Tag Archives: muscle confusion

CrossFit’s Massive Following Speaks for Itself

Bruce Young is Co-owner of CrossFit Select in Mississauga, Ontario. He is active in CrossFit Competitions and also competes in 24 hour Adventure Races.

The media has already been bought for the television ads and the radio spots. The actual spots themselves have been ready to go for some time now. And as of January 1, 2025, the annual multi-million dollar media blitz tempting you to “make this your year” or “have dramatic changes, quickly” have already been created for the traditional fitness and weight loss industry.

There is one growing group of companies that is emerging that do not pay for media blitz, yet their numbers keep growing at a steady rate. Most of the growth has come through word of mouth from the members who have committed to make the change. CrossFit has emerged as the most effective way to develop your fitness level, whether your goal is to get in shape or become a world class athlete.

By now most of you have heard something about CrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that creates muscle confusion for your body. Prior to walking into my first “box” I was bored with doing the same things over and over and just feeling like a number at the large national chain gym that I was going to.


Beginner’s Guide to Supreme 90 Day Fitness Program

My name is Toni and I blog over at Running, Loving, Living. I am married with 2 beautiful daughters, 14 and 2. I am also a homecare RN working weekends and holidays. I love to run, weight train, cook healthy and blog. I hope to be able to inspire and motivate others to get healthy and live life to the fullest. Run often, Love completely, Live fully.

There are so many fitness systems on the market it is hard to know which one to choose, but the answer is always the one that you are going to follow through with and use as instructed. I have tried many different workout systems including P90X and have failed miserably at staying committed until I found Supreme 90 Day.

Supreme 90 Day is a complete workout system that includes all the workouts and a diet plan that you will need to follow this program for 90 days. The system includes 10 DVD’s (Chest&Back, Legs, Ultimate Ball, Tabata Inferno, Cardio Challenge, Shoulders&Arms, Total Body, Back&Bi’s, Chest Shoulders&Arms and Core Dynamics) that work your entire body utilizing muscle confusion to keep your body guessing so you continue to see results throughout the whole program. The only equipment you need is a mat, a stability ball and dumbbells. The Diet plan is written by Clean Eating’s Tosca Reno and it has 30 days worth of meal plans with recipes that you repeat twice during the program.


Bust Through a Plateau with Diet and Fitness

Christina is a mom, registered nurse, and blogger. She fully admits to both a love of too much food and a love of the couch, two vices she struggles to overcome on a daily basis. In the past two years, she’s lost nearly 50 pounds through diet and exercise, some of it chronicled on her blog, Losing My Hind.

Most people who are actively trying to lose weight hit a plateau now and then. You’re working hard, losing weight as a result, and then suddenly all of that progress stops and you wonder if your scale is broken because it’s been displaying the same number for weeks.

Plateaus are often the body’s way of recalibrating and adjusting to the changes you’ve brought about. But if you’re like me, you can only handle a plateau for so long before you get a twitchy eye and the urge to throw your scale through the bathroom window. I was recently stuck at a plateau for over a month, which felt like years to me, and anyone who had to listen to me rant about it.


P90X Workouts are the Epitome of Muscle Confusion

P90X, the wildly popular extreme home fitness program from BeachBody, claims it can get you into the best shape of your life in 90 days. I’ve done it, and it can.

The secret to P90X‘s success is that it is not only designed to push you to your limits each and every workout, but the order of the workouts is strategically designed to avoid strength plateaus, so you continue to grow and improve every step of the way. This technique is called muscle confusion, and it is the single best way to get results fast.

If you’ve never heard of Tony Horton‘s P90X, you must be living under a rock, but just in case, P90X is a 3 phase, 90 day fitness program comprised of 12 workout DVDs. What sets P90X apart is it makes no promises of being easy, but nothing that is worth it ever is, right?


Use Self Myofascial Release to Relieve Muscle Pain

Myofascial Release is a hands-on technique where using pressure helps to eliminate pain and restore body motion. Fascia is a connective tissue and is basically a spider web that surrounds and attaches to every muscle, bone, nerve, vein, and artery. Fascia also provides stability, and when the fascial system is damaged due a fall or trauma, it can cause excessive pain and restriction of motion.

self myofascial release

Self Myofascial Release is a self-rehab technique which allows pressure to massage away the pain or restrictions. A foam roller and body weight are the key ingredients for this technique. Below are helpful videos to walk you through the process.

Benefits Of Self Myofascial Release

  1. Increase Muscle Range Of Motion
  2. Decrease Muscle Soreness
  3. Relieve Joint Stress
  4. Improve Flexibility
  5. Reduce Injuries

Self Myofascial involves 6 Simple Movements: Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, IT Band, Quads, and Shins.