Tag Archives: workplace

Lose Weight at Work

A growing number of companies are implementing wellness-at-work programs, and for good reason: A report from the American Heart Association reports that for every dollar invited in corporate wellness, a company saves somewhere between $3 and $15. In general, employees who participate in wellness programs are sick less often, pay lower health insurance premiums, and are less likely to file for disability pay or worker’s compensation.

salad at desk

There are many approaches to improving employee health. Some offices hand out pedometers or Fitbits or organize company sports teams. Others  serve up healthier foods in cafeterias and vending machines or hire in-office fitness instructors to teach classes. But for many people, more guidance is needed to create lasting health effects. That’s why one of our favorite strategies for encouraging wellness at work is bringing in actual weight loss and wellness coaching for employees.


Regular Yoga Practice May Increase Productivity at Work

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of having a wellness center at the workplace. While some of these centers offer treadmills, free weights and a scattering of fitness mats for stretching or core work, others provide classes for yoga and meditation.

It is almost impossible to ignore the headlines that boast how a regular yoga practice promotes health. From improved digestion to a peaceful state of mind, the benefits of yoga seem endless.

One of the lesser known perks of yoga is that it yields a higher level of productivity at work. While you might gain a fit body and a calm mind as a result of your efforts on the mat – whether at your workplace wellness center or your local yoga studio – your boss benefits from a more engaged and active worker. It is a win-win situation that might just lead to a raise, a promotion, or an opportunity to switch careers and find your dream job.

The following are three ways yoga might help increase your productivity and boost your mood at work. (more…)

4 Stretches for Better Posture and Health

For some, sitting for hours at an office desk is an absolute nightmare. Being sedentary while displaying poor posture is not just painful, it’s bad for your health. A decrease in productivity, a negative attitude, and a disdain for your work are all unpleasant side effects of having to be chained to your desk all day. So I say, let’s fix that.

If you care about your attitude, your career, and your health, I encourage you to take some time and practice the following stretches. Do not be a victim of the spine-wrecking 40-hour work week. Instead, take charge and move your body throughout the day by stretching, bending, and breathing.

You may notice a theme with these suggested stretches, and that is to stand up! Even if you don’t get around to stretching, at least stand up from time to time while at work. A little bit goes a long way in keeping your body healthy.

Also Read:

3-Minute Meditation at the Office

A Lap Dog Next to Your Lap Top Reduces Workplace Stress

4 Ways to Improve Your Health at Work

A Lap Dog Next to Your Lap Top Reduces Workplace Stress

From wellness centers to workplace massages, employers are constantly searching for new and effective ways to keep their employees calm, relaxed and healthy. When sick days cut in to the annual budget, and production is low due to stressed out workers, businesses can be greatly affected. In this highly competitive world in which we live, that does not bode well for companies striving to be the best.

According to a recent study in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, having a dog in the workplace might be a key ingredient to reducing stress on the job. Researchers found that having a dog (or dogs) at work instilled higher employee satisfaction, kept people calm and less tense, and made a generally positive difference to workers. In addition, the researchers discovered that having a dog at work allowed for more social interaction between employees, therefore increasing communication and collaboration on projects.


Google and Twitter Employees are Striving to Unplug

Hastily responding to every cell phone beep, email alert ding and news feed notification bing are the familiar ways a lot of us spend our waking hours every day, whether we are at work, or worse, at home spending some down time with family.

“The speed at which information is coming at us can get overwhelming,” says Google’s Gopi Kallayil, a marketing manager for Google+. Kallayil, also a yoga teacher, says she sees more people in Silicon Valley, the heart of the high-tech industry, turning toward yoga and meditation as a way to find a centering reprieve from the stressful blitz of the fast-paced digital world.

With the physical and mental health of these computer-habituated people at risk, many high-tech industries have adopted wellness programs that go beyond a gym membership and a monthly massage. Recognizing the hyperactive tendencies of those caught in the whirlpool of tweets, status posts and microblogs, companies such as Google and Twitter have incorporated “urban-wellness” programs that include yoga and meditation specifically designed to allow people the time to unwind, unclutter, and most importantly, unplug.

“Twitter is really into this,” says Deborah Burkman, meditation teacher for Twitter. “There is a whole mindfulness program they’re trying to build there. Like a lot of companies, they’re concerned about the well-being of their employees and they’re big believers in trying to have people be consciously connected.”


10 Ways to Stay Fit While at Work

Work equals sitting for most of us- sitting and not moving for many hours of the day. All that sitting can lead to lower levels of fitness and more pounds around the waistline. Many people complain they don’t have enough hours in the day to fit in their workout, but here are a few tips to squeeze in some fitness at work, the place that most of us spend the majority of our day.

1. Go halfsies on your lunch hour.
That doesn’t mean only eat half your meal, it means eat for the first 30 minutes and walk for the second 30 minutes. That little walk adds up quickly!

2. Be your own transportation.
Many of us don’t work too far from our homes that a bike ride is out of the question. If a commute can be made on bike or foot, chances are you’re required cardio for the week will be accomplished.


Diet Troubles at Work

The workplace is a diet disaster waiting to happen every day. Even the most well-intentioned person can fall prey to temptations that lurk just around the cubicle. The New York Times has a nice little piece about people who struggle with their workplace diet. Each gives their story and how they handle the difficult situations, including one who lost 50 pounds doing the South Beach Diet in secret.