Tag Archives: peaches

13 Yummiest Must-Eat Recipes of 2025

It’s time to get listicle, kids! It’s the end of the year and we’re gearing up for the barrage of end-of-year lists. We’re part of the problem, or maybe it’s the solution. Either way, we have no shame! We love a good year-end roundup. It makes for fun memory-making, a time to reconcile and take stock of the year. And in the case of this list in particular – eat the best stuff around.

In order from #1 to #13, we’re sharing the recipes that YOU ranked as most popular this year. Eat visit counted as a vote. Let this be your recipe guide for year-end celebrations and new year resolutions.

Healthy, fun, simple, indulgent, and satisfying – these are the must-eat recipes of 2025!

Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches – Mashed banana, flax seed and agave nectar keep these childhood treats moist and delicious, but still healthy.

Healthy Oatmeal Cookie Sandiches Recipe

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Waffles – Waffles should come out of an iron, not a box. This recipe doubles easily for holiday house guests.

Cinnamon Apple Oat Waffles


Summery Peach Caprese Salad is Simple Yet Refined

Juicy, flavorful, ripened peaches are a lovely summer treat often used in desserts. Peaches and cream. Peach pie. Peach cobbler. Naturally sweet, dessert is the easy and obvious choice for this warm-weather fruit.

We don’t take peaches in a savory direction often enough, and that’s exactly where we’re headed today.

the peach caprese
One of my favorite uses of peaches is making a Caprese salad with a twist. Using peaches instead of tomatoes is a mouthwatering, savory way to enjoy one of summer’s best fruits in a fresh, new way. (more…)

How to Cook with Peaches

Peaches are one food of many that I have an opinion on. The former child in me hated peaches – the fuzzy skin and slimy texture was too much for me to handle. I’d take a pear over a peach any day. But ever since I was in California one summer and my friend’s family made me a peach milkshake with peaches picked straight from a tree in their yard, my opinion on this sweet, juicy fruit has changed.

Since August is National Peach Month, we found it the perfect time to highlight this classic summertime fruit to see just how healthy and versatile a peach really is.

Health benefits: Peaches contain a variety of vitamins, including vitamin A, which supports healthy vision; vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals and help ward off certain cancers; and vitamin K, which supports our body’s blood clotting capabilities. Peaches also provide ample amounts of thiamin, niacin, folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper, zinc, iron and even calcium, all of which work collectively to help support proper nervous system function, red blood cell production and bone and tissue health.

One of the best characteristics of a peach is its fiber content. One large peach contains approximately 3 grams of fiber which helps promotes proper digestive and keep us full between meals. Plus, with all of the juicy water content of peaches, they keeps you fuller way longer than less nutrient-dense snacks like chips. (more…)

Throw a Stone at Obesity: How Stone Fruits Support Weight Management

By Kati Mora, MS, RD

Summer is the perfect time to explore fresh produce. Whether you are purchasing it at a local farmers market, your favorite grocery store, or receiving it as part of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), you don’t want to miss all of the fabulous flavors, aromas, and textures that summer brings through its in-season produce.

Yet some fruits may garnish more of your attention than others, and it can be easy to forget just how many fruits there are to choose from. Nevertheless, it is important to keep an open mind and an open eye out for a variety of fruits to adorn your table with. Why? Because each type of fruit has its own unique nutritional benefits to offer.

For example, let’s talk about stone fruits – or drupes as they are sometimes called. Not sure what a stone fruit is? The best way to remember or identify a stone fruit is to recall if it has a pit or not. Apricots, prunes, cherries, nectarines and peaches would all belong in this category because each of them have a pit or a stone surrounded by a fleshy outside. (more…)

Canned Peaches Can be a Healthy Alternative for National Peach Month

With National Peach Month upon us, there are a lot of tempting fresh peach recipes to make with seasonal stone fruit. If you live in a part of the country where fresh peaches are unavailable, it’s still possible to celebrate peaches during the month of August with the canned and frozen fruits in your grocery store.

According to Alison Lewis, nutritionist and founder of Ingredients, Inc., canned fruits are comparable to fresh and frozen fruit when looking at nutritional values.

The Pros

“Eating canned peaches can be healthy,” said Lewis, “Canned peaches sometimes retain more nutrients than fresh because they are picked fully ripe and then processed right away. Fresh fruit may be picked before they are ripe and may travel long distances and suffer improper storage conditions which means nutrients may be destroyed along the way.”


Ten Fresh Peach Recipes for National Peach Month

August is National Peach Month and with stone fruit season in full swing, we decided it was time to learn a thing or two about fresh peaches – including how to cook with them.

According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), one large peach will give you 19 percent of your vitamin C for the day, 11 percent of your vitamin A and 10 percent of your potassium.

It’s always best to look for peaches that were grown close to home, but if you can’t find fresh peaches at your local orchard, it’s better to buy them imported from the grocery store than to skip them altogether.

Buy peaches that are soft to the touch or have a deep golden background color.  If your peaches are firm, keep them out on the kitchen counter for a few days or until they’re soft to the touch, at which point you can put them in the refrigerator where they will keep for 3-4 days.
