something didn’t add up because the swimmer would become a “blob.” (more…)

Why Calorie Counting Fails and How to Burn Fat Without It

Which of the following statements are true?

a. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead.
b. We have to consciously decrease calories in or increase calories out in order to burn fat.
c. All triangles have three sides.

If we believe what we’ve been taught, A, B, and C are all true. However, it may come as a surprise (or not, considering the dramatic rise in obesity) that biologists have known for a long time that B is false. We do not need to consciously eat less or exercise more in order to burn fat.

How’s this possible?

There are at least three major biological missteps with calorie counting:

1. It assumes calories out is fixed.
2. It assumes we can calculate calories out.
3. It assumes fewer calories in or more calories out requires the body to burn fat.  (more…)

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? New Research Points to a Magic Number

By Bob Greene for BestLifeDiet.com

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? If you answered seven (or right around there), then you’re in great shape—seven seems to be the magic number for sleep, according to new preliminary research.

You may already know that skimping on shuteye is associated with a number of problems. Your ability to focus and your reflexes are impaired, which can lead to accidents and decreased productivity. Then, there’s a whole host of physical changes that occur when you’re sleep deprived. For instance, your metabolism slows down and your body pumps out more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and less leptin, the hormone that signals fullness, putting you at an increased risk for obesity and diabetes.

That’s enough to make you want to pull the covers over your head! But researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston found that too much sleep is not good for you either. In fact, it seems to impair memory and brain function.

Using data collected from 120,000 nurses who are part of the Nurse’s Health Study, the researchers found that those who logged less than five or more than nine hours of slumber per night scored lower on cognitive tests than those who slept around seven. (They presented their findings at the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.) That means that logging the right amount of sleep may help keep your brain sharp and potentially protect against dementia as you get older. (more…)

‘Eat More, Exercise Less’ is Jonathan Bailor’s Mantra in The Smarter Science of Slim

“Long-term health and fitness is about the quality of food we eat and exercise we get, not the quantity.” This is how Jonathan Bailor sums up the research found in his new book, “The Smarter Science of Slim. Scientific Proof. Fat Loss Facts!” The book is full of research that points to so many flaws in our current beliefs on dieting and exercise. It’s research that men and women around the country have been relying on to help them finally breakthrough their weight loss; it’s also been assisting former Biggest Loser contestants after they leave the infamous ranch.

A catchy line throughout the book and the press info regarding the book is “eat more, exercise less.” It isn’t a catchy marketing line for Bailor to sell a diet pill, a weight loss device, or even a plan, it sums up the science and research he presents in the book.

Bailor explained that the science in his book is “shockingly different from marketing and common dieting myths.” It shows that the key to long-term fat loss and improved health is in the consumption of satisfying, unaggressive, nutritious foods like water-, fiber- and protein-rich non-starchy vegetables, nutrient-dense proteins, and whole food natural fats. When we eat this way, he explains that we’re too full for dry, low-fiber, and protein-poor starches and sweets, like bread, candy, cake, soda, and juice. (more…)

Set Your Metabolism on Fire with These 4 Foods

Finding ways to increase your metabolism is always important when you are trying to lose weight. There are tons of studies done to figure out which foods will naturally help your metabolism as well as products you can buy that claim to also help.

In my opinion, I prefer to stick with more natural remedies. I like to know exactly what I’m taking and how much. I did some research and found some of the most proven natural methods that will set your metabolism ablaze!

Maybe one of the most widely known ways to increase your metabolism is eating hot peppers. The reason they are able to help with metabolism is because of the chemical capsaicin, it is found in hot peppers and cayenne peppers. This chemical will temporarily cause your body to release more stress hormones, which will cause your metabolism to speed up and help you burn more calories. It will also help suppress your appetite which of course means taking in less calories. Eat a tablespoon of chopped red or green chili peppers at each meal by adding it to your meals. You can spice up your favorite pasta, chili or soups by adding these metabolism fire starters.

If you’re not a fan of the spicy peppers, the sweet chili peppers are another great option. They contain a compound called dihydrocapsiate (DCT) which acts similar to capsaicin as far as our metabolism goes. A study done in California found that people who took nine milligrams of DCT experienced more energy expenditure and burned more calories than the control group. They burned an extra 100 calories per day when they took the nine milligrams three times a day. (more…)

6 Foods That Make It Easy to Eat Healthy This Spring

Spring has sprung. And in some regions, we’ve even skipped right to summer. In any case, a transition into warmer weather means two things: spring cleaning and shifting our eating to more seasonal foods.

In addition to spring cleaning your house, one thing you might consider doing is spring cleaning your kitchen. Chances are throughout winter you stocked up on cold-weather foods that are too heavy for spring and summertime. Start by throwing out food that’s gone bad, and then donate any unwanted canned goods to charity. It’s beneficial for you, your family and the community.

Another great way to get spring-ready is by adding more figure-friendly foods to your diet. Foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories are great choices. Here is a list of six healthy foods for springtime from DietsInReview.com’s Registered Dietitian, Mary Hartley, RD, as well as a few easy-to-prepare recipes for even more inspiration.


Tim Ferriss’ Surprising Health and Weight Loss Secrets on The Dr. Oz Show

Tim Ferriss is the author of the best selling book The 4 Hour Body and a self-proclaimed human guinea pig. He’s tested many health and fitness theories on his own body to be able to provide fully researched and proven advice for some of our biggest health complaints. He shared some new and very interesting things he has learned on Dr. Oz’s show recently.

Ferriss covers the spectrum of human health. From metabolism to mood, he offered some great insight and very unique remedies to our biggest issues.

The 5-minute deep freeze is the method Ferris advised as a metabolism booster. The deep freeze is a cold shower ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. The cold temperatures are said to activate brown fat, the fat-burning tissue that burns energy to keep us warm. Shivering in the cold shower indicates that energy is being used to keep the body temperature up, therefore boosting your metabolism.

Millions of people are taking prescription antidepressants to keep their serotonin levels high and keep their moods positive. Ferriss explained that 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut so eating fermented food such as kimchi (Korean pickled cabbage) and its healthy probiotic bacteria will help serotonin in your gut move to the brain. Lacto-fermented food such as sauerkraut or plain yogurt can also aid in increasing serotonin levels and increasing mood.


Raspberry Ketone Side Effects May Impact Thyroid Health

The amount of questions that came pouring in to my pharmacy about raspberry ketones just hours after Dr. Oz’s episode about them makes me think I need to start DVRing the show. Being in the health care field I feel it is my responsibility to stay current with the latest drug and supplement information. Dr. Oz has a tremendous influence on his audience and I feel it’s important to dig a little deeper and not just take his word for it.

Raspberry ketones work in two ways for a possible weight loss effect. They increase the metabolism by increasing the release of a hormone called norepinephrine. When I think of norepinephrine I think what would happen to me if I were being chased by a bear. My heart rate speeds up and I may even have some palpitations, there’s a good chance I’ll be running the fastest I ever have. My body is going to release some glucose into my blood to give me more energy so I can outrun this bear. I’m sure that I will feel nervous, hot and that I’ll be panting for air even after I stop running. I would imagine that at this point I would not be hankering for food because my focus is to stay alive causing my appetite to be suppressed. My vision may become blurry and I may feel the need to throw up or even feel nauseous. I may also have difficulty falling asleep after my run-in with the bear. (more…)