Tag Archives: sanskrit

Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras, Part One

Stemming from the Hindu tradition, chakras are identified as energy centers that are located throughout the human body. The word chakra is Sanskrit meaning “wheel.” Chakras can be thought of as energetic spinning wheels in the body.

There are seven main chakras. They are located along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. Each one corresponds with an area of the body, a natural element, color wavelength and sound vibration.

When our chakras are out of balance due to either excess energy or a clog in the flow, we may suffer from emotional discomfort, physical ailments or social and psychological problems. When they are in balance within themselves and their relationship to the other chakras, we feel light, full of positive energy and at ease in every aspect of our lives.

The following is a guide to the first three chakras and what you can do to keep them in balance.

Mantras to Boost Your Mood

A mantra is a repeated word or group of words believed to have the ability to create a change due to the power of their specific vibrational qualities. The use of mantras originated in Vedic philosophy, which is a predecessor of Hinduism, to enhance the spiritual experience. A classic example is the mantra Om, which is used to invoke a connection with the body, the mind, and the soul, to the universe.

Today in America, mantras are used for just about anything and can be made up of just about any words. While you can practice reciting mantras traditionally with Sanskrit or Hindu words such as Om, any word or group of words will work as long as you fully believe in the power of change they instill.

To gain a boost in your self-esteem, mood or attitude, choose all or one of the following mantras. Be sure to pick a mantra that you resonate with, as this will make it a lot easier to trust in a positive outcome. If none of these mantras are of interest to you, make one up! Repeat your mantra silently in your mind or out loud several times a day and take note of the changes that occur.
