Tag Archives: Vitamin guide

Vitamin Guide A to Zinc: Vitamin K

Vitamin K is not a vitamin we typically hear much about. But, it is no less important in the functions of our body. Vitamin K helps the body make protein that is necessary for regulating normal blood clotting. It also works with Vitamin A and D in helping to build bones and kidney proteins. There have also been some recent studies that have shown that Vitamin K may improve the strength of bones if added to one’s diet through a variety of fruit and vegetable sources.

Vitamin K deficiency creates a problem with blood clotting, as not having enough of it in your diet will cause the blood to clot at a slower rate. The problem then becomes excessive blood loss, which with injuries can be serious and have increase risks for death.Vitamin K deficiency can lead to hemorrhages. (more…)

Vitamin Guide A to Zinc: Zinc

The vitamin guide has covered a variety of essential vitamins our bodies need and to conclude the series we’ll be ending with zinc, which is actually a mineral, but worth covering for its importance in body function as well.pumpkin seeds

Zinc is essential for growth and development throughout all of our life stages. It supports our immune system and is involved in the healing of our wounds along with helping to form proteins. If you don’t get enough zinc in your diet you could see the deficiency through hair loss, diminished appetite, slowed growth rate, diarrhea, and delayed wound healing. (more…)

Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin L

mother and daughterAs we move into the new year with many focuses shifting to dieting and calorie counting, I wanted to make sure that you take the time to focus on one very important, often overlooked, area.

Vitamin L is probably not a vitamin you have heard of before. The reason for this is vitamin L is not a vitamin you can get through eating the right foods or from taking capsules. You can’t get vitamin L from the sun’s beautiful rays. Vitamin L stands for “love” and is equally important in our health and well being as the vitamins our bodies need to function. (more…)

Vitamin Guide A-Zinc: Vitamin E

Sunflower seedsVitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is an antioxidant and protects our body from free radicals. These free radicals can damage our cells and also cause cardiovascular disease, which is why it can be said that vitamin E is essential to maintaining a healthy heart and protecting against heart disease. As an additional benefit vitamin E is also effective in helping with the immune system.

Vitamin E is typically measured in milligrams and the recommended daily intakes are as follows:

  • Men 19+ years of age = 15mg/daily
  • Women 19+ years of age=15mg/daily
  • Women who are breastfeeding= 19mg/daily (more…)

Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin D

sunshineWant to keep your teeth and bones strong? Then you want to pay extra attention to vitamin D and ensure to have it in your daily diet. Vitamin D has also been shown to lower our risk for cancer, upwards of 150,000 cases according to Cedric Garland, a doctor of public health. One of the best ways to get vitamin D is directly from sunlight; this is due to how our bodies produce the vitamin from the exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

With the increase in concern for skin cancers and wanting to protect our skin from sun damage and burning, the amount of sunscreen we utilize has caused our vitamin D levels to plummet. I myself am very fair skinned, but I still make sure to allow my skin time outdoors to soak up the sun’s beautiful rays in limited quantities, ensuring not to burn or over expose myself. (more…)

Vitamin Guide A to Zinc: Vitamin C

orangeThis week the Vitamin Guide continues through vitamins A to Zinc with vitamin C. Click here to read about last weeks topic of vitamin B12. Vitamin C is essential for our bodies as it helps with the formation of our bones, muscle, teeth and skin. It is also important to note that unlike most animals, we as humans do not have the ability to make our own vitamin C, and therefore must get it through our diet. Vitamin C helps with resistance to infection and with healing wounds, and in most recent research it has shown that vitamin C is useful in lowering cholesterol and fat levels in blood. (more…)

Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin B12

milkLast week the vitamin guide series kicked off with vitamin A. This week I focus on Vitamin B12 an essential vitamin needed for healthy nerve and blood cells as well as the production of DNA. A lack of B12 in the diet can cause anemia, which prevents the body from making normal red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood. Anemia can leave you feeling tired and weak, if you have been feeling this way you should visit your doctor and have your B12 sections checked.

Vitamin B12 is a water–soluble vitamin, so you don’t have to worry about having too much in your system or risk of toxicity. Any amount of the vitamin your body does not need will be rid of through urine, unlike vitamin A as reviewed last week. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the average adult is 2.4 micrograms per day. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should increase their daily allowance to 2.6-2.8 micrograms. (more…)

Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin A

carrotsIf you have ever heard the suggestion to eat your carrots for good vision, you were actually being told to eat a food high in vitamin A.

Vitamin A not only helps with vision but it is an antioxidant, which means that this substance can prevent damage to our bodies’ cells and also help with repairing damage. Additionally, vitamin A helps with maintaining our skin tissue and it is necessary for our cell growth. It also helps fight off infection, which in addition to the benefits listed above, makes vitamin A essential for our bodies.
