Tag Archives: Spanish

Try Workouts from Around the World with These International Fitness Trends

Here in the States, we not only like to keep up with the Joneses, but also the Juans in Mexico, the Martins in France, and the Satous in Japan. In other words, we don’t like to be left out or behind even on a global scale.

This is the case with food – whose is better? – and fashion – who looks the best? But it’s also the case with fitness. Just as every other aspect of our lives differs culturally, you can believe that’s the case when it comes to working out, too. Grab your gym-going passport and take a look at what’s popular beyond our borders. You may be inspired to try something new!

walking in spain

The carefree lifestyle of the Spanish seems to translate to their approach to fitness, too. As a whole, they don’t seem to worry themselves too much with getting in to the gym. Their inherent lifestyle does a body good! “The majority of them eat a healthy enough diet (Mediterranean diet at its finest) and walk almost everywhere (if they live in a big city), so obesity isn’t that big of a concern,” said Kelsey Murray, an American teacher who travels to Seville to teach English. They certainly don’t give exercise the chore status that Americans do, as it’s naturally just a part of their lives.

cycling in france

These Euros are also not sweating out their evenings in the gym, rather they prefer to get out en plein air. Translation: They enjoy the outdoors. And why wouldn’t they? Beautiful scenery from nature and architecture provide an inspired background to walk, run, cycle, or even row. Because they are “discreet but effective,” Mireille Guiliano, author of the French Women Don’t Get Fat series of books, told Yahoo! that isometric exercises are very French. With a straight back, contract your abs for 12 seconds, hold, release, and repeat. You can do this on the subway, in your desk chair, in your office, or even at a fancy dinner date. (more…)

El Creador del Biggest Loser Tiene un Programa Nuevo en Español Para Combatir la Preocupación de Obesidad

by Kelsey Murray

En enero 2025, Univision, la más alta calificación de televisión en español en los EE. UU., va a presentar “Si Se Puede.” Este programa de televisión es de Dave Broome, el creador del “The Biggest Loser” y es para Hispanics que quieren perder pesos y mejorar sus vidas.

Cada programa va a presentar tres o cuatro familias que competir en varios desafíos. También, el programa va a tener entrenadores personales y nutricionistas. “Si Se Puede” va a tener un sito del web con recetas saludables y un programa de ejercicios para la gente que verén el programa.

“Si Se Puede” presenta la preocupación por la obesidad en la comunidad hispánica. En este tiempo, los Hispánicos tienen la problema segunda más grande con obesidad y los afroamericanos tienen la más grande. Esperamos que este programa vaya a disponer un ejemplo para las familias con personas que necesitan perder pesos para tener una vida saludable.


Spanish Language Weight Loss Show Announced From the Creator of Biggest Loser

By Descygna Webb

In January, Univision, the highest rated Spanish-Language network in the U.S., will launch Si Se Puede, which translates to It’s Possible. The show comes from Biggest Loser creator Dave Broome and will be geared towards Hispanics that want to lose weight and improve their lives.

Each show will feature three to four families engaging in several different challenges. The show will also have a team of personal trainers and nutritionists. The show will provide fans with recipes from the show and a fitness regimen through an online tie-in.

This new show addresses the obesity concern among Latino families that has previously been somewhat neglected. Currently, Hispanics have the second highest number of incidents of obesity, with African Americans being the highest. Having a show featuring families making changes and losing weight can provide education for those that might be interested in losing weight.


La Pagina Web de Estado Fisico de Jillian Michaels en Espanol [Jillian Michaels’ Spanish Fitness Site]

Jillian Michaels es una entrenadora personal de los EE. UU. Ella esta famosa porque ella es conocida por su trabajo en “The Biggest Loser,” una programa de televisión en que las personas en la programa procuran la mayor pérdida de peso.
Cuando Michaels era una ninfa, ella iba muy gorda para su edad y estatura: cinco pies de altura y 175 libras cuando tenia solamente 12 años. Su madre le inscribía en una clase de gimnasios, y ella se perdía muchos libras y fue más saludable.

Después de esta experiencia, ella se dedicaba a ayudar otras personas que necesitan perder libras y estar saludable.
Hoy, Michaels tiene una página web para hablantes de español. Esta pagina web tiene todos los productos para una buena forma física que Ud. necesita. Son 13 departamentos, como “6 semanas para tu 6 pack,” libros, las recomendaciónes de Jillian, suplementos, y DVDs.   (more…)