Tag Archives: mitt romney

YogaVotes Pins Politics to a Non-Partisan Mat

It seems as if now more than ever the current political climate is creating a massive fault line of tension under the foundation of this country. While many are ready for the elections to be over, some are still left undecided in their choice of whom they’d like to see as the next president of the United States. Election Day presents a seriously important opportunity to make a seriously important decision, and because of that, some will never even fill out a ballot.

As much as we’d love to just bury our heads and hide until after Election Day, it is nearly impossible. Propaganda is everywhere we look. While the yoga mat would seem like a nice shelter from the political storm, as yoga studios typically do not encourage wicked political debating, slander, or inappropriate propositioning, this election is different. It is spawning a nationwide kick in the asana.

In an effort to motivate yogis into action, celebrity yoga teacher and activist Seane Corn put her tenacious attitude to work and has reintroduced yoga to politics. Together with Congressman Tim Ryan and many others, Corn founded YogaVotes, a nonpartisan campaign to get yogis to the polling stations in 2025.

Believing that the yoga mat is too small of a space to express human potential, Corn created an avenue for people to practice political action and bring unity to what she refers to as a “hyper-partisan” country. Not only can individuals sign on to become YogaVotes leaders, yoga studios can also commit to extend the philosophies brought on by yoga out into the greater community via political activism. (more…)

Who Will Your Doctor Vote for in the Presidential Election? Where They Work Can Tell You.

To some, asking who you’re voting for in this year’s election is seen as an invasion of privacy. However, others are very vocal about who they will be voting for this year. With health care being one of the biggest issues in the election, do you wonder who the doctors will be voting for? According to an MDLinx poll, hospital-based physicians will vote for President Obama while solo practitioners will vote for Mr. Romney.

MDLinx surveyed over 4681 U.S. physicians and asked which presidential candidate they support, and they found the support depended upon their place of employment. President Obama was supported by most hospital-based physicians by a 47 to 37 percent margin, with 12 percent of doctors undecided. But doctors with their own practices prefer Romney by 58 to 28 percent with 11 percent undecided.

Stephen Smith, Chief Marketing Officer for MDLinx, commented on the survey. “Health care has charged to the top of the campaigns’ messaging this year, and U.S. physicians have a lot invested in the direction taken in the next administration.” Also, Smith mentions, “Nearly one-third said that their vote was ‘completely’ or ‘mostly’ influenced by the candidates’ health care policy.”

What exactly are President Obama’s and Mr. Romney’s plans for health care? President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as “ObamaCare,” reforms imposed regulations on private health insurance providers. The act made changes to ensure better coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions and improve coverage for those with Medicare. (more…)

HealthBuzz October 5: Health Care Debates, Obesity Bullies, and Fall Comfort Food

It’s Friday, meaning it is time for a dose of healthy news. Join us for the #HealthBuzz chat on Twitter @DietsinReview to discuss each of these stories live.

#HealthBuzz kicks off at 12:00 p.m. CST – We look forward to seeing you there to discuss this week’s top stories.

ObamaCare’s Future a Hot Topic in Romney’s and Obama’s First Presidential Debate

After months of campaigning and trash talking, President Obama and former Governor Romney were finally face-to-face debating each other Wednesday night. The hottest topic during the presidential debate was health care, or some may call it “ObamaCare.” Tell us what you thought of this week’s presidential debate!

Julia Kozerski Documents 160-Pound Weight Loss With Her iPhone

Weight loss stories are truly inspiring. Before and after pictures of Julia Kozerski speak for themselves. She lost 160 pounds through calorie counting, exercising, and a clean diet, all documented with iPhone photos from dressing rooms. Read about Julia’s true weight loss story!

TV Anchor Stands Up for Herself in Honor of Anti-Bullying Month

Bullying doesn’t just exist in the school play yard. Bullying can even be in the workforce. Jennifer Livingston is a new anchor in Wisconsin who was recently bullied by a viewer for her weight. He emailed to call her “fat” and “obese.” Jennifer didn’t let the bullying viewer have the last word, she fought back and gave the viewer her thoughts with a powerful message about body image. (more…)

ObamaCare’s Future a Hot Topic in Romney’s and Obama’s First Presidential Debate

In the first presidential debate of the 2025 election, President Obama and former Governor Romney went head-to-head on issues ranging from taxes for the middle class to how much government should be involved in regulating Wall Street. This first debate held high stakes for each candidate, as historically debates can serve to predict who will get ahead in the polls and ultimately become the next president.

The ongoing health care issue was a hot topic during this evening’s debate, its significance underscored as the candidates frequently referenced it to back up their platforms. The issue deeply polarizes voters as they face the critical question of how they’ll pay for routine and emergency medical expenses.

The importance of how Medicare, Medicaid, and the so-called ObamaCare Act will function in the future could not be overstated for the future health of the nation, with Obama saying outright, “I want to talk about Medicare…because that’s the big driver of our deficits right now.”

A frequently-quoted $716 billion was one point of difference between the candidates, and a touchy subject at that. Obama took it from Medicare and transferred the sum to help pay for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, a move he defended during the debate. Romney blasted the president’s decision, saying he would return it to Medicare and give states the ability to make their own decisions concerning health care for their citizens. (more…)

5 Meaty Dinners for the Presidential Debate Night: Obama’s vs. Romney’s Favorite Recipes

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama take to the podium together tonight for the first time in this presidential election. With 33 days left before election day, many Americans are still trying to finalize their votes, certain to be helped by the comments Obama and Romney share on domestic policy issues (the focus of tonight’s debate). For some, the debate will only confirm their voting decision.

As these candidates sink their teeth into some meaty issues that concern all Americans, you can sink your teeth in to some of their favorite recipes. Don’t go in to these debates lightly, or on an empty stomach!

If you run red and want a meal that Mitt Romney calls his favorite, try the Romney Meatloaf Cakes. Ann Romney prepares these with a sweet and tangy homemade ketchup sauce every year for his birthday. If things go his way, the White House chef will prepare these to celebrate his birthday in 2025.

As the governor of Massachusetts, Romney probably gets his fill of some of the best clam chowder in the state. You’ll have no regrets curling up around a piping hot bowl of this homemade Low Carb Clam Chowder, simply made with only 5 ingredients. (more…)

Romney vs. Obama Recipe Cook-Off: Romney’s Meatloaf Goes Against Obama’s Chili

Two men. One highly sought-after job opening.

Who will win?

If you’ve looked at the issues from every angle and can’t yet decide who to give your vote to on November 6, maybe the presidential nominees’ favorite recipes will help sway you.

President Barack Obama doesn’t just enjoy good food, he likes making it, too. During the last election we found his personal chili recipe and thought it was good enough to share with all of you! While we’re not sure if Governor Mitt Romney ever rolls up his sleeves in the kitchen, we know he’s also a fan of classic American food, favoring his wife’s homemade meatloaf recipe.

Both are meaty recipes these hard-working men can really sink their teeth in to after a long day on the campaign trail. Which tastes better? Which is better for you? To answer that, we went in to our nonpartisan kitchen to whip up a couple of meals fit for a president. (more…)

Battle of the Biceps: Between Obama and Romney, Who’s Healthier?

With the presidential election just around the corner, President Barack Obama and his opponent Mitt Romney have come under intense scrutiny regarding their policies, beliefs and respective plans for the future of our nation. But political issues aside, we can’t help but wonder about the health of the presidential hopefuls. If it came down to it, which candidate is healthier?

Barack Obama

First up, President Obama who is dedicated to his fitness regimen with a particular fondness of the basketball court. Whenever he has time, he enjoys a fast-paced game of basketball, always playing a game on election days.

In an interview with Men’s Health Magazine, Obama divulged his workout routine as a mixture of 45 minutes of cardiac-strengthening, weight lifting, and running on the treadmill six days a week.

When it comes to vacation time, Obama doesn’t slack off on his workouts and neither does his family. While vacationing in Hawaii recently, the Obamas enjoyed hiking, swimming and golf, all in addition to President Obama’s early-morning workouts at a fitness center. (more…)

$750 Billion in Health Care Dollars Wasted Annually, Less Resources to Those in Need

If you thought your hard earned money was going somewhere worthwhile, think again. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine shows that roughly 30 cents of every dollar the government funnels toward health care is wasted on things like unnecessary care, paperwork and other areas of general waste.

What does this mean exactly? For starters, it means $750 billion goes down the drain annually while many are left uninsured and without care. This news comes at a peak time of interest as the presidential campaign is approaching its climax.

Wether you side with democratic or republican views on the health care issue, no one can deny that it’s an important topic that affects everyone in our country. However, this report – which comes from a panel comprised of 18 respected expert doctors, business people and public officials – suggests that perhaps we need to focus more on creating an efficient health care system rather than where we should ration and reallocate funds.

As reported by the Washington Post, the reported stated that “Health care in America presents a fundamental paradox. The past 50 years have seen an explosion in biomedical knowledge, dramatic innovation in therapies and surgical procedures, and management of conditions that previously were fatal…Yet, American health care is falling short on basic dimensions of quality, outcomes costs and equity.” (more…)

Romney vs Gingrich on Healthcare

While the Republican race seems to shift from candidate to candidate with each primary, it seems to be a two horse race between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Here’s a brief look at how they compare on the complex issue of health care.

Mitt Romney on Healthcare

Mitt Romney has had to do a peculiar dance regarding health care. In his home state of Massachusetts, Romney has presided over a successful state-run health care plan, but since state-run health care is not a popular stance with the Republican base that will get him the party nomination. It’s probably the main sticking point as to why he hasn’t already shored up the nomination. (more…)

Go Ahead Talk: Some Gossip Can Offer Health Benefits

Many of us are bashing Paula Deen for her diet choices, raking Mitt Romney over the coals for acting like every other politician, or clamoring over reasons why Jillian Michaels decided to leave The Doctors. You might be shaking your head if you are one of the rare Americans who doesn’t really care who has diabetes, or who lied to the media, or who is keeping their personal decisions private. But, according to scientists from the University of California in Berkeley, gossip may be good for our health.

Gossip is defined as idle talk or rumor about the personal or private affairs of others. Gossip is also referred to as tattling or reporting someone who was caught in the act of doing something wrong. Often times we tell ourselves to leave it be, because our grandmother told us that if we don’t have anything nice to say about others we should just not say anything at all.

The scientists of UC Berkeley set up several trials with volunteers to test the mental and physical effects of gossiping. Subjects were asked to watch two people playing a game, one of which who cheated. Subjects then had the decision to either let the next player know he or she was going to be playing with a cheater, or just let it pass. Results indicated that voicing the incidence of wrongdoings by others actually made them feel better by lowering their heart rates and calming their anxiety about the matter.


Mitt Romney’s Diet — Is Mitt Fit Enough to be President?

These days presidential candidates have to deal with a lot. There’s the stress of campaigning and with that comes a lot of baby kissing, hand shaking and endless smiling. Then, there are the never-ending debates as well as the stress-filled wait of getting the vote totals so that they can decide whether or not to move forward. Now that Mitt Romney has secured his spot as the frontrunner for the 2025 GOP nomination with his latest win in the New Hampshire Republican Primary, the pressure is really on. That includes keeping his diet intact to keep him healthy enough to continue in the race.

But is Mitt Romney fit enough to be president? Can he keep his diet balanced enough to sustain his run for the presidency?

We did some checking to see how he has fared thus far and the answers may surprise you.

Presidential candidates are subject to their surroundings. They’re always “ON,” meaning they have to come in contact with and show support for their supporters. This means that food is always around, we are a nation of celebrators and more often than not, food is a part of the celebration. The campaign trail is no different. During his campaign stops between Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney’s team scheduled a series of food-based events; Coffee with Mitt (coffee is actually banned by his Mormon religion), Pizza with Mitt and Spaghetti with Mitt. Then there is the stop he made at the Iowa State Fair where he could be seen downing a corn dog, a hot dog and a pork chop on a stick. Not exactly the lunch of champions.

