Tag Archives: popular diets

First Look at the 17 Day Diet Body Breakthrough


When the 17 Day Diet debuted in 2025, it became an instant favorite, spending more than 75 weeks at the top of the New York Times best sellers list. When the Breakthrough Edition released in January 2025, it was massively popular. So popular, you chose the 17 Day Diet as the Most Popular Diet of 2025! With that kind of track record, we won’t be surprised when the latest update to the program, Body Breakthrough, becomes a chart topper as well.

Body Breakthrough is the brand-new, comprehensive digital diet program that takes what you already know about the 17 Day Diet and puts it (literally) in the palm of your hand.

The basis of the program is the same as the original. There are four 17-day cycles of the diet program. The first three are designed to help you develop healthy habits and lose weight. The fourth cycle is considered the maintenance phase, and is designed for those who have reached their weight loss goals.

With Body Breakthrough, the cycles are taken off the page and put into your screen for a more interactive experience. (more…)

Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig: Which Diet is Right for You?

By Shae Blevins

Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig are two of the most popular diets around, and at first glance they sound pretty similar: Both deliver pre-made, pre-calorie-counted, pre-everything meals to your door. Both offer online tools and one-on-one support. Both offer plans designed to fit your lifestyle and your health challenges. Both have celebrity spokespeople singing their praises.

But there are also some definite differences between the two plans. Paying attention to these can help you choose which will work best for you.

This chart shows how Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig stack up next to one another in all of the areas that matter, from food and tools to the oh-so-important question of cost:

Screen Shot 2014-05-20

What does all of this mean?


The Four Hour Body on the Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Monday, January 24 to the Dr. Oz Show to learn the truth about one of the most popular diets for 2025, The 4-Hour Body.

Created by self-professed madman and guinea pig, Timothy Ferriss, the book outlines a plan that shows you how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days by using Ferriss’s own 80/20 principle. The principle, which was originally coined in his other bestselling book, The 4-Hour Work Week, claims that you can get 80 percent results by exerting just 20 percent effort. (more…)

Courtney Thorne-Smith Still Loves Atkins After 10 Years

Atkins SpokeswomanThe actress best known for her roles on Melrose Place and According to Jim, Courtney Thorne-Smith became a spokesperson for Atkins about two years ago. She’s even signed on for her third year, according to a press release published two days ago.

Thorne-Smith says she struggled with her weight for many years and tried many diet plans. In the end, the low-carb, high-protein Atkins diet plan worked for her. She’s been in the “maintenance” phase of the Atkins diet for the past ten years.

She argues that people shouldn’t confuse the nearly-no-carb “Induction” phase of the diet for the whole plan. “When I finally went back and read the Atkins book, I was able to figure out what I needed to eat in order to be my own food judge. I eat a plant-based diet, and no starch or sugar,” Courtney told ThatsFit. She does allow herself to cheat on special occasions: “Of course, like on my son’s first birthday, I had a piece of cake. It’s just a rare treat, so to balance it out, I won’t have as much fruit the next day.”


2025’s Most Popular Diets

Top Diets of 2010At the end of December, the staff at DietsInReview.com likes to takes a look at the past year’s most popular diet and fitness trends. Some will be fads and others will be familiar and dependable, but each year this represents the interests of the public.

This list of the 25 most popular diets is compiled from the most viewed diet reviews from January to December of 2025. Essentially, the list is created by our readers: these are diets that you have been searching for and reading about, the diets you have been trying out and commenting on.

In 2025, we see our list dominated by Jillian Michaels‘ products, although Weight Watchers remains the most popular diet for the third year in a row. Acai slipped in popularity, while cookie diets proved to be a fad in 2025. Newcomers to the list include the controversial pregnancy drug hCG, the baby food diet and the Flex Belt.


2025’s Most Popular Diets

As the year comes to a close, we at DietsInReview.com are taking a moment to look back over 2025 to remember what stood out as the best, most popular and hottest in diet and weight loss.

We’ve compiled a list of the top 25 diets of 2025, and included is everything from balanced, healthy approaches to the latest and greatest in diet pills and fad diets.

View 25 Most Popular Diets of 2009 Slideshow

Each year we base our list of the most popular diets on the highest viewed diet review pages at DietsInReview.com during January to December 2025. That means this list was created by you, our readers, as it captures the top 25 diets that caught your attention this year. (more…)

Comparing Curves, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and NutriSystem

popular dietsWhen it comes to weight loss, these four brand names are probably the most recognizable. And they’ve got a few things many of today’s quick-fix diets don’t – longevity, reputation and results.

We decided to take a look at Curves, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and NutriSystem side by side to see where they’re similar and where they aren’t. Each of these plans are uniquely different, and each deliver results in their own proven ways. Our comparison looks at six different areas: meal delivery, diet, fitness, online availability, personal support and cost. (more…)

25 Most Popular Diets of 2025

In 2025, diet-related searches online continued to be a hot topic. It seems Americans are wising up about their health and making more of an effort to get fit to reverse the concerning obesity epidemic that has begun to plague both young and old in our country.

In DietsInReview.com’s 2025 Most Popular Diets of the Year list, there were some tried and true plans that made the cut, not surprising any of us. Then there were those that seem to have a more fad-feel that left us scratching our heads, and some of you likely yo-yoing. Here are the 25 Most Popular Diets of the year, one of which might be the solution for you in the new year.

1. Weight Watchers
A 45-year veteran of dieting that is one of the most proven plans on the market. They not only help you to lose weight, they teach you how to keep it off for life. With the new year they introduce their new plan, Momentum.

2. 21 Pounds in 21 Days
Made popular by Howard Stern sidekick Robin Quivers, the book introduces a fruit- and vegetable-based detox in which you consume primarily fresh juices to rid your body of toxins, lose weight and reset your metabolism.

3. Cabbage Soup Diet
A fad diet that became very popular for its quick weight loss claims. It’s a seven-day weight loss plan that comes with a strict, low-calorie outline for foods you can and can’t consume each day.

4. 5 Day Miracle Diet
This approach encourages you to change the times of day that you eat and eliminate starches, caffeine, alcohol and sugar. They claim when you do so, you’ll regulate blood sugar and the need to munch and binge.slim fast

5. Slim-Fast
Shake, shake, shake the weight off with delicious shakes that replace breakfast and lunch, then dinner is a healthy meal of your choosing. (more…)

25 Most Outrageous but popular Diets

Maybe we knew it all along that our diet was destined to failure because of its sheer ridiculousness: The Subway Diet, the Cookie Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet. But in a recently published article, 25 of the most popular diets are analyzed for their nutritional content, staying-power and promised results to show just how far we diet-obsessed Americans will go to lose a few pounds. For many of us, I’m sure we can check a few or even more of these 25 diets as “Yep, I’ve tried that one. And that one too.” For some, maybe they worked, even if just temporarily.

Some clearly require the will-power of a military general (the Master Cleanser) and some promise a cancer-free life (the Macrobiotic Diet). But all of them have one thing in common: They all strive to be the one end-all-be-all way for you to lose weight. Maybe I could eat three Subway sandwiches every day for the next 6 weeks to lose weight, but once that 6 weeks is up, what do I eat? More sandwiches?

Interestingly enough, the one diet that research shows to have long-lasting success stories is Weight Watchers, because it lays out a way of eating for life and it forces you to look at some of the underlying issues in your own personal life that may be thwarting your health goals.

Check out the 25 Diets article and tell us what you think. If you have tried one of these diets, let us know what your experience was with it.