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“Surely more than half of the fat people out there are deeply unhappy with their bodies and with the solutions scientist(s) are offering to the obesity problem. Yet only a tiny fraction is complaining about diets’ inefficiency or scientists’ inability to ‘fix’ this worldwide health problem.” – Diana Artene, author of the 5 Gears Diet
Artene refers to the weight loss industry as deceptive and considers it useless to rely on when you want to lose real fat and sustain fat loss forever. She refers to most diet and weight loss programs as “maps” that might show you how to get where you’re going but will not teach you to “drive” your body to get there.
The 5 Gears Diet promises not to ban foods, not to make you eat tasteless foods, not to make you count calories or obey food charts, and not to make you endure long workouts. Instead, the 5 Gears Diet promises to be a straightforward – and also a sarcastic – practical guide to get you the slimmest body of your life as fast as possible.
The 5 Gears Diet imagines the fat loss process as driving a five-gear manual transmission with each gear representing a guideline for fat loss and weight management. According to the author, you cannot pour gasoline into your car every time you feel like it – much like you should not fill up your own tank with food whenever you’re bored. According to the diet, every time you feel the need to eat, you have to determine which “gear” you will “drive” during the meal. If you choose to drive in the fourth gear during lunch, then you have to apply the guidelines of the first, second and third gears, too.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Blunt, straightforward approach to teaching
- Fat loss begins with medical and physical examinations
- Individuals can choose which “gear” they want to focus their diet in for any amount of time
- Disadvantages of diet trends and fads explained
- Sarcastic tone and negative attitude toward overweight and obese people
- Dieters must read through the entire text to find pieces of the plan
- No “food guide” provided (no recipes, meal planning or menus)
- Diet trends and fads are bad-mouthed throughout the text
- No exercise guides or workout routines included
The goal of the 5 Gears Diet is to teach people how to control their eating habits. Each “gear” is an eating guideline individuals will follow to learn how to eat according to what their bodies need.
- The first gear states that people should only eat when and for as long as they are hungry.
- The second gear states that people should engage in 30 minutes of cardio or strength training activity every other day and that they should get enough sleep.
- The third gear states that people should eat both vegetables and animals when they are hungry. (The author does not support fad diets or diet trends.)
- The fourth gear states that people should drink one liter of water every day.
- The fifth gear states that people should engage in 30 minutes of cardio or strength training every day and that they should eat only healthy foods.
The 5 Gears Diet does not provide food lists, recipes, menus or meal planning. In fact, the author refused to include them on the grounds that they create food obsession and food preoccupation. However, in the fifth gear, the author advises that people should eat only fresh, nature-made food products from both plants and animals.
The 5 Gears Diet notes that people have to move to be healthy, but they do not have to spend hours and hours in the gym to lose fat. Fat loss is the result of controlling eating habits, according to the author. However, the diet does recommend that people engage in 30 minutes of cardio or strength training activity every other day during the second gear, and then increase that rotation to every day in the fifth gear. While some exercise science information is included, no specific workout or exercise routine is mentioned.
The 5 Gears Diet might promise not to ban foods and might promise to help people control their eating habits, but the author’s sarcastic tone of voice and negative attitude toward the weight loss industry and overweight or obese people makes it difficult to benefit from her advice. Without much instruction as to what to do or how to do it, the 5 Gears Diet assumes people will do as it advises and benefit from the guidelines it provides. Any person looking for a diet and exercise program will not find what they need in the 5 Gears Diet.
5Gears Diet, 5-Gears Diet, 5 Gear Diet, 5 Gears Deit, Five Gears Diet, Diana Artene Diet, Dianna Artene
5 Gears Diet
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)Ada Cadu
+"5 gears diet" is one of the most brilliant books explaining (on everyone's language) the fat lose mechanism and how the system really works - fat lose being an issue many of us deal with, one way or another.
posted May 6th, 2013 3:59 pmStraight to the subject. Do read this book if you love and respect yourself!
Roxann Souci
This is the first diet book that I have read that makes sense to me. The emphasis on eating natural foods, eating only when you;re honey, cutting out the emotional snacking, not eating to close to bedtime, and having no forbidden foods makes this a program I can stick with. It isn't really a diet; it requests a change in your attitude about food. So far it have found this program works well for me.
posted Apr 30th, 2013 1:25 pmJohn
+Nice plan. The step by step guidelines are easy to understand and follow.
posted Apr 11th, 2013 8:21 am