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3X Slimming Power

3X Slimming Power

FDA warns against using this diet pill.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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3X Slimming Power is a weight loss supplement that contain a blend of unique Chinese herbs that may prevent the digestion of dietary fat, hence reducing its absorption by the body. Its special formula may help to burn, eliminate and reduce fat. Its main ingredient, lingzhi is commonly used in Asian herbal medicine to detoxify and cleanse the body.

3X Slimming Power should be used in conjunction with exercise.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • May help to initiate weight loss
  • FDA warning says not to take this pill because of unlisted and dangerous ingredients
  • Not a long-term solution to sustained weight loss
  • May cause side effects like dry mouth, headaches and dizziness

3X Slimming Power contains lingzhi, ebony, fox-nut, tuckahoe, seman pruni, dioscoreae, wheat germ.

According to the FDA, 3X Slimming Power also contains sibutramine, a relative to the amphetamine chemical family. The FDA's December 2008 report states that the makers of this diet pill do not disclose sibutramine as an ingredient, and that it has dangerous health effects like heart attacks and possibly cancer.


One capsule of 3X Slimming Power is taken before breakfast. As you start to lose weight, you can increase your dosage to two capsules once daily before breakfast.


There are no specific dietary guidelines you should follow while taking 3X Slimming Power but you are encouraged to exercise in order to facilitate weight loss.


3X Slimming Power is a weight loss supplement that contains several Chinese herbs that are not commonly found in Western weight loss supplements. Many who have used this product report losing weight but also with side effects.

Weight loss can only be accomplished with a proper low-calorie eating plan and consistent exercise. Any product that claims to help you lose weight without changing your eating habits must be considered with caution.

Talk to your doctor before using this product, and be aware of its FDA warning.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

3 Times Slimming Power, 3 Times Slimming Power, Slimming Power 3X, Slimming Power Japan Lingzhi, 3X Sliming Power, 3x slimming

How Does 3X Slimming Power Compare?
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  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • 3X Slimming Power
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I found it here. www.khaihoaninc.com the tea is LINGZHI Toxin-discharged tea

posted Mar 27th, 2009 4:35 pm



I have been taking 3x since December 30th, my starting weight was 195 lbs., and I was a size 16 and as of today I weigh 161 lbs. in my size 12 pants!

I have never felt any jitters or headaches. I do get dry mouth a lot which forces me to drink well over 8 glasses of water a day. I have combined the pills with better eating. I no longer drink diet coke and if I do i limit it to one can. When i go out to eat, I order half portions and ask to box the other half. With that being said, I eat whatever I want!!! Since taking the pills, I rarely finish any of my meals. I also do some light walking.

My only problem now is the place i used to get them from has closed :( If anyone knows a website please, please, please post it!!!!

posted Mar 23rd, 2009 5:20 pm



I love this product.. I started using it about less than a month ago and have lost already 12lbs. Like everyone else I have the dry mouth. Can someone tell me what the tea is called?

posted Mar 20th, 2009 12:04 pm


They cut off my web address its.

posted Mar 18th, 2009 11:33 pm



Not only do I take 3x but I love it. I started a web site to get people together and support each other in there weight loss efforts because my friends and I played a big part in helping each other stay on track. and we have lost so much weight with 3x. on my site we post before and after pics. post our experiences, and challenge one another to reach goals, generally we just try to make losing weight fun. come see maybe you will like my site and join it is free because I didn't make it to make money.

posted Mar 18th, 2009 7:33 pm



Can someone please tell me where I can buy this legit online?

posted Mar 16th, 2009 6:28 pm



YES. IT REALLY WORKS! I was tired and had already given up on diet pills because i was not seing results. But a friend told me about 3x and convinced me to try one more time and yes. i have lost 30lb in 2 months. But i honestly do not take this alone try it with detox tea. drink tea after every meal it works faster. the owner of the chinese store told me how to get better results and after lossing the pounds just drink 1 tea a day to stay fit. tea gets the fat and sugar hat you eat out of the body. And i have seen that chinese ladies at the store buying this tea. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE SLIM... give it try don't take my word. try for your self one more time like i did. also please drink atleast 8 glasses of water. your body needs it to get the fat out..

posted Mar 15th, 2009 10:26 pm



I started out using 2 days diet, it work but i didn't end up losing that much weight. Then I move on using 3x slimming diet pill, it works so much better. The first 2 week i started taken it i notice i started losing 1 lbs a day. It control my hunger and it give me dry mouth. Plus it recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in order to receive better result.

I never buying 3x diet pills online due to alot of scamming going around alot lately. You can purchase 3x diet pills in any chinese herb store in your area. That is the safer way to buy it because the got it straight from the manufacture. It cost about $ 30 per bottle, I never have any side effect from taking this pill beside dry mouth. Not only do i lose lbs but also notice my arm, leg, stomach getting slimmer without any exercise or diet. I would recommend to anybody that want to lose extra inches.

posted Mar 15th, 2009 3:58 pm


We need a website from whom ever tried this product and seen reasults pleaseeeee...

posted Mar 10th, 2009 6:24 pm



what is the website? and is it called 3x slimming? or 2 day diet?

posted Mar 9th, 2009 11:33 pm


Pleasssee someone who has bought this product and taken it and seen results let the rest of us know where to purchase this product to ensure that it is the real thing...

posted Mar 9th, 2009 12:54 am


I would also love to know where to purchase this. I could not find it on ebay as someone else suggested. Thanks!

posted Feb 24th, 2009 2:53 pm


please tell me where to buy the 3x sliming power pills to be sure that they are the real thing and not imitations

posted Feb 17th, 2009 5:05 pm



Where di your husband buy it so that others that visit this site know not to buy if from that internet seller?

posted Feb 13th, 2009 2:34 pm


I ordered some in the mail does anyone know about if there is a fake/imitation version out? I ask this because I got some online but I also went to 2daydiet.com or something like that and there is a section about telling if what you got is fake or imitation by the bottom of the bottle..but I wonder if this is real or not..maybe they just put there label there so that people will buy from them? Has anyone heard about this?

With that being said I havent tried the pill yet; but plan on starting it in the morning..hopefully it works like everyone says.

posted Feb 12th, 2009 9:30 pm



Every one be aware of fake drugs online!!!! My husband order 6 bottles of Slimming power 3x , turned out to be counterfeit drugs. We re trying to cancelled the credit card. I did not lose any lbs but only feeling weid and weak and very upsetting

posted Feb 12th, 2009 5:34 pm



I did a lot of research on this product and thought it was worth the try. Everyone should be aware that the FDA has put out a warning on this product. So before anyone buys please do your own research. With that said, I started using this product 4 days ago and have lost 3 lbs. I started to work out and changed my diet about a year ago. I lost 75 lbs in 6 months with no diet supplement help. Then the weight loss stopped. I was stuck for 6 months. I changed my diet, changed trainers, worked out more, did everything I could and still nothing. With the help of 3X slimming power the scale is going down once again.

The only side effect I have had has been the same as many other, dry mouth. But again I agree that this is a good thing. The pro's that I have had besides the weightloss are sleeping better, waking up refreshed, more energy and my sugar cravings are gone. I am not hungry. I usually eat when I am bored even if I am not hungry but since I have been taking this I don't even eat out of bordem.

I recommend this for those who need to lose a lot of weight but know that it's still not that magic pill and you will still need to excercise and watch what you eat.

posted Feb 11th, 2009 7:55 pm


Hi I'm i huge fan of Natural & Organig products.. is this save and natural and can i take this pill with Apidexin.

Please let me know.


posted Feb 11th, 2009 2:20 am

Mrs. Texas


It work great for me, I take alot of water and ... very good

posted Feb 10th, 2009 1:06 am


I found some!!

posted Feb 6th, 2009 2:12 pm


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